Thank you for the reply,
I am on the downswing from a high cycle so if we are looking at the positive there it is.
so the full story after that first post:
the pharmacist has demanded the following.
• a full letter from my doctor describing the reason for the medication and that she is ok w/ me taking it.
• a new RX w/ a maximum daily allowance written to the script ++ a non controlled rx ( so I have decided to get oral imitrex, I have a pharmacy that can get me 16 shots per month for $5 )
• and worst of all a copy of my chart... i am not even sure if thats legal.
So I have been looking all over my area for another pharmacy the compounds sterile medication. I think I finally found one so hopefully I can put this whole mess behind me.
Thank you for the kind offer but really don't want to get flagged and make my life even worse with these assholes..