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Everything posted by FunGuy

  1. [postsmovedhere1] 3 [postsmovedhere2] Global Announcements [move by] FunGuy. Well I got them back. My bad Sorry. :-)
  2. [split] [link=http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1317878886/0#0][splithere][/link][splithere_end] Sorry folks, I move the post from +21 on her request and I accidentally grabbed some wrong messages with it. I think I have it all corrected, let me know if not. FG
  3. It was great to catch up with you again Phil and to finally meet Jen!! Wish I could have spent more time with you both, seems there is never enough time! Thanks for your help in the conference session. D
  4. Lets use the commonly bantered about number of 0.1% as the (lifetime) incidence rate of Cluster Headache in the general population. The population of the USA is about 312,325,000 people, so that means there are about 312,325 potential clusterheads running around out there just in the USA. How many in the world? I gotta get a bigger calculator. lol Sure, some are in remission, others have 'out grown' theirs, etc etc. How many are "active" in any one year? Who knows. There must be some data out there somewhere, I'll look later.  Gotta keep that in mind, we only have 1400 members, (ch.com has 9000) so even if we count 10000 members between us all that only represents a tiny tiny proportion of the actual cases of CH out there. It really is mind boggling when we add them up and consider just how much suffering IS going on out there!! I have no idea what will cost to make BOL or what it will sell for.  What price do I put on pain free? It's a great question you raised Bonkers, I'd like to hear the input of many more. I just wanted to put the numbers into perspective. FG edit for fat-finger spelling
  5. Greetings all. I've mailed this out to everyone that attended the conference AND that I had an email for. That leaves some others, so I hope you read this post. :-) If you attended the 2011 conference in Chicago, please take the few minutes to complete this survey. It does help us with future planning. Note please only answer once. http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=2aea41cd-198f-4cdd-bba1-98fe1473c514 Thanks
  6. This group was mentioned during the Conference in Chicago and I said I would post it on the board. So here it is, the Alliance for Headache Disorders Advocacy http://www.allianceforheadacheadvocacy.org/ Clusterbusters is a member and hopes to be attending "Headache on the Hill 2012". Several "good friends" of Clusterbusters are involved in this organization. FG
  7. Hi all: I'm missing a couple of regulators from the conference. If you were using one and left it in your room or somewhere else please email me and let me know where it might be. busterboard(at)hotmail.com Life Gas would like them returned. Thanks
  8. Congrats Wishes for a lifetime of happiness. D
  9. [movedhere] General Board [move by] FunGuy. move was requested
  10. No, Just Bob dressed up as one. ;-) No worries.
  11. I have no idea what you are talking about. ;-) OK, I'll blame the typo on fat fingers and a mild hangover. FG
  12. Morning all. Sitting here in Chicago, the Sunday session is about to start. Details on that later. But for now, before I announce it to the group attending, I'm going to let you all in on the news. 2012 conference Las Vegas Nevada September 21 to 23, 2012 (almost 100% positive for sure on the date) :-) FG
  13. I sent out the notices, but just in case you didn't see it or read it, the President Reception on Friday night is now in Room 506A 7 to 10 pm Room 506A or for us Canadians, 506-eh
  14. No problem. Someone will gladly see you at the door on Saturday and take your registration fee.
  15. LOL, this is NOT a trick question. Can you access the "donate button" on the main page, that page, any page? I can whether logged in as admin or a guest. And from both IE and Fire Fox, I click on the button, I go to Pay Pal. Yet I understand some are having problems. Give it a try, click the donate button and let us know if you get to the pay pal donation page or if you get a fatal error notice. Ya gotta hate fatal errors. Thanks. BTW, if anyone were to get to the pay pay donation page and send in a donation while they are there checking for us, they should certainly post saying they did and we would be doubly thankful  :-)
  16. Last minute/week changes. Saturday: Bob Wold moves to 10 am Dr. Larry Robbins will be presenting several audience interactive cases at 9:15 am. A new agenda is attached below. 2011_agenda_final2.doc
  17. Yes, you can register and pay at the door. We prefer to know early, it helps with planning. But sometimes you can't. That's cool.
  18. FunGuy

    Had it!

    That Hurts, I hear ya and I know you are going through some difficult times right now. There are some really special supporters out there. (trying not to hijack) I think a lot of spouses don't fully understand the pain and disruption of having a CH. I suppose they can't know and overall I'm glad they don't know. So I try not to fault them. (fault, wrong word) Though at times the though of them having one is a tempting and a perversely pleasing thought. ;-)    lol, just kidding Oh, I know that one. And I run a web site, a message board and speak at conferences. Yet Bob does all that and a lot more: video, interviews and the press. His special supporter is Mary, she is a truly remarkable, amazing and caring lady. If you've not met her you should, she'll be in Chicago and that alone is worth the trip. Thanks Mary.   [smiley=dankk2.gif]  Â
  19. Wow. I know I made some controversial comments but I did not expect the deluge of private messages and emails that arrive.  It never ceases to amaze me how one line can be taken out of context from a post. Let me be clear about one thing, in the 2 years I've been an administrator on this board I have done little moderating and I don't think I've even modified or deleted a post from anyone other than the spammers and scammers (and some of those were just too darn funny!) So to bring this back to where it was meant to go, I'll ask it again: It will go where YOU want it to go. End of conversation, stop the PM's, stop the disruption stuff and the bullshit and lets get back to helping the people that come here looking for help. Oh, wait. We've been doing that all along.  :-)
  20. Registration information: http://www.clusterbusters.com/convention6.html New hotel link (we`ve not got the old one changed yet: http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/res?id=1108173104&key=A1206 Questions: email or PM me.
  21. New link for rooms to book online at the rate of $89 per night. Sorry, despite the best efforts we could not get additional rooms for $79. http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/res?id=1108173104&key=A1206
  22. Kyle: Could be many things but what struck me first was your comment "possibly the new Vyvanse I was put on" How new is this? Common side effects: http://www.rxlist.com/vyvanse-drug.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisdexamfetamine Please be cautious/careful, talk to your doc or pharmacist.
  23. FunGuy


    Yes, all the meetings are in one room at the Sheraton. I hear that the initial block of rooms has sold out and they found a few more rooms but at ta slightly higher rate $89. I don't think you are going to find much near O'Hare for anywhere near that price.
  24. Good day all. I think we've gotten a bit off track on our message board recently and as Admin one of my tasks it too keep us on track. First, let me remind us all of the mission statement of Cluster Busters: Clusterbusters is dedicated to researching treatments that show promise for reliable, effective and long term relief, from cluster and related headaches. We will continue to search for other alternatives that work for people either as treatments or as compliments to psychedelic treatments. When we are satisfied that they do work and do so without causing more harm than good, we will continue to add them to our FAQs as viable options. One thing that Clusterbusters has tried to eliminate from "standard" cluster treatments by the conventional medical community (doctors and pharmaceutical companies) is the practice of throwing everything out there as an option. Try this then try that if (when) it doesn't work. As of this date, we know of nothing that we consider worth using and putting off trying the psychedelic treatments. If anyone is thinking that we have something against anything that isn't psychedelic in nature, if that was the case, we wouldn't be so excited about BOL and so involved in it's future availability to all cluster sufferers. Our focus has been on any and all forms of treatment and specifically on the use of hallucinogenic compounds and their derivatives. Cluster Busters was built on this and I do believe these compounds are still the safest, easiest and most effective treatment available today. And they are available TODAY. People come to our message board from a variety of places, many from ch.com. Our message board exists because of the generosity of ch.com (thanks DJ). Yet I'm concerned what happens when they get here. I watched several times as a person registers on ch.com and relates either a) their direct request for information on busting or how their previous use of hallucinogenic compounds that had unknowingly put them into a lengthy remission. Usually within a couple of days someone there will suggest they register at our message board for more discussion on this. So they do and ask some specific questions on LSA seeds, psilo or whatever. Care to guess what happens after they asked?? Yes, they will get a link to general busting, sometimes to specific sections in the files, then the conversation turns to alternative methods. Why? Why do we take people who come to us for information about busting and turn their thread into a conversations of other alternatives? Why? Especially when I do believe these compounds are still the safest, easiest and most effective treatment available today. And they are available TODAY. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A CRITIQUE OF ANYONE. I have no problem with referrals to other ideas. I encourage the referral on medication issues and certainly on oxygen use. I do have a problem with the constant referral to other alternatives. That is NOT the purpose of the board, we are here to discuss what works best for the treatment of cluster headache. Isn't that why they came to our board in the first place, for this information? And guess what? We have the best treatment and in my opinion it is what we should be talking about. Do the alternatives have a place in the treatment of cluster headache? Certainly. Yet I've spent too many years and too much of my own time, money and effort into helping to bring this treatment to everyone. I've flown to too many places, talked to too many researchers and scientists and listened to so many of you (those with CH) thank me for helping you learn to control, manage and even overcome your headaches. I will not see this board turned into a discussion place for alternatives that have little to no proof or demonstrable (published) data. Now before you flip off on that, at least we've got several published papers and more data than any other anecdotal program, regimen or "cure" out there. That's what we've spent those years and dollars doing folks. That's why we've got thousands of people telling us how well these substances work. So please, don't dilute what we do here on this board with anything other than that. To those of you that have been her for a while, first let me thank you. :-) I bet most of you (dare I say all of you) came here in desperation, seeking a means to control your clusters. Most of you found it here. Aren't you glad when you did first come here (or the old yahoo board) that what you received was wise, prudent and thoughtful advise on the use of hallucinogenic compounds and their derivatives to treat your clusters? Would you have stuck around if we had sent you off for something other than that? This board has been up and running for almost 2 years and it has been nothing short of amazing. Remember folks, there are a lot more people around than just those posting (on the open sections). We're doing wonderful things, what we do best. Helping people overcome their clusters with these effective compounds. That's my thots. I invite yours. This board will carry on where you, the posters, want it to go. Where do YOU want it to go?? FunGuy (and quit calling me Bob. I am not Bob!) :-)
  25. Karma. Not just your hew age definition of Karma either. Don't get me started. ;-) I quit asking "why" long ago, now I ask "what". What I can do to help others. Seems like a good trade off for me. And there are a lot of really good people on this board that give back a lot more than I do. In various ways, at different times and through different means. In their own way. You guys and girls know who you are. PJ, even your asking the question may help someone. Ya never know Merit and Karma. Thank you all, for all each of you do. FG
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