Your energy drink does not matter as long as it contains a mixture of caffeine and taurine ( and maybe guarana). I prefer Monster Zero. There are some other ones that taste more like juice.
Don't forget ice water. In a pinch, you can drink a glass of ice water through a straw, aiming the cold water at the roof of your mouth on the side you are having your attack. This induces a brain freeze, which feels better than a cluster, and reduces the pain a little bit for a few minutes.
I know that trick sounds stupid, but I read it somewhere on this forum. I was out with some friends one night and got separated from my O2 tank. I might of drank 3 gallons of water that night, but I was able to fight the beast for a few hours while I wished my friend farewell.
I think of that trick as the hand-to-hand combat of fighting the beast, armed with a pocket knife. I can get in some strikes, but I am just buying time until I can call in the air strikes.