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  1. Here tis: http://www.telluridemushroomfest.org/
  2. I just bought another new 320 cu. ft tank a few months ago for $350. Don't know what to call it other than 320 cu. ft., it's 56" to the top of the cap and about 8" OD. Watch Craig's List for used tanks, they become available fairly often around here. If buying a used tank, check the certification date stamped on the side of the tank near the top. They have to be pressure tested and re-certified every 10 years. It costs me $24 and change to get my O2 refilled. Make sure you have a place fairly nearby that'll refill tanks rather than exchange them if you buy one. You don't want to take a tank you just had re-certified and exchange it for who knows what. The second tank I bought is for C-25, I don't breath that stuff. My O2 tank I had to have re-certified a couple years for $80 included a new valve. All in all, I'd say that owning your own tank is a less expensive option in the long run, especially as how, unfortunately, your probably gonna use it for the rest of your life anyway.
  3. Arde


    is an eye opener. Getting to be quite a bit of info. on alternative treatments for various conditions, but need to do a lot of double checking. It is the internet after all, lots of BS available also.
  4. Arde


    Thats been my experience with it as well, only worse. Gave me a severe case of diarrhea until I figured out what was causing it and quit taking it. I was taking 20mg., maybe too much.
  5. Arde


    If it's like this, definitely get a diagnosis and follow the good advice above.
  6. Arde


    Can't tell you what type to get, but if you get that part figured out,here's a whole bunch of them. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Hygrometer
  7. You're just one of the chosen few. Lucky us ;D
  8. If I'm reading this correctly, he's done nothing to be forgiven for. You screwed up and embarrassed him. He can forgive you. Yeah, we'd like to have him back on here. Shit happens. We've all been through it at one time or another.
  9. That may have been a slapback. They can be vicious. They seem to be worse than the very thing you're trying to avoid. Actually they're a sign that you're shaking things up and better times are coming. Keep at it every 5-7 days. If LSA works for him, it may take 3 or 4 busts or more to get where you want to be. For me it was 3 doses, and now I just take a maintenance dose every so often. We're all pulling for you.
  10. The dosage is determined by brain size and we're all pretty much the same regardless of body size. I started with 60 seeds and it worked for me so I stuck with it. He won't get any side effects with less than 200 or 250 seeds. It varies a little bit depending on the individual. Most RC seed users only report a good nights sleep as a side benefit. Have no fear, and great luck with the busting.
  11. Arde


    Definitely a bragging fish. Try to top it, I heard that God doesn't subtract from the allotted span of man the time spent in fishing.
  12. Survey done. Mission Accomplished.
  13. Mine started as a result of drinking beer after a hot, dusty day of driving raggedy ass old road trucks with no AC. Finally made the connection between my beer drinking and the HAs. Hadn't heard the term "cluster headache" until I saw some dude on TV describing them and his experiences. Pulling teeth, OTC sinus meds., and the connection to drinking. Couldn't believe what I was hearing, sounded like he was talking about me. He mentioned Clusterheadaches.com. I went from there to here. Been busting with LSA. What a world of difference! Sure would like a cold beer though.
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