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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi All, New user here, long-term sufferer - read on saturday night about the Taurine and Caffeine mix - just wow! Wish my doctor could've reccomended this, i feel jittery from the fairly high dosage but wow, i can actually think straight for once! Supposedly being delivered home oxygen sometime this week after nearly 2 years of run-around by the NHS. Reading up on the psilocybin next!
    1 point
  2. Hi Bonds...I second CHf....good stuff. Especially agree regards Topomax...limited success (compared to other available) with nasty side effects. Interesting re cigarette smoke....I used to smell ammonia....and I could tell how bad the cycle and the hits were gonna be depending on the strength of the smell. It was weird and my doc had no clue either.. If at all possible find a headache specialist....regular neuros don't necessarily have any more knowledge re CH than any other doc. And, any doc that discusses AND prescribes OXYGEN first....jump up and down and give 'em a hug. THAT'S where to start if ya got CH...….. Best Jon
    1 point
  3. Bonds, it does sound a lot like CH. Very sorry for all you're enduring. The only aspect I would say is not classic CH is the multi-hour attacks of fluctuating intensity -- but maybe some others experience that. Not everyone with CH vomits, but many do. Does your eye get red, teary, or droopy? Runny or congested nose? Those are other standard symptoms. Do you have periods of time (weeks or months) when you have attacks, and then periods when you have no attacks? It's possible that you have a CH "lookalike" condition such as hemicrania continua -- but the regular nighttime appearance of your attacks suggests CH to me. If you have CH, topiramate is not the first best medication. Are you able to go back to your doctor with more information and a request for different meds (verapamil, oxygen, and a nasal or injectable triptan would be the typical first-line pharma approaches). In the meantime, some things to try: Quickly drinking a cold energy shot (such as 5-Hour Energy) at the first sign of an attack; standing with your feet in very hot water during an attack; drinking ice water through a straw onto the roof of your mouth at the beginning of an attack (trying to create "brain freeze"); inhaling cold air from an air conditioner. None of these are perfect or completely reliable, but some sometimes help. Also, you could start the D3 regimen. Read about it in the ClusterBuster Files section of this board and also here: http://www.vitamindwiki.com/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=7708
    1 point
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