Hey Leo,
I call my grand daughter "Fred" a.k.a. Winefred... 3. She's been bathed in maternal vitamin D3 since conception as I encouraged my daughter to start the complete anti-inflammatory regimen in 2012. I'm also familiar with the lion bit... but not with a linkage to CH... My middle name is Lyon...
Your 25(OH)D serum concentration at 343 nmol/L (137 ng/mL) is fine as long as your serum calcium remains within its normal reference range and your PTH is in the lower third of its normal reference range. Be sure to talk with your PCP about getting these two lab tests at the next opportunity.
For reference, I'm a chronic type CHer and have maintained my 25(OH)D at an average of 140 ±50 ng/mL for the last 3 years. Be sure to start the vitamin K2 and I wouldn't worry about the vitamin A.. Just eat a few carrots a week and you'll be getting all the beta carotene you need. I'm not a fan of lithium... Minimal benefits and maximum side effects made it a bad choice with too much risk for me to even consider.
If you haven't already done so, download a copy of the anti-inflammatory regimen at the following link and be sure to discuss it with your PCP when you go in for the additional lab tests.
Take care, have a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year free of CH.
V/R, Batch