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Everything posted by Pixie-elf

  1. I'd detox off of the Kudzu first. Go 5 days without it. I'm thinking if it interferes with pscilo, it might interfere with RC seeds. Better safe than sorry.
  2. I agree, you're so awesome. I'm so thankful you're here. Happy Birthday, and many more. <3 Mystina
  3. I'm so happy for you Ting! That's so awesome!
  4. It's after 12 here sooo... HAPPY BOB DAY!
  5. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15745624 I sleep on either side...but I also get hit on either side. Left way more than right. When I sleep on my left side it feels like I'm trying to 'protect' that side somehow. Dunno how else to explain it.. Mystina
  6. Well, honestly, I don't think it can hurt to try. I don't know how stuff loses it's effectiveness. What you might need to do is take her off of it like a month before her regular cycle. Then again, who knows if the regular dosing might just keep it away? Mystina
  7. Welcome, and good luck! Mystina
  8. I was born with insomnia, we're pretty sure. Doesn't the Hypothalamus control sleeping, too? Mystina
  9. Pixie-elf

    tune for you

    I just enjoyed that song far more than anyone should I do believe...
  10. My only real food allergy is lettuce. My Mom has it too, but since busting mine has gotten better so long as I don't consume it. She ends up around it and it gives her a headache. That'll last 3-5 days. Bad part? She's a waitress. The other waitresses try to take care of her by carrying salads out for her. She also loves lettuce. I know I USED to be allergic to TONS of food when I was little though. I had to be put on a rotating diet. My favorite food was spaghetti... so Mom would cook it once every 3 days, I'd eat it, get horrible diarrhea, and be happy until I could eat it again. There was a lot of other stuff I was allergic to but I grew out of it. All except Lettuce. Fecking lettuce... I really liked it, too.
  11. Pixie-elf

    tune for you

    Did y'all know cellos can do AMAZING things? I played when I was younger. Last time I dosed, I was hearing cello music... (I wasn't listening to anything at the time.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SSujw6K14k is beautiful. I love these guys. Their cover of Nothing Else Matters is beautiful, too. Hell, pretty much anything they make is beautiful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rsx98UquzI for if you want some lyrics to go with that. ETA: http://youtu.be/efojzMwLIK0 is also awesome.
  12. Honestly? I'm tempted to scream what you did at some doctors. I've been thinking about it. Too many people DON'T care. Depending on what she has, they may just be scared of it. People do stupid things like run off when they're scared. I've always tried to help others when I see they're in pain. If nothing else, you can offer some human comfort. There are some rare cases when you can do nothing, simply because a person chooses to be miserable... But a lot of times people can be helped, their pain can be eased, and you, as a human being can grow by helping them. Just my thoughts... Mystina ETA: I don't think it'll change the doctors mind, me yelling and screaming at him, but by God, I think it'll make me feel better for all that I've been through.
  13. No idea. Idiopathic. The idea is, my body just produces too much, and can't get rid of it properly. A normal person re-absorbs it. Spinal fluid is produced with every single heartbeat. I can't remember the exact amount, but it plays a part in the full circulatory system. I wasn't born with it, I didn't have any headaches at all until age 9. (We think the idiopathic intracranial hypertension starts there. We know for a fact, complicated migraines did.) So for sure from the age of 11-21, I had fluid pressing down on my brain, squeezing it a lot of the time. The treatment for me was diuretics and a bunch of lumbar punctures (weekly for about 4 years.) Diuretics didn't work. The good news is I didn't go blind in all that time. Remission from IIH happened spontaneously at 21, returned at 24, and I got a shunt put in right before I turned 25. CH started at 23. I'm 26 right now. Dunno if any of that helps. I've got a huge fecked up medical history. We're looking for an underlying cause of all of it, still. A lot of days I feel like telling medical science to go feck itself. I'm thankful for the things that work for me, and so thankful for clusterbusters, but I kinda want to punch medical science in and of itself upside the head. It really needs to get it's head out of it's ass. Mystina
  14. http://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1276776645 Check there, too. Mom and I both have been diagnosed with TN. Both have had some head injuries. They suspected CH's in her for a while, too. Not sure if they ever decided it. I go with the explanation that seems logical...fecked up hypothalamus. Because I know for a fact, mine's been kinda squashed on a regular basis. Too much spinal fluid.
  15. I agree! Great list Jeebs! :3 Everyone on it is awesome. <3 Mystina
  16. Yeah, wait 5-7 days to see how you do. For some people, relief isn't instant. I've saw a lot of people say it takes them 3 days or so to be able to see if it's worked for them. The o2ptimask is SO much better than the little puny ones. It worked better for me than the regular ones did. 02 doesn't work on me very well though. But I could tell a huuuuge difference. Good luck! Mystina
  17. Believe it or not, the headaches getting worse / post dose hits are pretty much normal. I feel bad for suggesting you sleep now. x_x; It's a sign that you've changed something in the brain.
  18. Hon, if your body is telling you to sleep after a dose, my advice is to obey it. I know you're scared of those night hits / nap hits / post dose hits. But your body might be wanting to do some work it can only do while you're K.O'd.
  19. I forgot to mention, I love your name. It gave me a smile when I saw it. Cause it sure as hell FEELS like that sometimes! I also forgot to welcome you on that post. Sorry about that. Been a bit out of it. O_o; So Welcome! Mystina PS- That crazy dude gave me a headache when I read it. I just sat there going "WTF?"
  20. That one didn't work for me, so I hunted it up: Awesome video!
  21. It's a drug that isn't available to us yet...but hopefully will be one day. It's non-hallucinogenic LSD. Mystina
  22. Ting, this brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you! This is wonderful, you deserve this time so much! I wish I was going to Chicago, just so I could give you a big hug. Mystina
  23. What I do when I bust is I focus on the fact I'm in a safe place. I'm in a place where nothing will harm me, I'm with my family who loves me, and about to take the best thing for my headaches. I'm chronic, the shrooms have given me so much pain free time. It's amazing. If you get some post-dose hits, or aren't pain free immediately, don't fret. That means you've shaken things up. Things changing with your CH means that you've done something to the chemicals in your brain by busting. Good luck! Mystina
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