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Everything posted by Guiseppi
Oh for heavens sake don't let the beasty take your guitar time away, that's just wrong! Joe
Christy is more concerned with the size of my head! ;D Joe
A few tabs? ;D Jus' kiddin'. ;D Yer killin me smalls! ;D Joe
You didn't mention oxygen. Go to our sister board and read this link. Oxygen is the abortive you can use while you detox. Using just 02, I can abort an attack in 6-8 minutes. Cheap, effective, fast, sure worth a shot. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/O2/index.html Joe
Yer killin me Brew! ;D Joe
As usual I'm a day late...well several days late. Let me know when I can come up to Alpine and drop a few with you guys at McIlhenys. I couldn't be prouder of you Michael. We're pulling for you. Joe
I LIKE that. Joe
I'm leaving on the cross country bike trip on March 20th. I'll be touching base with you when I'm in Texas....though I've heard it takes several months just to get THROUGH texas! ;D Suspect I'll miss the get together this year! Joe
Given your current med issues, REALLY REALLY push the doc for the 02. It's been my primary abort for many years, literally 6-8 minutes huffing and I'm pain free. I'm not a buster yet, but the people on this board have many years of collective experience for you to draw in. Please keep us posted. Joe
That IS great news for the new year! Wishing you continued success, peace, and a pain free 2011. Joe
Hey Keith, I'm 50, and my cycles have changed quite a bit in the more recent years. Not as intense, longer cycles and longer remissions too! You haven't mentioned oxygen as an abortive. It has all but eliminated my use of imitrex. 6-8 minutes huffing 02 and I can be pain free. The keys: High flow regulator, at least 15 LPM preferably up to 25 Non Re Breather mask..(critical, re breathers and nasal canulas are worthless) Get on it at the first sign of an attack. Certainly worth a look see, sorry the beast never seems to lose your address. :'( Joe
Don't forget to add the calcium/vitamin D supplement also, magnesium leeches calcium outta you, needs replacing! Especially the fairer sex! Joe
That's great news, let's hope it's the start of a pain free year! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] Joe
I have a modified set up made from an old push button paramedic valve, same concept, feeds as fast as you can breathe. Makes fro some incredibly short aborts, 6-8 minutes for me. Beautiful thing aint it Tingeling?? Joe
Jilly.....quick qord of warning about the suma pro needleless system. It's out of this world expensive, most insurances won't cover it. My doc prescribed me that, had to get it changed back to the old style imitrex stat dose system when the insurance company said no way. Joe
My vote is on you! Joe...(an episodic currently claiming to be cured! ;D)
Male, taller then average, lionesque features, orange peel skin, outdoor types....any ringing a bell? ;D (from the 1970's description of CH!) They're right, a headache specialist neurologist, is your best bet at an accurate diagnosis. Considering it's a lifelong affliction, a little extra time spent now can pay big dividends. Joe
Been watching you east coasters weather, hang on tight, stock up the woodpile, I'm afraid you are all in for a rough patch. Keepin you all in our prayers. Joe
Hard to quantify with any accuracy. Untreated my cycles were 2-3 months long, 2 cycles a year, 2 attacks a day, morning and evening, never a wake up attack. Magnesium is one piece of my treatment regimen, I use Batch's PH diet, the idea being to alter your arterial PH to make you less succeptible to attacks. It's the combo of the magnesium, zinc, calcium citrate with vit D, washed down with lemonade, up to 4 times a day. In addition, on cycle, I take 1200 mg of lithium, and use oxygen and occasional imitrex jab for aborts I'm 50 now, and the cycles are all over the board. 8 month cycles, 2 year remissions, but I honestly can't remember my last KIP 10. I credit that mostly to my treatment regimen, and to some degree to my age. Joe
Wishing you a few more pain free nights. Amazing what a little sleep can do for your outlook. Joe
Same with me, I take a daily magnesium. calcium with Vit D, zinc, Fish Oil and a daily vitamin. Been doing it for years on and off cycle, seems to reduce both number and intensity. Joe
I welcome anyone's continued research, especially when it's done as methodically and intelligently as yours. You should have seen the ridicule you "drug crazed mushroom nuts" first faced when it was suggested as a remedy for CH. And the crazies who said just huffing oxygen would stop an attack. ;D On one hand, we are always on the look out for charlatans, stopping by to sell us an instant cure on their first visit to a site. It's critical we not let that concern blind us to the potential for new weapons against CH. Good luck on your experiment, please continue to post your results here and on CH.COM. There are a few difficult people over there, the value of this type of information far outweighs the annoyance of these people. Thanks for taking the time you have to post this. Joe
Right back at you and mommmy! Joe
From an old cop to an old hippy.....Have a great one! ;D Joe
Imigran...(Imitrex stat pen injector is the form I use) completely aborts my attacks in a few minutes. I use it only as a last resort when 02 has failed me, which is really rare, or when I get caught away from 02, flying etc. The reasons: It's very expensive, I HATE the snakes up the back feeling when I inject it, I don't like the weird, hangover??? feeling I get from it, and there is anectodal evidence it may actually extend cycles. No official studies done on that, just a general feeling many of us are getting when looking back over many years on our cycles, pre and post imitrex. That being said, when I know I'm going to get creamed, I don't hesitate to use my trex! Joe