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Cake lady, Wishing you well. All I know is that after having these for 30years the rc seeds have made this quite a short cycle. They came back after 6 years on June 27th, I found this forum July 5 and began busting the following week and it's working. I haven't had a full blown ch for weeks. Pain free thoughts and prayers, Carole
Thank Bob!!!!! Endless thanks to the entire Cluster Buster family. I cried hard when I found this site. :'( I had borrowed money to go to a doc and get 02. I got it at like 5:30 in the evening the Friday before the 4th. I was 2 weeks into my cycle and getting hit with 8,9,10s. By 2a.m Saturday the tank was empty and the medical supply place closed for the weekend. I found this wonderful place and read somewhere that I could go to the fire station for help. They filled my tank and I rationed until Tuesday. This site has brought me relief, knowledge and understanding. Clusterbusters will never leave my tool bar. Carole
BF, I'm glad your here and sorry you have to be The RC seeds are great!! I have taken them 3 times and only had 1 bad night out of the last 13. Sleeping and going to work (not looking like I'm coming off an all night drunk) 8-) Ask questions, vent, tell your story. This is a wonderful site full of great information and the comfort and support of others who know your pain and are willing to help. Pain Free wishes and prayers, Carole PS oxygen works great to abort CH I use it and am a smoker
Sweetwilliam Just wanted to welcome you and your s/o to the site. As I'm sure you've recognized already, there is a lot of fantastic people and information. I'm sure she will find comfort here. Not too many out there that really get what we go through. Glad to hear you are getting her some 02 and a good mask. Keep us updated Pain free wishes and prayers, Carole
Hey Jeff, Hope you haven't had any more hits. Just an FYI I think the reason my regulator was leaking I put pipe tape on it and I think maybe too much???? The guy today said not to do that it could cause combustion. Sux cause I put it on the previous 2 tanks. Now today I can't get the damn thing tight enough...anyway. Glad you are working hard at getting 02 I think you will find it a life saver [smiley=engel017.gif] Carole
Gaius, Welcome. You are in the right place. I am episodic 30 years now. Without this forum I would not have made it. Everyone here knows what you are going through and they are happy to help in every way. I am currently busting with RC seeds, today my 3rd dose. It works!!! I can sleep....YEAH and am not having 8 9 10s. Some like the other alternative but this seems to block the bastards pretty good. Have to have 02, this site and a busting plan. Read, breath and ask questions. We will all be here for you Hang in there. Pain Free wishes and prayers, Carole
Floyd Darkside of the Moon definitely!!!!!! Best of luck, Carole
FTB, Sorry you have to be here and also grateful that you are. There is so much information and support...read read read. I too am episodic and I do believe my cycle is almost over and it hasn't been quite a month. I hadn't had a CH in 6 years. Oxygen is a must for aborting these nasty things. CB is about care concern support and alternatives. I happen to try an alternative and it is working well. RC seeds. A lot to explain. Read ask question and don't be afraid to let it all out here. Everyone is great. Take care Carole
Agreed Pm me when you can and let me know how your doing. Carole
Hi Dave, Welcome. I am from Colorado as well and new to the site. Where abouts are you? I am 3 weeks into a cycle..haven't had to deal with these bastard headaches in a long time. The people here are great! Don't know if I'd have made it without them. It is a great comfort to have people who know your pain. I think 02 is a must. This site is full of information. I just started using RC seeds to try and (bust) break my cycle. I have a post on Busting called episodic bust where I have began to journal my experience. Agent Orange and other have their experiences there as well. A lot of great info. Welcome. I'm sorry you have to be here :-/ Feel free to ask anything or just bitch Carole
Nice Jr. Can you translate that into english ;D
Thank You Jay your an angel. [smiley=engel017.gif] I do believe I have enough
Welcome yury66, Your in the best place you can be as ch sufferer. These people are all wonderful!! I am getting ready to bust with rc seeds on Friday I intend to journal my experience here on cb. Thanks everyone for your reassurance. I am ready to prepare seeds tomorrow have plenty of 02 and support. Stay tuned for "Episodic Bust" on the busting thread.
Thank you all for the feedback and support. I still plan on dosing Friday night. I think I will start with 30. More on that come Thursday I will start a thread on busting. Yes I am scared..I am scared of those 8,9,10s..however I do have plenty of 02...........just don't want to go through it. Guess I will have to..to get to the other side. Rough night....tired PF thoughts and prayers for all
Lucidity, No need for an apology No offense taken I just found it humorous how you and other were responding to one and other. I welcome all comment, conversation and suggestions Thanks Carole
Very nice to meet you as well Darin. I immediately put the seeds in the fridge Don't want anything to get spoiled. I am so sorry to hear you are chronic. It sounds like you have things under control for the most part. I feel terrible whining about my ch when I know it could be worse...I have been lucky having 3-4-5-6 year remissions. I never know how long or short a cycle or remission it likes to keep me guessing. As for the mask the great people here at CB have helped me out in more ways than one and thanks to them I have a great mask. I do wish for you pf days and nights. Thanks for sharing some of your story I will be sure and read your thread. Night before last NO hits...I knew it was too good true. Damn things had me up all night. This is really effecting me at work and at home. My daughter has told me at least 5 times in the past few days she can hardly wait to go back to school and she jumps at the chance to stay the night somewhere else. Don't get me wrong she is a kind loving and compassionate little girl but Mom isn't really with it 3weeks now. That is a chunk of our summer. Work....I counsel people and I just don't feel up to the task after being up all night..... I wanted to come home and take my seeds tonight...get the show on the road. Decided I better stick to the plan. Hope all of you are pf free today. I know I could go in and read..but what do you think is the best for busting??
Hello all, quite the coaching debate going on..Thank you David for sharing your experience with me. I will plan to dose at bedtime on Friday. I don't want to do it during the week as I don't know how it will affect me or the hits. I didn't have any hits last night, a couple shadows throughout the day. Wish me well for tonight. Wishing you all pf days and nights. Thanks for all your care & concern
Good Morning. It is 3am I'm up to get ready for work. Strangest thing...NO CH through the night??????? I had a shadow when I woke but huffed a little 02 and gone???? The only thing I have done different is add vitamin E to my vitamins because it helps carry 02 through the blood. Could it be that simple??? Am I just lucky?? Am I at the end of my cycle??? Grateful and confused but I can live with the confusion PF wishes and prayer to all.
Good Night all PF wishes and prayers for the whole CB family
That's where these damn headaches are coming from LOL ;D PS AgentO Thanks for the feedback
The only thing I take on a regular basis is an albuterol inhaler 1x daily. I am not on any meds. I haven't taken any for CH(that never worked)since 1997. In 2002, my last cycle 02 worked. I take vitamin D, Calcium , multi and E daily. Should I stop? I plan on 30 for my first dose I am going to crush and soak while I am at work and drink when I get home Friday, 2:30pm. Any suggestions about day or night dosing? As I recall I should not eat 2-4 hours prior or 2 hours after (no dairy??) And then dose again in 5 days. Do I have this right?? Thank You all at CB I don't know what I'd do with out you. It is great to have people who not only are working on and know of things that help but know exactly how I feel. Lots of hugs to Jay, alleyoop, Leslie and raquel
Good Morning, Yes I would probably eat dookie too if it made it go away. LOL ;D Good news I got my seeds and will have welding 02 Monday (Thanks to Jay ). Hopefully will have a little better week not having to worry I will run out of 02. I hope to do seeds Friday. Now wishing I would have just gone for the other alternative but will try this a couple times and see if I can tame this beast. Hope everyone is PF this morning. I will let you know about my plan, recipe and outcome. Thanks everyone for listening to me whine all week. I am so glad to have you all though. PF Sunday to all
Maybe there is something to the ginger.. It took the edge off then I used 02 for about 2 minutes laid down and slept for 4 hours NO CHs ??? Strange they usually come any time I sleep and it is very hot here today and that will usually trigger it as well. I am grateful. Hope everyone is well and PF My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
My ginger drink took the edge off. Going to buddy up with my 02 and take a nap. Thought I was going to have a good day...feel drained now.