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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. I just have to tell you guys what my neurologist said to me once, i should have it on tape, it can make me laugh no matter what. After six years i was diagnosed, my doctor had to litterally force him to do more. And my doctor said it was CH, and a private specialist agreed. When i was at my neuro, i said i had been misdiagnosed with migraine. Oh no, no no no. No? What then? I said yes, but what ever. It was like throwing gasoline to a fire, he said no, i always make right diagnose. It was you giving me the wrong information. So if you had been given me right information at once, i would have been able to give you the correct one. I always right, i never do wrong. I laughed so hard i couldn`t nearly breath. He raised his hands, waving them around and cried out, We`re gonna calm down, calm down and we gonn take it easy now. You gonna listen to me, and i`m hearing you. I`m the excpert here, not you, me. I leaned back, and said come on then, let me hear what you `re telling me. He started talking about o2, max flow 7. No, i said, was reminded the expert again. Tried again when told how to breath. He then saaid, i as an expert, i have access to the best and newest information from all over the world. You don`t. Don`t believe what you find on internet. I asked before i got home, how many CH patients he had over he years. You know, they don`t run down my doors, so, around one. I think. Ok then...... ;D ;D ;D I had to laugh even more, haven`t seen him since. OMG, i don`t know how many times we laughed of this history ;D ;D ;D ;D
  2. Hi Can you think of something to do, or think of, that doesn`t take you too much energy, that might lighten you up a bit? Just small simple things you like, that can give you a little bit of a good feeling inside. Do something nice for yorself, everybody deserves that Hope you will get some sleep soon. Wishing you well, and i will think of you, hoping you swill feel better soon. In the end, it will go away Let`s hear how youre doing, hugs from me
  3. We should take a nap, to get rid of the headache ;D
  4. x6th, Yes!!! I`ve noticed that as well!!
  5. Hi Welcome to you This is such a great place, happy youre here. How are you? Tingeling
  6. LOL ;D Am i a hypo-condor? Probably. Not. Just felt like it every time i talked with the doctor about this things. But i think it`s more that they shake head because they don`t know alleyoop, thank you I read and found it is a antihistamin earlier. And a strong vasoconstrictor. But the antihistamin i get from doctor, seems to do nothing, and it seems Benadryl does? Benadryl is a first hand antihistamin, so every antihistamin is a vasoconstrictor maybe?
  7. Me too. Better way to describe it.... That was what i ment.... About the Benadryl, they dont have it in my country, do you people know if there`s another name on it, also in youre country?
  8. Yes, but it kind a goes away, and then it swells up again. Hard to excplain.
  9. Hi I`m stuffed up, looking like a teddy bear..... It goes away, and the horrible nonstop cant break them attacks starts. I sweat like it doesn`t seem possible, or nothing at all!! Even if i run for miles, then maybe a little. I go constantly to WC, or nothing at all. Thirsty as hell, or no thirst at all. Seems we are kind a black and white in our bodies maybe.... Also talked to doctors, and they just say, no, you're so healthy. so, i don`t know. But since CH affect the place in our brain, that controls the inside environment, i believe it causes different variations of rarities
  10. Hi Ok, so you have actually made the o2 system i have here at home I don`t have tho high flow vent, they refuse to give it here, dangerous they say. But at least, in the end i managed to get 25 flow. Thank you so much!!!! You wont believe what a difference it made..... I didn`t get any effect using O2, mostly because i had to breath as a maniac for ever. Hospital wouldn`t get me the right mask i had only heard about once. To make long story short, i kind of refused to go before i got it, got telephone number to supplier who new about it. They said nothing else workes, this mask make the difference for you, i will give it to you for free, because i know it will make life better. If i use the O2 just in a couple of min, it now makes a big difference for about 2 days!! this country unfortualy isn`t a beliver in O2, or maybe it is the money. Because it will be deliverded from a gas supplier and not a pharmacutical comp. I can`t believe i get the chance to thank you!! Again, thank you so much!! You made many peoples life better. I been an athlete, and what the imitrex and stuff did to my cardio, and how this gave me back my well being in everyday life, and made it possible for me to get back at the excercises, nearer and nearer the level i wish to be, you wont belive how much i appreciate it!! Because of this, i beginning to wonder if it is possible for me to go for a duathlon again I am so grateful, thank you so much :)
  11. Hi If any want to change facebook adr, just PM me Don`t want it out, seems like paranoia, but.... Tingeling
  12. The best one, but on our way there, i had a couple of stones to turn in my own personality. And now it`s just something funny to look back at and laugh about Maybe easier to laugh in certain cituasions, after reading this thread for many? Turn it to humor ;D
  13. LOL ;D Weird, i think near family try to deny it, to make it go away or something. I get the same question all the time, you havent had any headache lately, do you? I`ts like, well..... yes, and then it`s yeah, but now it`s gone? Been like that for the past 6 years. ;D
  14. what about: "you don`t bothered by that headache any longer, are you?" No, been chronic for the past 6 years, it went away couple of days ago, just forgot to tell you. Slipped my mind.
  15. ;D You do that? ;D ;D ;D Hahahaha...... We both take them all the time, hihihi... That`s a good one ;D
  16. Hi I`m sure you know, some food, allot of food actually, seems to take a couple of days to react, just mentioning it in case you don't know. Avocado has something triggering neurological conditions. Same goes for bananas. I react to omega 3, and antioxydants!!! And your everyday rhythm. I get up at 6 everyday, holiday or not. Eating the right food even if i`m better, because if not, i cant take other triggers maybe. Triggers that i cant control. Like people BATHING in perfume, if i have to tank my car etc. I think the time you get up in the morning is essential, it has to be in order to your sleeping/CH routine, cycle. Alcohol, haven't taken the chance. Not worth it. I call CSI epilepsy TV.... Exercise i find important. Doing this, i could eat 3 ice creams and one chocolate during two weeks holiday now. Sounds little, but is HUGE for me How are you?
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