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mit12 last won the day on September 3 2024

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    Lake Havasu City AZ
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    Any racing that involves a engine.

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  1. I have been looking for a place to donate my brain after I pass for the study of cluster headaches. I can not find any. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. aaw96 As a suffer of Clusters and Migraines I do not think that an injury can cause a person to become a Cluster suffer. I believe that both migraine and clusters are a function of messed up brain functions. This is why I have been trying to donate my brain to the study of Clusters when I pass. For a couple of years I have contacted numerous hospitals with absolutely zero results. I can tell you with 100% certainty that injury can set off a wild and out of control hits. good luck my friend.
  3. I have found that anything that disrupts my normal everyday life is a trigger. Interrupted sleep patterns is a huge trigger for me. For me the more I can keep things in the same pattern the better I can manage my attacks.
  4. mit12


    I have been there, I had the talk with my wife. Thank god things changed. Today I am still suffering with migraines and Clusters but have gotten peace within my self, I no longer prey every night that I will die and end this! Its a tough life living with extreme pain and having no controll over it. I have learned to love the good days and plow through the bad days. I can say that life is better when you love life rather than hate life constantly praying for death. I know that this is more like rambling but I hope you can find some peace within. Hang in there.
  5. I must say that I never get a Cluster without having a migraine first. The Nurtec helps with my migraines which cuts down the number of CH events.
  6. The beast is a strange one. I am trying to loose weight because my back is so jacked up. I started Simiglutide to help this process. I found that if I have 1 beer it will trigger headaches now that I am on simiglutide so I stopped drinking. One would think that now that I have stopped drinking any alcohol my headaches would be better, that is not the case. Amazing how a trigger can set off hits but stopping that trigger does not reduce the events over an extended period of time.
  7. I am glad that that helped. I surfer with sleep apnea also. Got my C pap machine years ago. It did not help my clusters at all.
  8. Thanks guys, I know that as my doc says I have a rare condition. I was wondering if my Migraines were a misdiagnosis and that I might of had light clusters and heavy clusters. But it seams that it is actually migraines with cluster events as the doc has said.
  9. In between your hits does your pain go away or do you still have pain? I have been diagnosed with both migraines and Clusters. I am curious because before my first hit my head hurts like a bad migraine and in between hits my head still hurts like I have a bad migraine.
  10. BoscoPiko I can not take antihistamines they are a sure fire way to piss off the beast. As far as I know I am the only one that has this reaction to them. I might try Ginger. Is it in a pill form or powder?
  11. BoscoPiko, Thank you for the quick response. Yes I am on the D3 program. I hope that this is a short lived change.
  12. As most of you know I suffer from both migraines and Clusters. For the second time in my life things have changed. The first change was when both my migraines and Clusters changed from being behind the left eye to going to behind my right eye. Typically the pain feels like a rod is being pushed through my eye and it comes out behind my ear. For the last few days it has changed to being both eyes! Although the pain is slightly less in each eye it is in both which is not only very painful but scary. They are coming on like clusters meaning they get real bad for a short time and let up to like a migraine behind both eyes for a short time and another hit and so on for most of the day. My question is have any of you heard of this or have had this kind of thing? The beast is forever changing, the fight goes on! Thanks guys for listening, I am looking forward to your comments.
  13. Has anyone ever heard of this before? It’s been 3 weeks and I am still having them almost every day. I am panicking because this is how the beast gets woke up!
  14. Busting with both MM and seads got the clusters to stop. I started the D3 regimen and later added Nurtec every other day to Controll migraine’s and O2. As I have said before controlling my migraines is the key to stopping my clusters. My clusters hit after a string of migraines, never had a cluster without having migraines before.
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