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Everything posted by Pixie-elf

  1. I'd get some glasses for the reading, but screw that method, unless they're willing to let you try it for free and pay them once it works. Keeping my glasses on keeps me from getting some screwed up headaches, but doesn't help my CH one bit. you missed the rubber band man, the cupping guy, and the waking dude. All those and more for your amusement at ch.com        Potter For some reason, when I heard "the cupping guy" my mind got completely the wrong picture. I was thinking "Why would a reach around help CH?" Then I remembered what cupping was. Oops. ;D Mystina
  2. Jerry, Home for the insane, of course. Bwhahaha. Hey Danny! Things are okay in Beaumont. The outdoor wedding was hotter than hell though. It only lasted 5-10 minutes though, the outside part, so that was good. Right now things are cooler thanks to the tropical storm that we got a little bit of rain from. I can't wait for fall! How're things up in Abilene? Mystina
  3. Hipshot has confided he always thought Jane Hathaway (on the Beverly Hillbillies) was a dreamboat. Well my Fiance said if we ever had a celebrity to do list, he'd put Betty White on it... IN FRONT OF MY MOM. They also both had to explain what that kind of list was. I was like "Fine by me. Then we're telling all of my family, and I'll let them mock the living hell out of you for it." ...Schadenfreude!! Do you have any links to whatever that technology thing Dr.Goadsby talked about in July? I'm curious as hell about that. O: Mystina
  4. I'm sorry I haven't been around, August was totally crazy for me. Cousin's wedding August 6th, then my fiance came to visit on the 18th, then my Aunt's wedding on the 20th. (which he and I were both in.) Then fiance's departure on the 31st. Still kind of reeling from the crazy month! So what's been going on with everyone? How have y'all been? (Or your family members, in the case of Ron and a few others..) Missed you guys! <3 Mystina ETA: Here's what y'all missed. Me falling on my ass. http://www.youtube.com/user/Pixieelf?feature=mhee#p/u/3/BREJy3VyC8Y
  5. I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately, I think of y'all every day. I've just been a bit overwhelmed lately. ( LOTS going on. D: ) There's someone I'm waiting to see if Karma will set on fire. It looks like it's likely! I love you guys! Mystina
  6. Wait a minute. After the EEG, did they tell you the results? I.E. do you have seizures? I'm asking cause Topomax is also an anti-epileptic.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, Ting. *hugs* That's really horrible. Mystina
  8. Been thinking about you a lot Michael. I'm hoping you're catching a break right now too. I think everyone wants to see Michael at the conference. Unless a money fairy pops up and shits a HUGE pile of money into my hands, I won't be able to go, but I want him to. Mainly so someone can give him a great big hug for me. Michael, you're awesome. Mystina
  9. Holy crap. That's all I've got.
  10. I completely missed the part where it said how many questions on each side of the brain so I re-took it today. I think my answers were the same. It says I'm completely left brained. I think I might take the test again when my pressure isn't up, because I also realized, I think differently during those times.
  11. FG I laughed so hard I have tears running down my face. I think this is a message Michael might hope to be left out of hearing... lmao
  12. Pseudonym: In that case, we correct his bad information, and fix him up with the right kind. Ron, and Bob I think Ouch + Surgeon General + NHF combined might be the best idea on who to go to. Is there anyone above the doctors who's guidelines they have to follow? (I should know this, again, dumb right now.) If it's the Surgeon General... Then they'd be someone to contact, too.
  13. it was actually my mother's idea, she just rambled off names Dr Phil, Oprah, and all their understudies . . . only two i can remember i cant watch that stuff on tv :-/ AO I think Dr.Phil's response might just be to yell nasty things at us. I'm not really sure he's even a doctor. The other one that worked with Oprah was Dr.Oz. He would be a hell of a lot more reachable than Dr.Phil. That, and he seems compassionate, and interested in alternative therapies for things. Mystina
  14. I don't know how or if it is still possible, but Oprah would definitely get the word out (thanks AO for the idea). She's got her own network now, so it might be worthwhile to do a letter writing.... thing (can't remember the word) where we all send things in. ETA: There's a thing on Facebook called Chase Community Giving. They give away money to charities / research foundations. Might want to look into it. Dunno if CB needs extra money, but it might be another way to get the word out there.
  15. I don't know how well this would work but... What about contacting someone like the CDC and seeing if they would be willing to do a Public Service Announcement about it? Commercials and whatnot. We could start a petition for them to do one on it even. I'm not at my best thinking today due to my pressure being up, but there's got to be some place that would care about this. A Suicide Prevention group? I'll keep brainstorming. There's gotta be something we can do. Mystina
  16. I had a hard time with this because I kept wanting third answers because the main 2 didn't work for me. That's probably why I get hit on both sides. It says I'm left brained, which is the main side I do get hit on. Mystina
  17. This made me so sad. The thing is, I don't think DOCTORS even understand how suicidal these headaches make us. If the medical community understood that, I think they'd be a FECK of a lot more careful with the treatment we get, and on top of that, they'd know to watch us, get us HELP. Plenty of doctors do not seem to understand that this is just as deadly as let's say a heart attack, or cancer. It's not just a headache. This is just where I'm coming from, from how I've been treated about it. Too many doctors do not get that this is a serious condition, and how they manage it matters. They need to make information packages for people with our condition so we'll know our options. I don't know how that could get done, but it needs a link to clusterheadaches.com Mystina
  18. Guide on how to Kidnap Ting: Get a van, write "Free Chocolates and Cake" on the side... Pull up, wait to see if she gets in. .... What? If Dan is thinking of ways to kidnap her I can too! Mystina
  19. I'm glad you had a good time Ting! I'll be praying for you and your family. It's always heartbreaking and hard when a loved one is sick. Hopefully everything will turn out to be alright. Much love, Mystina
  20. Holy crap Dan, that's awesome! Still thinking about you, and Ron every day, Michael.
  21. Michael, I know this is a horrible time for you. I've been through withdrawals twice, and it is hard as hell. I can't imagine going through that and CH at the same time. I know when you get to the other side, you'll feel a lot better. It's hell while you're going through it, but it DOES get better. I'm thinking of you, praying for you, and sending lots of love your way. You're an inspiration for all of us, with all that you've been through. Mystina
  22. Pixie-elf


    Can y'all grow your own in Australia? Or are there laws against getting all of the stuff for it? Mystina
  23. I always forget, you can do both at the same time. I'm an airhead right now. http://www.clusterbusters.com/faq.html#4 Is where I read about the Kudzu. Energy drinks help so much. I can't stand red bull, so I just do Monster's. Jolt is my favorite but in my part of Texas no store is selling 'em currently. Good luck! Mystina
  24. If we do that, then they might find out we all have Tiger Blood, and Adonis DNA. Kidding aside, I'd be willing to try it. Unfortunately I don't think I can convince a doctor on medicaid to do it.
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