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Everything posted by CHfather

  1. Mrsg, it was great to hear about your long PF period, and I'm sorry to see you back now. I tried to read up on seroquel and remeron, but it was too complicated for me. It does seem, from my limited knowledge, that remeron for sure is likely to be a blocker. Temazapam, a benzodiazepine, probably won't block busting, from what I've read. BUT it would be very unwise for you to just stop taking any of these meds. You almost certainly need to taper off them gradually, under a doctor's supervision. I realize that's a problem, and I suppose you could find tapering info on the internet and try to do it yourself, but that seems quite risky to me. Please be careful about this. It's a tough, tough situation, but you definitely need to be careful. Do you have oxygen? Have you considered trying the D3 regimen? What about energy drinks (I'd even worry a little about these with all that's going on in your system, but I'm thinking that maybe the "milder" ones like Five-Hour Energy that are essentially a cup of coffee with other stuff added) might be okay. OXYGEN is the number 1 priority. Have you already done all the standard meds, like imitrex injections? Because I think your taper off the others could take a while, and maybe you need to go to the standard meds for a while. For that matter, maybe if some standard meds plus oxygen (maybe plus D3 and energy drinks) will work for you, you'll decide not to get off those other meds, if they're helping you with other issues.
  2. Brad, I join with Jeebs (and others, I'm sure) in really regretting your current status. I've always respected your choice not to bust . . . but it seems that enough is definitely enough! Maybe you might try licorice root, too? http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1322547210/ Are you using energy drinks and/or melatonin??
  3. Hi Darby, and welcome. I can't really add much to what's already been said. Try the energy drinks (drink one as soon as you feel a CH attack coming on) and the melatonin. Be sure to follow up on getting oxygen (which, like busting, can also help migraines, at least sometimes). You can read more about oxygen by clicking on the MENU tab on the left side of the page. There is a very good Facebook page based in Scandanavia (Finland) about CH. https://www.facebook.com/groups/ch.naturals/?fref=ts Here is the basic information about the methods of busting: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290127865 In the section where that file is located, you can read a great deal more. It's in the "ClusterBuster Files" section. You might want to also consider the "vitamin D3" method that has helped a very large number of people: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804 Or licorice root, which also seems to work very well for some people: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1322547210
  4. Just thoughts . . . . I have always thought that seasonal CH cycles of CH were understood to be related to the hypothalamus's role in adjusting the brain and body's daily functions for seasonal changes (circadian rhythms), and that they were likely triggered more by changes in amounts of daylight than by actual weather changes. There's an abstract of a medical journal article about this that says >>>While cluster headache has traditionally been thought of as a vascular headache disorder, its periodicity suggests involvement of the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, the biological clock. Normal circadian function and seasonal changes occurring in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and pineal gland are correlated to the clinical features and abnormalities of circadian rhythm seen in cluster headache. <<< (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11858532) A couple more things: >>>A series of findings over the past decade has begun to identify the brain circuitry and neurotransmitters that regulate our daily cycles of sleep and wakefulness. The latter depends on a network of cell groups that activate the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. A key switch in the hypothalamus shuts off this arousal system during sleep. Other hypothalamic neurons stabilize the switch, and their absence results in inappropriate switching of behavioural states, such as occurs in narcolepsy<<< (http://meds371s.uchc.edu/Saper%20etal%202005%20hypothalamus%20circadian%20rhythms.pdf) (Seems like this would be connected to the fact that CH occurs so often in sleep.) In seasonal affective disorder, >>>bright light works by stimulating cells in the retina that connect to the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that helps control circadian rhythms. Activating the hypothalamus at a certain time every day can restore a normal circadian rhythm and thus banish seasonal symptoms.<<< (http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/seasonal-affective-disorder-bring-on-the-light-201212215663) (I remember at least one person, tingeling, saying that using one of those light machines that are supposed to relieve seasonal affective disorder was helpful for her CH.)
  5. Donnie, here's an alternative theory. It is strongly believed here that people should wait about five days between busts, because of a phenomenon called "shutting the door," in which a bust blocks the receptors for about five days so that a dose taken less than five days after a previous dose will have no, or very little, effect. Here's a file about that: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130968 Some people find they can be successful with four days between busts, but your three days (Tuesday-Friday) is probably too little. Can't say that for sure, of course. Wish we could say more for sure. But it's the accumulated experience/wisdom of a lot of folks. So . . . it could be that your Friday dose is actually doing nothing for you because the receptors are still blocked from the Tuesday dose, and your Monday hits are the Tuesday dose wearing off, not the Friday dose wearing off. I think most folks here would recommend trying to get five days between busts, or at least four. Usually, the advice is that if you get extended pain-free time, try to keep stretching out the time between doses. I doubt, personally, that it would just be a matter of taking more on Friday (though I guess you could try that and let us know what happens). In general this isn't like let's say pain meds, where the more you take the more relief you're likely to get. Since the amounts you are taking are generally working, I don't think taking more will work better. Been wrong before; could be again.
  6. jb, i can't say where others are getting them from now, but i know some have gone to http://www.ktbotanicals.com/viable-seeds-c-2.html?page=3&sort=20a and some to http://psychoactiveherbs.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=128&osCsid=32cc08cfa44c2d318bf2b9baa8318933. someone also mentioned recently that they got seeds from tranceplants in about a week, which is better than they were doing before.
  7. Sorry to keep bringing this up, Trace, but did she prescribe oxygen???? If not, heed all the voices here and call her back and ask for it. Sure, the MRI is worth doing. When you say "she put me on verapamil," does that mean you're going to start taking it? Although there is debate about this, it is generally believed to limit the effectiveness of busting though probably not to completely block it. What's the dosage? Also, you might want to take her up on those injections (imitrex, I'm sure). Although they're $2 a pop, you can easily get two or three uses out of each one, and people here have found that they work way past the supposed expiration date. Might be nice to have for a possible future emergency. I can pretty much guarantee you she's not going to look into psilo for treating CH.
  8. some people have used taurine powder or capsules. i guess you could stir the powder into a cup of coffee(???) you're not the first person here to soak first, then pound. since pound first/then soak is supposed to extract practically all of the LSA, it's hard for me to imagine that soak-pound would be stronger. just guessing. very happy about your mask working so well.
  9. Donnie, It's nice to hear you had those five good days! And your new mask should help, too. (Standard procedure is pound first, to a rough powder, then soak for an hour or two.)
  10. Donnie, what's happening with you now? Any improvement?
  11. CHfather


    Just to be clear, Trace, energy drinks and oxygen are methods for aborting (or reducing the severity of) individual CH attacks. Melatonin can be a preventive on a nightly basis, but it will not end your CH cycle or serve as a long-term preventive. Neither will O2 or energy drinks. Busting can actually shorten your cycle and potentially, with maintenance dosing, keep it from coming back (or extend your time between cycles). Small doses of psychedelics are sometimes used to abort attacks, but that's not the main purpose of busting. The D3 regimen and the licorice root method have also worked well for some/many people for ending cycles and avoiding or delaying future cycles. Two different things, abortives and preventives.
  12. CHfather


    it's possible that the red bull won't keep you up. a lot of people find that it doesn't. note that red bull is pretty low in caffeine and taurine compared to some energy drinks, so if it doesn't work, you might try something stronger (some folks here swear by rockstar, which i think is quite high in both). also, the smaller energy shots are easier for some people to get down, and have as much caffeine/taurine as red bull. some folks say the colder the better with the energy drinks. as you'll see. practically everything is personalized in terms of what works and what doesn't. that includes melatonin dosages. some people find they need to go pretty high before they start experiencing results.
  13. CHfather


    You might try drinking an "energy drink" (Monster, RedBull, etc.), or "energy shot" (5-Hour Energy, 6-Hour Power), or even a strong cup of coffee at the start of an attack -- as soon as you feel it coming on. That helps a lot of people. You might also consider starting the D3 regimen (http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804) or licorice root (http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1298659068). And -- A month is way too darn long to wait for oxygen!!!! Are there other clinics in town (you could call first to see if they're familiar with CH and will prescribe oxygen), other doctors . . . a headache clinic anywhere nearby? Virtually everyone here will tell you that oxygen is the first, best line of defense against CH attacks. You can also set up a system without a prescription, using welding oxygen and equipment you can easily buy on the internet (read about that in the oxygen file at the MENU tab on the left). I don't know enough to tell you whether Celexa/Xanax will for sure block busting. But if there's no likelihood of a dangerous interaction, I'd consider trying it. If you don't have easy access to psilo, you might want to order some RC (rivea corymbosa) seeds.
  14. I was able to read the whole thing (it's great -- thanks, Ricardo!) just by doing the free registration. Jerry
  15. very good advice. thank you. my apologies, especially since what i was saying wasn't really relevant anyway (i could link to the online source of my speculation, but that would just be adding to the potential fire).
  16.  it's kind of out of date now, but the blog of dr. richard sewell (psychiatrist at yale med school) contained a number of reports about CH treatments, along with sewell's thoughts about them. www.clusterattack.com  his name is richard andrew sewell, and if you google that in various forms, i think you'll find a bunch of things by him about CH and psychedelics. he was involved with dr. halpern in the early work, which i assume you've seen (e.g., http://www.neurology.org/content/66/12/1920); they had a falling out, as i understand it, over some aspect of halpern's decision to patent bol for use with ch. (maybe sewell falls into the category potter was describing. i can only say that he seems to have tried to keep up the fight, his early work made a big difference, and he was personally very generous with his time with me when i asked for his advice on several occasions.) i'm going far afield now, but it's a curious thing to me that the so-called "anti-inflammatory vitamin d3 regimen" seems to have helped so many people with ch as an effective preventive that also sometimes quickly lessens or even in some cases eliminates CH pain. i have wondered whether that regimen is somehow doing something with brain chemistry, as opposed to just creating a general anti-inflammatory effect in the overall system. (it doesn't help everyone, but there are lots of testimonials, at this site and particularly at clusterheadaches.com). http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1314134804 also relatedly, i have wondered (though some people may already know the answer to this) why some substances that are prescribed for CH interfere with the effects of psychedelics, since (knowing absolutely nothing) i would assume that they do not block the brain receptors affected by psychedelics. you can see a list of some of those meds here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1290130731 finally, there was one thoughtful fellow here who undertook to treat his CH with GABA supplements. i know that the GABA mechanism is in the brain and some gaba-related things (such as gabapentin) sometimes help with CH. another possible mechanism???
  17. ub, i think you'll find that what you describe here is pretty much what happened. i don't know that for sure, but from all i've seen, that's what happened. as a non-researcher, i wouldn't characterize it as negatively as you do here. the question was: does this stuff (which as you say has been used before) work? as i recall, clusterbusters financed or partially financed that small open-label trial.
  18. shahooty, every once in a while at this board someone reports on trying to order bol, or have it made for them. the last person, whose screen name i do not remember (and who lived somewhere outside the US), was quite confident that s/he could purchase it. no one has ever come back and reported that they got it, but i don't suppose that necessarily means they didn't. one person, whose screen name i do remember but who hasn't posted here in quite some time, got a couple of shipments of stuff that was supposed to be bol, but which upon testing turned out not to be. this is reflected in ub's concerns about trying to get it on a "black market." in general, as ub says, purchase of bol is restricted to researchers and others with authorization. also, as ub says, some researchers have expressed concerns about possible long-term effects of bol, which have not been fully studied. i assume that the "other options" that ub is talking about are the ones currently used by people at this board -- psilo, lsa, and lsd.
  19. Well, I can tell you that I'm thrilled to see you here, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Right now, you might only be able to imagine somewhat dimly what a breakthrough would mean for one person, let alone for tens and even hundreds of thousands of people with CH. I believe that the person here who has thought the most about the chemistry of CH is probably Ricardo (his screen name). Could be wrong. As I recall, he has had some doubts about the centrality of the 5-HT receptors. There was a time when we discussed some stuff related to this, particularly to the possible role of tumor necrosis factor, at this thread: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1325136848 And Ricardo also pondered lisuride here: http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1327360561 These might not be doing Ricardo justice. Or maybe some of it will be useful for you. I'm a decent googler. If I can start digging anything out for you, let me know. Jerry
  20. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1361807077/0#0[quote
  21.  Don't. Most folks just want to get away from it and, as you say, stuff those memories someplace far away.  On the other hand, the voices of folks like you, with experience, can be very valuable to people in similar situations.   Everyone understands that you gotta do what works best for you.
  22. You know, I went to iamshaman.com today for a different reason, and I couldn't find RC (rivea corymbosa) seeds listed at their site. Maybe I just missed it, but I looked in several ways. If they don't have them, and you don't want to chance a slow delivery from tranceplants.net, you might consider www.psychoactiveherbs.com.
  23. ?First stanza and last three lines of chorus of ? Â
  24. If your therapeutic idea works, it will henceforth be know as THE (Sorry . . . I saw this today, thought of you of course MG, and just wanted an excuse to post it.)
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