I wish there was more new to report (and others may be more on top of this than me).
1. Batch, as I understand it, is now recommending relatively small daily doses of benadryl as part of the D3 regimen, to be increased to full recommended dosage during high pollen seasons.
2. Batch has recommended a new O2 strategy, which you can find by putting "red neck" into the search bar. Someone here said it really worked well for him. (One new frustrating thing is that this new message board doesn't handle internal links, so I/we can only tell people where to look things up, rather than linking to them. Also, can't (or at least I can't figure out how to) attach things or post images. Otherwise I'd be posting Jeebs-as-Borat images to introduce you to the newer folks. But I digress.)
3. dlnmerced put together advice for creating LSA from HBWR that many people seem to find helpful (over in the CB Files section; also posted at FB)
4. The group put together a nice list of "triggers" (not necessarily instantaneous) that had some surprising entries for me.
5. Moxie is apparently doing a lot better, and hasn't been heard from much.
6. Many seem to think that the clinical trials about monoclonal antibodies are quite promising, and, as you probably saw, there's a psilocybin trial going on at Yale.
7. A fellow said that putting his feet in the bathtub with very hot water helped reduce/abort his attacks; some others seem to have found that helpful, too, at least for temporary relief.
8. Another fellow said that drinking a combo of water, fresh lime, and baking soda helped him during attacks. He hasn't reported back and I don't know whether others have also had positive experiences. My daughter enjoys it at least as a "break" during an attack, though she won't say for sure that it makes any difference.
9. A very helpful fellow has suggested that the only major CH med that blocks busting is probably triptans. Not verap, not steroids. I don't know if anyone has tried busting while on steroids.
10. In addition to the stalwarts, many very helpful newer folks have helped fill the unfillable Jeebs void. I would list them, but then I'd leave some out. Most kind of come and go, but when they're here, it's great.
11. I don't know the status of DALT. Maybe you do from FB. I'd say that in reports here, there were as many disappointing trials of it as positive ones. It's my vague understanding that it's hard to get now, but maybe I'm wrong about that.
12. There was something -- DMT, I think -- that someone significant (maybe Flash under a different screen name?) said was what he used, and it worked great. I was interested, but the topic just kind of fizzled.
13. Registrate will be unhappy if I don't mention his app. He's worked really hard to create it, get it right, and try to get it into use.
14. We pooled our funds to buy a tiny drone to track the whereabouts of disappeared but still beloved members. The basic drone itself was relatively inexpensive, but it was pricey to get the kind that turns into a giant corkscrew and flies up the butt of any said member who fails to respond to three or more PMs. Well worth it, I believe.