Swiftlaw, I have been in cycle since May 8. This is my longest cycle ever (25 years ech), so I totally feel your pain and share your anxiety. I was having upwards of 6 blazing headaches a day until July 7, when, three days after busting, they went down to 2 a day. I've busted twice since then but can't quite shake this cycle-I'm still getting about one ha a day. Like you I am wondering when will this bloody cycle stop!? Throughout the day I am dealing with a lot of shadows, too, which are more anxiety producing than the one ha a day. What sucks is that I always have a few weeks of shadows after my cycle "ends" (the painful headaches go), so I feel like I could be in the cycle for another month or more as I count the shadow portion as part of the total cycle. But I just think, if I went from 6 a day down to one, this too will pass. Good luck, and good on you for taking your kid on that trip. I would be scared shitless to do that, so you have guts.