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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2019 in all areas

  1. Trucker, This is a good place to get some excellent information and learn you are not on your own. This community gives value by sharing their experiences, The good, bad, ugly. do's and dont's very valuable when negotiating CH. Read the "New Users-Read Here First" the link is at the top of the page (blue bar). There are good and caring people here with a common goal. PF or Pain Free. I am currently busting a cluster cycle, I am episodic and am getting better at being ready to push the beast back into the hole it crawled out of. Take your time here the wealth of information will change your life for the better! Look forward to Pain Free days ahead. Cath
    2 points
  2. Here is a link for the D3 a member on here named Batch came up with https://vitamindwiki.com/Cluster+headaches+substantially+reduced+by+10,000+IU+of+Vitamin+D+in+80+percent+of+people You will want to go get your blood test to see what your vitamin D levels are now and then again about 3 months after you start taking all the vitamins to see what changes have occurred. After that you can tweak things as needed to help better. A lot of people on this site have gotten relief and poster results and different things they may have added, search D3 on the upper part of the page under your user name and you will find a tun of information. You can click on the envelope on the top of this page next to your user name and send Batch a message with any question you may have after reading up on this and I am sure he will get back to you Are you using anything else to abort your attacks? You can do it without insurance, plenty do, by setting up a welding oxygen setup. You will want to get oxygen as soon as you can it will change your life for sure.
    1 point
  3. Been dealing with these pretty much on my own for ten yrs, no insurance no help. Not even totally sure this is what I have but from what I’ve read nothing else seems to be right. The pain starts in my eye and moves into my upper teeth on the same side and then the left side of my head is in excruciating pain and my sinus congest on the same side. Most last 30 min but had one 5:30ish lasted 1.5 hrs. I’m averaging 3-4 a day, none at night though the in the last cycle I did. Attacks are between 10am-12pm 4pm-6pm and 10pm-12am. Would like to know more on the d3 regiment if someone wouldn’t mind walking me through it. Thank you in advance. Don’t know how much more I can take, been having bad thoughts during attacks.
    0 points
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