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Chris Moore

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  1. Hi all - I’m debating an upcoming trip to Lisbon, Portugal with family because I’m in cycle. You can’t fly with oxygen tanks so I can’t bring one with me. Anyone have any insight into how I can get one to have at my hotel room? I already emailed the hotel, waiting to hear back. I’ll bring my regulator and cluster mask. My cycle has been very very manageable (thank you RC seeds!!) and I pretty much just need Advil and ginger capsules to treat any CH activity I feel, however, I do have to hit to oxygen from time to time. And flying and time zone changes can really mess with CH! Appreciate any tips and advice!
  2. I know how easy it is to be so mad at this condition and the number it does to us. I find that for me, practicing being as kind and compassionate to myself and then to my loved ones really does help. Staying as calm and peaceful as I can (both while having an attack and during pain free time) helps to lessen pain and attacks overall. I know it is SO MUCH easier said than done. But just try and practice compassion in every way you can, starting toward yourself and it helps. Sometimes what I do to facilitate this is I imagine myself as a 16 year old kid getting these attacks for the first time. I think about how scared he was and how alone he felt and how much pain he was in. I feel so, so sad for him and just want to hug him and tell him everything will be ok and comfort him the best I can. Then I take all of those feelings I’m experiencing toward the young version of me and extend them toward present day version of me. Compassion and care and empathy toward myself. For me it helps to calm me down and lessen overall pain and suffering.
  3. Echoing what everyone else said 100%! Also, I take Advil every four hours when I’m in cycle as it helps me a lot with shadows.
  4. I’m in the same boat. Feeling slightest tingling and going to dose with some 2 year old seeds that have been wrapped up very tightly in the freezer the whole time.
  5. When studies started being released showing Vitamin D having a dramatic, protective effect against COVID, it was such a relief knowing that I'd been pumping my body full of it for years! Finally cluster headaches did something good in my life
  6. I just came out of cycle a few weeks ago. Just got my first vaccine dose. Like I’m currently sitting in Walgreens to make sure I don’t have adverse reaction lol. Most people have said vaccine has no impact on their CH.
  7. I feel like many, many doctors (neurologists included) would be open to facetime/zoom appointments right now because of COVID. I had a zoom appointment with my regular doctor (not related to COVID) and it was pretty normal. I'd definitely spend the time looking up neuros that are covered by your insurance and just call their office and see if the doctor will see you via zoom. Worst they can do is say no. I really, really hope that your headaches can be treated with something as simple as indomethacin. That would be so amazing. Sending all my support <3
  8. I'm in NYC - would love to help with a cocktail party!
  9. I’d say this - sometimes attacks are going to come, and you’re not going to be able to rationalize it, to pinpoint some reason for it. Why do we have CH in general? I don’t know. Why did that particular attack occur? I don’t know. You should probably do the busting regimen (dose every five days) until you’re pain free. Otherwise, it’s a lot of guess work. I’ve never heard of D3 regimen making attacks worse or anything like that at all. Good luck to you! Hope you get lots and lots of relief very soon.
  10. Hi Rush! I ended up going the busting route to try and end this never/ending cycle! I’m using RC Seeds (you can see a very very detailed log im doing in the “share your busting” forum). I’m pretty sure this cycle has been busted, or is at least 98% of the way there! I actually just ate a giant bowl of cereal LOL. I decided tonight “I am so damn sick of this keto diet! I am going to eat a bunch of carbs and see if I get an attack!” Since I feel pretty confident the cycle is done/busted, I thought I’d try ending the keto diet. Hopefully I stay pain free! And yes, your cycle sounds just like mine!
  11. @Jteira - Thank you! If I can just order it online, I would probably do that though... LOL. A couple of reasons... 1) just easier, I don't have to do it myself. 2) their process/produce is probably more consistent / reliable than whatever I grew/harvested/etc. 3) my cycles typically come every 2.5-3 years, and I've heard the mushroom capsules lose their potency over time, so it would be a little difficult to time the growing/harvesting/etc. However, if I just did them regularly, like every 3 months or something, then I guess that would take care of that problem. Anyway - I'm not knocking it! If the RC Seeds don't work to prevent my next cycle, then my plan is to grow MM myself. However, I'm super intrigued by these latest products linked to above. It is also worth noting that I am not worried about the cost of the products, I know that might be a concern for some folks. Thank you for the info!! Wishing you pain free time
  12. I reached out to their customer service regarding dosing of their capsules. The bottle says each capsule is 125mg of psilocybin. That's not correct though... each capsule is 125mg of dried MM (not pure psilocybin). So, to take 1 gram of MM, you would take 8 capsules. I explained CH busting to them and they said a CHer would likely get better use from their gummies. One gummy is the equivalent of 1 gram of dried MM. 7 gummies for $66. So, I guess 7, 1 gram busts, for $66? Or 3 2 gram busts for $66? Now this has definitely grabbed my attention. I don't like MM because of the unpredictability of dosing. I one time ate a single stem and TRIPPED out. Other times I've eaten several mushrooms and barely had an effect. Plus, I've had to get them from "dealers". So, if I could order a product online that has a very predictable dosing / expected effect I would definitely do it.
  13. Wait... so you can just order psilocybin on the internet now?! And in very precise dosing amounts?
  14. Awesome - thanks! Anything any of us can do to help with that? Seems like a silly question... but it would just be great to do something.
  15. Is there existing research already showing BOL-148 effective at treating CH?
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