I very much appreciate this report, and as you say, it probably couldn't hurt for people to give it a try. It's wonderful that you have experienced this relief! I will say that you are far from the first person who has reported here on trying CBD, and some have indeed reported good results -- though not a "cure," which is not a word we use here lightly, and surely not until at least a couple of years have gone by. If you (or anyone else reading here) want to see past reports related to CBD, just put CBD in the search bar located at the top of each page (here's an example: https://clusterbusters.org/forums/topic/5581-cbd-i-know-i-know-but-bear-with-me/#comment-56361).
Of course, it is possible that through your research you might have hit on just the right oil and/or just the right dosage and/or who-knows-what other "just right" thing that gets it all aligned.
If you don't mind, I have a few questions/requests:
Two questions here: (1) Did you continue dosing with shrooms?
(2) Would you point me to one of those videos you mention, making that specific recommendation ("small micro dosages of 0.4 grams every 3 to 4 days")? As the first site specifically created to encourage/help people to use psychedelic substances to treat CH, we try to keep track of what people are saying out there about how to do it, and I have not seen videos making this recommendation (which is different from what we have learned here about the best way of treating CH with psychedelics).
As people here know, I like to dig into the research, so I have the same request: Would you be kind enough to point me to one of the studies you found showing this deficiency in people with CH? I have tried googling, and I have found research about hormones lacked by people with CH (one study, for example, says "CH often show accompanying neuro-endocrinological changes such as a blunted circadian rhythmicity of hypothalamically regulated hormones including testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, prolactin, melatonin, follicle-stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone..."), but I haven't located anything about endocannabinoids and CH.