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Everything posted by rufftime

  1. Just catching nightly news....You guys are getting pounded DD & Hip, Prayers out in full tonight for you Both Brothers...
  2. Very Sorry to hear of the loss, precious young Man. We'll keep Him & the Family in our Prayers. I will be meeting in a Men's Bible group tonight and will plan on a group Prayer for Jacob, his Brother and Sister and Specially for the Parents. As Always Bob, you are kept in Prayer. Luke 22:43 And then there appeared to Him an Angel from Heaven, Strengthen Him
  3. That's a Beauty....Big Boy!!! Time Fishing is never subtracted from one's Life. May God touch the water to Bless your Time.......... There is no better deserving Men to Enjoy the Peace then you Two Great Place for next Conference!!!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
  4. Another one completed by DW [smiley=engel017.gif]
  5. Its...Sup!!! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]
  6. Hey SOS, I have found when using sprays, they seem to hold back a visit approximately 2.5 hours...where as a 50mg pill can push back a visit by up to 5 hours. Everyone's body deals with the bastard differently, so keep this in mind. I have no experience with adding in Alcohol, I would inclined to feel that gambling with this devil when its harness is a worry some bet. Also if the Comedian's material is good you'll be raising blood pressure cracking up, which intern can be rolling the dice while entertaining a good Buzz. I do Hope you & Wife, have an "Awesome time". Good gosh we CHer's always need a Good Laugh..May You be Blessed with such a Hardy Laugh you blast the SoB out a nostril!! Just a warmup for you: www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6APh7ov4rM&list=RDB6APh7ov4rM Blessings, PFW
  7. Hey Ric, Sorry to hear what your going through. Just discussing your situation with the Wife, for She is such a part of what I/We live with. Her suggestion is to go see the Pharmacist, explain the dilemma. As much monies they make off a transaction of these over priced meds.. they should replace your bottle. If the Pharmacist gives you the Blah..Blah etc. request they contact the manufacturer with a explanation it was an accident, and you handed them the remaining vial for a credit...(more with honey then vinegar). She read four articles on the trex not to let them drop below 36* not the last to do this nor I'm betting not the first either. Trytosurvive mentioned it happened, again the manufacturer should, you would think rather replace rather then defend a case of questionable product. Blessings & PFW
  8. rufftime


    Hey G, Sorry to hear that you are suffering. Bear with me here, I to have been going through a major learning curve to busting the beast(SOB). If your seeds are strong enough "you'll know" with a shot of 6 seeds. I will refer to a method I use, with highlights from posts written here on the site. Five day wait period before you shot at the Beast, seems to be a must. Plenty of posts referring to how your receptors work with the effects. Float test, I use a shot glass filled with water. Place (3) seeds in the water, if they drop to the bottom there good. Floaters are duds... Three "Good" seeds should be fine for a dose. I will explain the next steps in a moment, but first I like to describe the effects you'll "possibly" feel. Everyone is different, I personally don't like the effects of the seeds. They do help compared to conventional though. I do mine at night, than head off to bed to sleep as suggested here on the forum. To me if I wake up in the night its hard to get back to sleep. I know I'm feeling a buzz, but its the skin itch that bothers me. Feels like a bunch of spiders crawling your skin...itch hear itch there & so on...I recite the Lords Prayer in my head over and over till I fall back to sleep. Day after dosing I'm running on a light tequila feeling hangover. Day after that, you could hook me up to the plow the back 40... After Float test, I place the dried seeds in a small cup. A mortar & pestle would be great for crushing the seeds, but I just squeeze the little buggers with a pair of clean pliers. I use Lemon Juice, fill the small cup with about 3 tablespoons. Try to tip the cup at an angle to adjust sludge all soaking to one side. Place aluminum foil over the cup(still keeping it tilted to one side) then place it in the fridge propped on the one side. I'll start this concoction first thing in the morning and let it soak all day. I don't look forward to doing the stuff so Wife will remind me when it starts getting close to bed time, for there is one more step before downing the nasty... An hour or so before downing, I set up a glass with a coffee filter over the edge. Use a rubber band to keep it from falling in. It will take some time to drip down in. Add a little touch of water will make it drip faster. Drinking the sludge definitely rips my stomach, and I don't experience any deference in a buzz or reaction so the heck with that... I'm only copying suggestions I've read here on the site. We are all different to some extent fighting this SOB. I hope it works for you. I'm very severe chronic & have been for many years, HB's only stunn my problem and has made it much better. VitM seems to work much more efficient at kicking its A..ss. Hopefully it will do the trick for you, Better yet I will keep you in my Prayers it will do you well and PF.... Again Thanks to all for "paying it forward", and you know who you are in teaching and Major Support. Blessings and PFW
  9. Again Prayers of thought for your days ahead, Titus 2:15 These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you. Blessings, Thank You All, Good Luck
  10. Thank You for your Gift of LOVE Many of us would Love to be there with you this morning as you meet with members of our governing bodies. Know this though, that many Prayers will be said throughout the next few days for your safe travels and success. Thank You, from the bottom of our hearts 2 Samuel 2:6 And now may the Lord show Lovingkindness and truth to you; and I also will show this goodness to you, because you have done this thing.
  11. Its all about taking small steps... If laying flat is a big trigger maybe standing between a small doorway opening, with feet together, and placing your hands shoulder height on the casing doing a push back. It might not feel like much at first but increase the reps & and with progress you can begin setting your feet farther back on each set. Slow the rep down to apply tension on the muscle. Lasting change begins with committing your body to yourself and God.
  12. CH survivor you are right on track. I didn't make it out of the locker room without getting wacked today. I carried a M6/reg in my bag just in case.... Well it became a case. Was a light hit (3-4 kip) so took quick few hyperhits off the bottle to settle down & took your advice & headed to the treadmill. About 20min. all was well to continue on my workout. Mox your idea is excellent about the cards. Heck I've been sitting in my vehicle tapping a tank & had some kind person ask if I need help, the card would work for it. Will be sucking down large quantity of water during workout from now on, that part I lacked doing today. Mox your an inspiration, never stop, never say we can't. I'm tired of feeling like crap & believe doing nothing or the same old thing will be, business as usual. CHS said it write, small steps, and build up. If I'm getting beat up take smaller steps, change the time of day for working out....what ever it takes. Mox you are in my Prayers through this, as with all CH suffers. Please keep us up on your progress, as I will too
  13. Ok its the first part of the year. I quit smoking for over 6 weeks and its time to take some of this weight off. Just curious do you workout at a club, or home, or ?? If you attend a club, "how do you handle attacks" while out on the floor/shower locker room etc. Do you happen to carry M6/reg in gym or tote, put it in your locker, its just a thought. Years back I increased my heart rate when I experienced the beast setting in. Was very uncomfortable taking myself up the Kip just to break the attack, scarey being in public anything above 8. People want to call 911 for yea.... Its hard to explain what your suffering from at the moment your rounding the attack. Blessings & PF all....
  14. Wow, MG amazing reading something about a feeling I just experienced just a few minutes ago. Preparing a dose of HB in lemon juice just turned my stomach. After soaking several hours then straining through a coffee filter(sludge) the smell always catches me. Just the thought of it nasty..nasty Associating smell, say with something Good..walking in the door smelling food cooking making you hungry or knowing something that taste like S#%T firing up those gag reflexes. Spiny, is right on target. As for myself vitamin M in a capsule is the way to go. Nausea was virtually eliminated. Blessings & Pain Free New Year Â
  15. Clusterbusters has been the "Best Gift" I have received this year. That I Thank all of You, You Specially "Bob" for creating a communication Home for all of Us!!! You gave us a place to share & offer Faith & Hope & Support Your Gift that keeps on Giving. I happen to have the opportunity to be on two network TV channels in the last day or so, two years ago I'd never even dreamed of taking the chance possibly turning into Dr jekyll Mr Hyde... Thank You Thank You so.. Much Guys I Pray here tonight on this Wonderful Christmas Eve that God Bless us all this coming Year & move a cure in the right direction. That no politics, greed, or government regulation stand in the way this year we ask of you this, in your name Amen, Merry Christmas And God Bless all here on the board and every member...
  16. Spoke with a fellow CH'er yesterday (Blueballs) about same subject. You may have to mix it up. Vit M/ seeds as he was saying we all are different, but similar when getting used to meds. Been trying to do the same(chronic for 18yrs) to try fool the beast. Even after day or so after treatment I will feel a pressure change, but very mild & 3-4 min. on oxygen will to take it out, compared to taken out a oxy tank-closer to hour or so. You mentioned about 19 in 5, for Chronic that is a heck of an improvement. Less than 4wk compared to 3-7"day" for severe Chronic. To me this frecken thing is like a cockroach hard to kill. Many Many Pain Free days... Blessings,
  17. Hi Doc, At the conference I took a whack, & the big bottle in the hall wasn't ready yet so I pulled out my rig I always carry. Had a small group in the back of the room that morning checking it out. Been using the setup since mid 90's. Its super cheap, throw away after the mask elastic is shot, & fits in a small travel bag. (Purchased a small bean shape bag from LLBean for over the shoulder & it holds a small M and the mask and doesn't weight much). If I'm a distance from car/parking lot or a Bigger bottle it has save my "Arsk". If you search out, or another vendor Mfr#108-E: Mooremedical.com for instance then type in item 82271 (7' oxy tubing, check valve, "two side valves") they sell for $1.19 each, so I buy dozen at a time. Last a good year or so... Now for a small problem the valve white rubber check patch has a tendency to come off in travel. I grabbed a few 1/8 inch flat washers at hardware store and just popped them over the tab & I've never lost one valve gate since. Plus you can just walk a small mask into the store hardware isle and get the perfect fit if need be. Again your only paying a dollar for the mask so its not a be deal. Personally want to Thank You Doc, It was Great listening to all at the Conference. Blessings,
  18. Super Good Luck Mr. D May you drop a "Hugh Royal" on your River Card and show them the BOSS!!! (You'al can Say SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!) Many, Many Blessings for your fun & Success...
  19. Dear Family,  Looking back on the year debilitating pain. I think of the early gift I received for Christmas in September, meeting most of you at the Conference. Sharing comforts (some Southern) & concern for another's well being. Never feeling after, like I"m all alone. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You all, especially Thank You Jesus for hearing my prayers. Never in my mind this time last year would I've been able to accomplish the Huge task under taken this Season. The fear of turning into Mr Hyde ran through my thoughts as I was interviewed & Photographed for the media. I Love you at hand for Helping me with that prevention. The sword learned to slay the beast bestowed the BEST feeling I've enjoyed, being chronic close to twenty years. Wishes for the coming year- Dear Heavenly Father, A CLUSTER HEADACHE PRAYER DEAR GOD, PLEASE GIVE US THE STRENGTH TO ENDURE AND THE KNOWLEDGE TO DEFEAT THIS DEMON IN OUR LIFE... This Prayer was drafted by Cluster Brother who has been going through so much this season with rebounds. Please keep him in your thoughts as you recite the Prayer. In closing I wish the MOST pain free days and years ahead for all of You. May it be the Merriest Merry Christmas for All... Blessings, Now Dasher, Now Dancer, Now Prancer & Vixen on Comet On Cupid On Donder and Blitzen to the top of the porch to the top of the wall, Now dash away, Dash Away ALL!!!!!.... HoHOHo!!!!!! Â
  20. Sorry Guys still learning my way around site widgets & so on.. Thought all would enjoy Why I'm so Close to Santa type in search link below news.yahoo.com/magic-mushrooms-may-explain-santa-flying-reindeer-210334389.html Merry Christmas...HoHOHo!!! Blessings
  21. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/yabbfiles/Templates/Forum/default/cheesy.gifThought all would enjoy...article on how to get off the ground & then some.... news.yahoo.com/magic-mushrooms-may-explain-santa-flying-reindeer-210334389.html Merry Christmas.....HoH0Ho!!! Blessings
  22. Blessings to All...Pain Free times with your Families Special Thank You to all who have made it possible for us to join here as "Family"
  23. Hope Life Deals You a Better Hand... Have you giving the Yoga routine a shot? Blessings,
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