Aside from one or two instances of extreme pain (which might or might not have been at CH-level severity), you have virtually no symptoms that would lead to a CH diagnosis. No runny, red, or puffy eye or drooping eyelid, no nasal congestion. Vertigo/dizziness are not symptoms related to a CH diagnosis, although a very small number of people with CH have them. (They are different things: vertigo is feeling like you or the room are spinning; dizziness is feeling woozy, lightheaded, etc.) Your attacks are not always at the same time of day. Advil doesn't alleviate CH pain; it has no effect on it at all. As we have discussed, virtually everyone with CH is too agitated during an attack to lay still or sit on the floor. It is highly unlikely that melatonin + vitamin D would account for the experience you just had. (Migraines, and other types of headaches, do sometimes wake people up at night. Some people with CH are not awakened during the night by attacks.)
You seem to have something going on, but I can't see a sensible doctor diagnosing it as CH. I say all this because I worry that treating it as though it's CH as you are doing, with seeds, D, melatonin, energy drinks, etc., might somehow be making it worse if it's not CH. I know you're trying to get to see a doctor, but that really is your most crucial step right now.