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Rod H

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Rod H last won the day on April 20

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  1. Sure it's not mine a fellow cluster buddy made it.
  2. I have the same experience as you xboss.
  3. Happy holidays to all my fellow cluster buddies. Wish you all pain free time.
  4. Get the o2 and read every thread on this site. Ch changes and morphs for about everybody. But the tools are here as is the support.
  5. It is lonely at the top. That is why we have this place.
  6. Have your Dr write me the same script.
  7. I got time to decide. Part of me wants to believe that I would have less cycles in the az or nm arid climates. But I have no real data for that. I did live in AZ all through high school and never had an attack. But I never had an attack until I was 26.
  8. I've got at minimum 8 yrs to retire. My clusters are always affected by the weather. So I'm planning now. I'm in the Midwest. And I'm outdoorsy.
  9. Keep writing your words resonate with me. You have beat this before you will beat it again.
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