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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. tingeling


    So then we have one hairy, one bigfoot and one with feets to small.... and i called us a fruit basket ;
  2. Everything you write, is signals i excperience when it`s rambeling up..... How do you sleep, apetite, thirst, mood etc?
  3. It`s Liberty Cap. I think it`s the same you can find all over Europe. Very difficult, i must say.... My nose looks a little strange actually..... But whatever
  4. tingeling


    I have size 2..... Get teased for that all time too!! ;D Very hard to find shoes, if not impossible. the cool ones at least. Do you get shoes?
  5. Hi Dave Don`t feel bad. To be able to try help, is something that is to great help for us all i think. It`s pretty easy to get a bit, or actually extremely self-centred, having a chronic disease. So spending time trying to reach others in a pretty extreme phase in life, and to follow how life change, that is something to be grateful to And being a chronic, in a way, i turn it around and i`m thinking that in a way, it must be harder being a periodic. I know what to "expect", and can adjust life after that, following a trail to make things work. A periodic, i have thought at least, it must be kind a chaos feeling each time. Happy you`re here
  6. OMG!!! We`re lucky.... We don`t pay any meds or consultations..... Same happened to me, using nasonex.... I been wondering if it is the other way around. Because i hade a very bad immune system. They have told me that most likely, i have a failure. But.... After busting...... Failure is gone so..... Sorry all the questions.... Juice? you use juice? Oh.... Found around 500g (frsh of course....). .. Worth breaking my nose for ;D Next time i go out, i*`m gonna show you folks some pictures, the nature here are so pure, untouched, and mighty. Awesome. It seems to be a good season this year
  7. Good luck to you Asked doc about Benadryl, not available in my country. Are you overreacting to "everything"? Like meds and in general? I do that to, and i think it gets worse when the headache is worsening. You noticed any difference to that?
  8. Hi Welcome to both This is such a great place!! And, you are helping her now. See you got advices. After settled and learning how to use o2, it gets better. She can really get big changes from this treatment, o2 and busting. Good luck, and all the best wishes from me
  9. I get the same side effects. And i think some may interfere with busting. The "old" ones. Like Atarax f ex. And for me, they cause CH. And Zantac, for heartburn(don`t sure if it`s the right name for it), is also a strong antihistamine. And they can cause blood pressure drop. And they interfere with meds that work on the central nervous system. They interfere allot of meds. I get angioedema and dif edemas, sometimes severe. So i been treated with everything almost, i think. And her`s the strange thing.... After busting it got better and better, i stopped reacting to "everything", and now i actually off all antihistamine's. And haven't had one severe edema. Just once in a while small once. And when they start getting more serious again, CH rambles up, bust, and both gone.... So actually got rid of "everything"!! If i take some antihistamines, to get some sleep, i found just taking one is ok. And that it depends on wich type. Some types can be really bad.... And taken on a reg basis, some have sideeffects after long term use, that are really "special"....
  10. tingeling


    Hi and welcome to you You came to the right place, this place saved my life You will find your way to get our life back. Read and ask, we will be here
  11. Shaggy, I just have to say one thing. You seem so very balanced and steady. I`t`s like you have a calming effect no matter what you write. It`s nice your here again, you been away for a time. Tingeling
  12. i didn`t think it could get worse. got botox and it went crazy as h... I think nerve sys got the "last drop" from it.
  13. I can`t even look alchohols direction... And i dont consider it for one sec to try being painfree. Really don`t take the chance.
  14. Hi there I understand. I been there. When i came here, i had it all ready. PLEASE PLEASE believe me, that this treatment changed my life so completely. From 4-9 attacks a day, to pain free! It is possible, and none of that side effects from all the other meds we are given. I understand the despair when your chronic and nothing work. Your at the best place you could be. We are here to support you along the way, to answer the questions you may have, to listen if you just need to ventilate about something. We are here for you. There is hope. You can have your life back. Don`t give up, stay with us here at this site!!! Have you done a little reading in here? Just asking, so we know where to start giving you advice. Glad you are here, and hope you post again very soon. I will think of you continuously. Feel free to ask what you want, or tell what you want. Best wishes from me, Tingeling
  15. Go Agent [smiley=thumbsup.gif]!!!!!!!
  16. Hi And welcome to you I don`t know how much info you`ve been given from doc`s about sleep and food? This affects us big time, so if you haven`t, just say so, and i will give you a little input on that one. I find it very important. This is a great place to join, and it has certainly saved my life. Wishing you, and your family the best Tingeling
  17. Aerts is cool I have thought he was finished more than once in a fight. But it seems like that`s where he starts. I never get any credit for saying this.... But i have a tendency to like Badr Hari..... Last time i trained this, was at a two days of workout in a nearby town a couple of month ago. There was top trainers from our country, they allowed me into the sessions. There was represented almost everything. I hadn`t tried grappling, Felled for it completely!!! I like grappling, but can`t find someone my size to practice with. I`m tiny tiny.... And now i given it up, i`m afraid of getting my head banged more i think of it..... But hey!! forget about the age!! 32 is nothing It just make you more stubborn!!
  18. tingeling


    [smiley=tekst-toppie.gif] That is great!!!
  19. Hi Happy to hear that Your doing what you can you know, and that`s something to take a bow for I don`t know. But what i do know, is that i don`t know what i NOT have tried for my neck. And after i started this treatment, it got better. when i got painfree, i didn`t have a chrunchy strange neck. And when it rambled up, first thing was the neck. I have always imagine a "tunnel" where the signals was sent through. And that it became more and more blocked. After the neck thing, came the symptoms of Renaud`s syndrom on the "bad" side. Now, for the first time in all this years, i can actually take my chin all down and touch front side. But knowone can answer. Maybe someone here?
  20. How old are you? Age didn`t stop the "lumberjack", except from last time in K1. But.... You like cage fight best?
  21. I am a chronic. And a stubborn one. Your episodic?
  22. I said "theyre here" I couldn`t have said one of them`s already here, wait and there`s coming more? ;D LOL ;D
  23. When i have been pf, after starting this treatment, maybe had slight shadows this have happened. Only nausea, not vomiting though. You've been on Fight club?
  24. Hi Welcome here : 21 years, and diagnosed 4 years ago, that`s a long time!! Glad you found this site I see you`ve been given info. And there`s "old timers" here, that have many years experience. Wait around a little bit, they're here I only used LSD to bust. If you have any questions, just pm me Wishing you good luck Tingeling
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