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Everything posted by Psiloscribe

  1. Thaqnk you Bubbles.... I would also like to thank everyone that participates here. it is a very important destination for many people and it takes everyone to keep it going so well. Thank you to those that ask questions. It gives people a chance to pass along information that helps people deal with life with clusters. Thank you to those that continue to offer not only accurate information but in a way that allows people to make their own decisions based upon ALL the information. We've always remembered that works for one *may* work for others and that we are all different. Thank you to everyone for participatiing and knowing that helping others carries it's own reward and helping just because, you can. Happy Holidays everyone and, thank you, Bob
  2. Hello DG, Congratulations on the new baby. As to the 02, I know how stubborn clusterheads can be (I am one lol) and although it os one thing that helps us get through the clusters, it can also be a detriment. (or so I'm told) One thing about using the psychedelics, is that often, they make 02 work even better than it did before using them. Not sure why but it's something I hear over and over. Also, no one is "strapped to the 02 tanks" ...unless its working and it's worth it. I know I'm probably preaching to the choir, but thats always so much easier than preaching to someone that needs it LOL. I hope the seeds start working soon. Bob
  3. Wow, nine shots of imigran? yes I'm sure you know how dangerous that is. Serotonin syndrome is very dangerous. I'm glad he's ok. Even mixing busting with imigran or any of the triptans is dnagerous. They all work in similar ways and is just one of the reasons for a break between psilocybin/LSD and triptans. I dont know what kind of shot the doctors gave him during that nerve shot treatment, but if it contained steroids like some do, that shot may have had some blocking issues with the mushrooms. I dont know how much time there was between the shot and the dose but one reason for the shot is that it's "long lasting" and those steroids can take longer to clear the system than the usual 5 days. I'm sorry he is in such a desperate place with these attacks. Even in chronic cycles, yes it's common to have "high cycle" periods as well as low cycle periods over the year. Many times they follow the seasons just like with episodics. Yes the morphine will block the psilocybin. And longer than a day. He also used (alot of) imigran recently. For best results he should be away from both narcotics and triptans for at least 5 days prior to busting. I know how difficult it can be, waiting, especially without an optimum 02 set up. I would hope that when you get the proper set up, he will be able to get a little more rest, and feel stronger, and be in a "better place" for his next dose of psychedelics. Best of luck Bob
  4. Very cool Tucker......and thank you VERY much Bob
  5. Hello Jackie, Yes Sunday night should be fine. Good luck. Bob
  6. Ok, I KNOW there is a picture of CH Hell on this board somewhere...I saw it. Unless the Rio found a way to remove it. He was sitting at a BJ table, taking their money.... ;-) Bob
  7. The National Headache Foundation will be hosting a webinar on Cluster Headache Oct. 30th and I wanted to let everyone know. Dr. Urban will do a short presentation, and then it will be opened up for questions from participants. IÂ’ve included the registration link below. Please feel free to share this with anyone else you may know that might be interested. http://www.headaches.org/content/nhf-webinars Bob
  8. I was thinking of going and then realized its two weeks away from the next DC trip for Headache on the Hill. Thats a lot of air miles in a couple weeks. I suppose *I* could stay home and work, send *me* to Oakland and take *myself* to DC. Bob
  9. I've numbered them all in case anyone wants to identify themselves ;D Or make guesses or comments Bob
  10. #39 #40 Sleepless in Las Vegas #41 [imghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b392/psiloscribe/100_0967_0020-1.jpg][/img] #42 Yep, I'm the guy to see if you want what happened in Vegas, to STAY in Vegas...... 8-)
  11. #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28
  12. [imghttp://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b392/psiloscribe/100_1062_0101-1.jpg][/img] #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12
  13. I have to do some Photoshopping to protect the innocent. Yes there were actually a couple people that left Vegas, still innocent (at least that was the opinion of the District Attorney). LOL Bob
  14. We (Clusterbusters) does have a FB page so we can make announcements and have a presence. http://www.facebook.com/bob.wold.39#!/clusterbusters?fref=ts There are quite a few CH pages and you're right, there is a lot of bad info out there. And yes, when some of us try to give information, even just a simple link, depending on the list, we aren't treated well. Cindy here does a particularly good job trying to direct people to help. Between several of us we've been blocked or censored by several self proclaimed guru's that want to control their communities. There are also others from here that do their best to try and pass along good information ....you know who you are... Its difficult as there are so many pages and each one has its own personality depending on who made the page and why.... It all depends on who is running each page but there are some good things in that its possible to get the word out to a lot of people......if the page owners let you. We try to do our thing and offer up the information and have found some good support. You can also "friend" me at Cluster Buster ;-) http://www.facebook.com/bob.wold.39#!/cluster.buster.7?fref=ts Bob
  15. We have a lot more pictures to post. If there is anyone that would rather not have their images posted, we understand and just let me know in a PM. I'll post more early in the coming week. Thanks everyone for an amazing conference. We will be posting reports and updates as we move ahead here. Bob
  16. The auction was a huge success. thank you to everyone that not only donated items but to those that were so generous in their bidding. This year's auction was by far the largest fundraiser in our 7 years. We are all incredibly appreciative to everyone and the funds raised will go a long way in helping us continue to achieve our goals. Thank you all, Bob
  17. Anyone that might be interested in being interviewed by a couple of "prestigious" written media sources, please let me know. The writer would most likely wants to travel to see you, and would be most convenient if you were somewhere near the New York area. Doesn't need to be NY, but somewhere near.....Boston, DC, Baltimore? If you're close, we can work something out. PM me. Bob
  18. we may set the venue, arrange the speakers, set the agenda, etc.....but it's the attendees that make it a success and the friendships that are formed, that make what happens, last long past the end of the conference. Much more to come but just wanted to share that and how we all feel that put these things together. Bob My biggest regret with them becoming larger each year is that I get to spend less time with everyone. My sincere apologies.
  19. Easiest way to make a tea bag is with a coffee filter. Bob
  20. We are getting down to the wire folks. The cutoff date for booking rooms at the Rio at our VERY reduced rate is August 19th. They have a large convention going on at the same time so they won't be holding any extra rooms for us. If you are thinking about going, I would suggest booking asap. We know it's difficult for Clusterheads to book anything too far in advance but if you need to cancel, thats better than waiting and paying nearly double. The link for booking is: https://www.totalrewards.com/hotel-reservations/main/?propCode=RLV&groupCode=SRCNP2 Bob
  21. We are getting down to the wire folks. the cutoff date for booking rooms at the Rio at our VERY reduced rate is August 19th. They have a large convention going on at the same time so they won't be holding any extra rooms for us. If you are thinking about going, I would suggest booking asap. We know it's difficult for Clusterheads to book anything too far in advance but if you need to cancel, thats better than waiting and paying nearly double. The link for booking is: https://www.totalrewards.com/hotel-reservations/main/?propCode=RLV&groupCode=SRCNP2 Bob
  22. Anyone thinking about going and haven't booked your rooms yet, I would suggest you do so soon. The cut off date is fast approaching and they will want any rooms left in our block back. There are some other large conventions going on there. You can always cancel if you need to so I'd hate to see some of you having to pay almost double for rooms.
  23. Thought i'd put this on the General Board since its not about "official" conference info. Wondering who is going and why..... Also, for those that have attended one of our conferences, what is your favorite memory, presentation or experience. (or all the above) One of my favorite presentors wasn't a professional but was KaBoom's daughter Bailey. A very brave and well done presentation that touched upon the importance of family and the importance of support. It IS our best medicine. Some of our best moments don't always occur in the meeting rooms. One of my best was a large group of us up in a room afterwards with Mitch playing guitar. "Chillin" doesnt get much better than that. Bob
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