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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/27/2019 in all areas

  1. Hey, thanks for the response. I noticed that thing with the stress,, At the rehearsal last week I did quite well, but after that the stress fade away and I had to endure my first KIP 6 since December during the presentation of my colleagues. Tomorrow I will give the talk under the influence of 40 mg Prednisone, which hopefully does the job,,, It's always the same with the CH. I hate conferences, although I actually would like them. I guess many of you know the feeling. Everybody is going for lunch at noon and you even can't eat anything unless the CH gets triggered. Then you always have to answer the same stupid questions. However, I was so often desperate of all these that I am starting to get use to it. Best wishes, M.
    1 point
  2. You are on a crapload of meds. Establish if they work or not and if they don't wean them away. Familiarize yourself with O2 for aborting and if it works it will help confirm your diagnosis. Also I suspect most "alternative medication" success stories also respond to O2. So if the O2 works learn about busting and if you are comfortable and prepared consider trying it. Good luck.
    1 point
  3. Welcome to the party! Sorry you have to be here. A few things you will want to look into. Vitamin D3 posted on this site by Batch, this has helped alot of our members here and is just vitamines you can get from a local drug store like CVS Rite aid or Walmart Oxygen to abort your attacks with a high flow regulator and the cluster mask. This will help you get off some other abortive medications you may take. 5hr energy drinks can help hols a attack off until you make it to your oxygen and can also sometimes stop a cluster from developing into a full attack. Melatonin at bed time can help you sleep a little better and will help your overall mood from lack of sleep. and look on the members only boards, Theroy and busting stories, they will give you some ideas on how others use alternative methods to keep cycles from starting. Lots to read here and ask all the questions you have someone else probably already had that same issue and can tell you what helped them
    1 point
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