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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2017 in all areas

  1. I’m glad you are feeling some relief but don’t let your guard down. Everyone reacts differently and maybe you found something for you and that’s awesome but I went full paleo for 5 years and it changed everything but my CH. I lost 100 lbs, skin cleared up, slept better (out of cycle), etc. when cycle was in, CH was there no matter what. That being said, being afflicted with CH is bad enough. Eating healthy may at least avoid other health risks. I hope you found something that works for you. Just be ready no matter what. Good luck.
    2 points
  2. Douglas, What level of "trip" effects are you getting? I'm curious if you're getting a strong enough dose? Also what other meds are you taking? Some meds (especially imitrex) block the help mm gives us. Please post details and I'm sure someone will come along that can provide some better coaching on using mm more effectively. PFW, J
    1 point
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