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Everything posted by tingeling

  1. LOL ;D Headache, know everything about that... Heard that one? ;D ;D ;D
  2. tingeling


    ;D ;D ;D Isn`t that a great great feeling!!!?? Enjoy ;D
  3. Oh!!! Fantastic!! Did you love you`re work? There are so many incredibly, perfect, just beautiful masq`s. It is really art. There are not many making real masq`s, are there? Sorry if i`m impolite, don't answer if you think it is. I just find it incredible, this art.
  4. Agree, worth a try. There is worse.... Thank you all
  5. tingeling


    Mad6string, that is so true!! Where in the society today, do you find such a unique support?! We share so many things, we can`t easily share with many people. And many don't get our humor i think.... ;D This is unique!!
  6. Thank you Guess i just have to try, and take the "bad" that might come or not
  7. I agree with with you Leslie. And that`s not because i don`t know what a trauma can cause to a human, believe me on that one. But i have tried so many different things, inc various forms of therapy, and nothing has worked except this treatment. But, you never know. Try what you feel is right ;D
  8. Play loud!!! ;D ;D The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart. - Thich Nhat Hanh
  9. Thank you all I tried a while ago. I think i never had much natural in my body, because i have never ever felt as crap as that. And for three days it hang in there. But it seemed as many here used it, i could give it a try again. But i have reacted on doses i see people describe. I had a 3 mg, that wasn\t possible. I think i would never wake up, and felt lobotomized for 3 days. When taking half of that, it was the same. Half of that again was nearer acceptable. Ended up with a couple of corns, seriously, that worked like heavy sleeping pills. Is it showned affect just after a certain dose f ex? Appreciate all the answers
  10. Hahahahahaha...... ;D Yeah, i know, you see like "oh, what did i start now" kind a look in the eyes ;D If i was in the mood for it before, i could look at people and say, "no i havent tried anything. Nothing." Then just stood right up front looking at them. Smiling ;D ;D
  11. Hi I see allot of people use melatonin. Not allowed in this country, but you can get it in certain circumstances. An i wonder how this treatment work. And what results people have using it. If anyone want to share, i will appreciate it Hug
  12. tingeling


    Yeah!!! You never know!!! I think we give each other good vibes, like that thought
  13. ;D I love when people say: " But my headache is baaad, i mean BAD.And it comes often, at least once every second month. I have to lay down in a cold, dark room and just relax. Maybe drink some water. Have you tried that? ;D ;D ;D ;D In the beginning, i stared at them and was thinking are you f...... kidding with me?! Do you think i`m stupid! Now i just don`t tell or just tell them it is easier to look it up on internet. Most likely, they don`t, but that doesn`t inflect on my life. That`s why i don`t use time excplaining. You can tell when someone really want to know.... But last week, i was asked if i was ok. A lady, wich i dont know, asked what it was. Head ache someone else answered. And this lady, she actually said: "If you have a headache often, you havent done enough for it. Have you done anything at all?" I would like to say Oh, you know, i started taking LSD. I find it funny now, it may be interesting once in awhile to stretch it, just see how far some people take it.
  14. Hi Happy birthday!!! A very late one.... sorry about that, i`m not good checking out hole message board.... I hope you had a wonderful day Hug from me
  15. tingeling


    Hi Never stop that treatment on a big dose, and sudden stop.... It can be very unpleasent taking pred, but even so, never stop it right away, ever. Unless doctor tells you to. I had this you describe here. I had it while using pred. It camouflaged pain, but not all of it. The result was that i felt it didn`t come "trough", and there was pressure building up as days went. But i dont know for sure, just the way i felt. Because of that, it got constant. As doses got smaller, the pressure and CH became as usual. Good luck to you, i hope you feel better today. Wishing you the best
  16. Hi Most of the money for research come from CH`ers, if i understand it correctly? And the money needed is`nt little... Are there groups of people working with this, other CH`ers, in different countries f ex? For the Clusterbusters group. If there is something like that in one way or another, i would like to join nearby my area.
  17. Someone read more about this? I just cant find more than that as a fact. But nothing around what kind of increased mass, "scar" mass or just more of the "same" mass.
  18. Hi I have to ask you a question. What do you do for a living? Is this kind of things in your daily life in some way? Thank you
  19. tingeling


    ;D and Davidj35 I`m the kiddo yes ;D I actually have no idea why i call it that... Thinking of it, i believe i never heard anyone call it papers... Small papers ;D
  20. Didn`t mean in head of the line. Meant to get enough money to the study, and the one`s who can, pay for themselves does that to make it bigger and room for more. But not to get before others, the contrary. so more people get in study`s, the study`s gets bigger. And there will be more money left for other related things, or simply more people. But i see what you mean yes....
  21. tingeling


    Hi David, i`m younger than you ( I believe...) Phantom pain yes, but as like a chronic thing. If there`s chronic`s for years, that have been completely free from horner`s, Renaud's`s etc. Not little in between if you success in being periodic. But if you do so, to be completely rid of it. I been doing allot different medicine, prednisone is the worst thing i have ever done, in every possible way something can be bad. I meant blotters yes Crazy, imitrex will cost 15410,93 USD, from my country. but we have health care that are better than best, so we do not pay more than around 200 USD, before doctor, medicines etc is free. So that`s not a problem, but still... Others need that money.... One blotter will cost around 13 USD..... And then it`s expensive.
  22. tingeling


    Hi Just wondering, it doesn't seem there's many using papers? Does anyone get swollen chronic eyes/face, a litle hang but no pain? Hugs to the big family
  23. maybe a naive thought, but it is possible to finance the way that each person able to pay for themselves, does so, and then also get the chance to be in it?
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