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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2017 in all areas

  1. This may sound off the wall, but pick up some Nature's Bounty 5,000 IU vitamin D3 softgels, some Nature Made 400 mg magnesium softgels and a bottle of Children's liquid Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) allergy medicine. Rationale... If your son has CH, he is very likely vitamin D3 deficient and that deficiency is contributing to the frequency, severity and duration of his CH. You can download the latest version of the anti-inflammatory regimen CH preventative treatment protocol at the following link. Be sure to share a copy with your son's PCP or neurologist if time permits. That way you’re all singing from the same sheet music. I posted this treatment protocol on 21 January, 2017. As of the 14th of July, 2270 copies have been downloaded. http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=7708 The anti-inflammatory regimen CH preventative treatment protocol will explain the need for vitamin D3, magnesium and the Diphenhydrmine (Benadryl) in detail. You can also scan the following QR code with a smart phone QR code reader and it will download the same pdf treatment protocol to your smart phone for reference. The QR code reader app is free to download and use. It takes less than a minute to download and install. I fish Pelican, AK twice a year for a total of a month and another week at Ketchikan for the family salmon derby. As a chronic CHer, I always take the anti-inflammatory regimen supplements and Benadry (Diphenhydramine) as even in Alaska, there are different types of pollen that can trigger a CH. I never let a CH even get close to spoiling good fishing... I'd start your son on the anti-inflammatory regimen as soon as possible before the flight as even the flight to AK can trigger CH. This regimen is so healthy for us I have my entire family taking it and I'm the only one with CH. That includes my seven grand kids... The young ones get 50 IU of vitamin D3 per pound of body weight per day... The two over 17 get the full 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3. Take care and please keep us posted. V/R, Batch
    1 point
  2. Ice-pack helps me. also make sure he stays properly hydrated and his blood sugar doesnt get too low, which are givens lol.
    1 point
  3. First of all, you don't seem to have oxygen. A proper oxygen setup will reduce your abort time very substantially, without medical side effects. Knowing you can abort most attacks within 10-15 minutes might help with the anxiety, too. Any neurologist who doesn't prescribe oxygen is not an expert. The idea that if you don't treat your episodic CH properly it will become chronic is, I believe, completely ridiculous. Talk about making you anxious! That just seems like a very uninformed thing for the doctor to have said. Lithium is recommended to be prescribed only for chronic cluster headache, because of the side effects and because it has been shown to cause significant rebound attacks when you stop taking it. The article, "Treatment of Cluster Headache," on this page would be worth reading for you, I think: https://clusterbusters.org/medical-research-reports-studies-case-reports-links/ I know of a person who had CH and also anxiety and was prescribed lithium. I don't remember the dosage. While I'm sure that lithium helps many people with psychological conditions, for this person it seemed to have no effect on the CH and it seemed to make her more anxious just to know that she was taking lithium, if that makes sense. Triptan pills are usually not effective for CH, because they take too long to work. Maybe your attacks would end in 30-45 minutes without it. A sensible doctor would prescribe at least the oral spray, and probably the injections. Not everyone thinks that triptans are a good idea, but if you have oxygen you could use the triptan for breakout attacks that aren't helped by the O2. The only way the pills seem to help people, as I underswtand it, is if they know what time their attacks usually come and take the pill an hour or so before that. That's what I am remembering. Many people find that taking melatonin at night helps with attacks. Since as I understand it melatonin is a prescription drug in some countries, you might not be able to get it. If you can -- start at 9mg/night and work up from there. Please consider the D3 regimen described here. It might be kind of daunting to read the information even though your English is excellent, but the basic ingredients are listed in a table and that's most of what you need to know. Because it is so effective at preventing cycles or at least reducing how bad things are during a cycle, I think it has reduced many people's anxiety about their cycles. https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/1308-d3-regimen/ With all of that said (suggesting that treating your CH more effectively is likely to reduce your anxiety), anxiety and fear are things that many people with CH experience. And, yes, also depression. It has effects that are very understandably like what we call here PTSD -- post-traumatic stress disorder. Others might talk about how they cope, but I will say again that there are basic things you can do to make the experience less terrible. Some people find that psilocybin ("magic mushrooms") has had a very positive effect related to their emotional symptoms (and it also actually treats CH). You would have to decide whether you want to go that way. I'm not recommending it for you; just passing along the information.
    1 point
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