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Everything posted by BoscoPiko

  1. Brain Pain:The illumination,In advance,You reject,I'm rendered naked, and splayed,Unarmed to your un-welcome intrusion,Arsenal of prophylactics,Beaten and humbled, by your stopover.The thunder is here,No hiding now,It's gone right,Right to the righteous region of the brain.Knees suddenly relevant,I rock, back and forth,Making even a mechanical horsey look dull,Prayers fly from my lips,My mind, my soul.They seem to go unanswered forever,At certain seconds, that I am positive are years...I concede my faith...I am repentant when the thunder subsides.Left only to wonder if the reprieve,Was your handy work?I suppose I'll never know,Unless my faith,I allow to grow! I know this won't hit home with all as all are not religious but I re-read this from time to time to help me remember how far I've come in dealing. Best to you all!
  2. Never seen anything like this but I'd be willing to try most if I thought it would give me 6 years in the clear!
  3. I haven attempted as of yet (scared) to try but have a little confidence that I might be ok as long as I'm 100% out of cycle. Where abouts are you located? That's some weather your getting!
  4. So I have discovered that altitude (up) when in cycle is a sure hit, but if out of cycle I'm good to go. I wonder if this would be the same for flying? The altitude of our primary home is around 768 and our vacation home is around 5,800. When all this lovley cranium joy started happening I didn't understand when my cycle started or ended so I became scared to go to our vacation home because it seemed that it would always end with me being in pain. Knowing what I didn't know then has helped me to make the trip up pain free. I suppose it takes a few years or at least it did for me to know my cycle (important stuff knowing your cycle is). Here is a pick or the driveway and my husband trudging through the snow to get the tractor to clear the driveway (terrible image quality) have to resize the image so small to get it to upload
  5. I'm not an expert on the D at all but my last lab I was pretty high as well (320). @xxx is the resource for the D on here and I'm sure he could point you in the rt direction. I am assuming you are taking all the co-factors?
  6. I think many are with you as far as being over the COVID bit. It is something worth discussing as the after affects on folks with cluster have varied from drawn out cycles to nothing at all. I don't think you kick started anything with your posts @Shaun brearley. Your posts were level headed and non derogatory. The issue seems to lye in personal opinion on vaxed VS. un/vaxed, masked VS. unmasked etc... Unfortunately when folks opinion's on one thing or the other vary so far and they are passionate about it all the sudden we forget to be conscious of the words we write and how they may affect others that feel different than us. For instance take the video I posted on the music thread the other night (if it was removed prior to you seeing it then you may be lucky). I did not take into account the folks that may be offended by it as I went all stupid and thought everyone thought like me... Fact is that we do not all think or feel alike, however we should be able as adults to respect difference after all is is what spices the world up and makes us question even our own thoughts. That being said I will say that I do believe that most CH heads that are following the D reg are a bit better equipped to handle almost any virus as we have primed our body with a majority of what is needed kick most yuck's with a quickness.
  7. I don't know about the head trauma thing... I think nearly all people, weather when young falling from a bike or when a bit older with a more serious accident have had some type of trauma to the head. I think if anything it may speed the process up some how (not sure that there is any proof of that). I have had my fair share of falling off horses albeit never on my head, but I did have a pretty good incident about a year prior to the onset of CH, long story short I hurt my back trying to move a mattress, tried to walk to the bathroom and just as I reached the travertine vanity I passed out, took a chunk of the counter with me .. 13 stitches to the lower exterior jaw and 24 inside the mouth..
  8. Hi Beersnuggles, I have a fear of flying for the same reasons as well as the altitude. I posted something out flying a while back and got some good feedback. Here were some of the suggestions: 5-hour energy shots caffeine tablets Imitrex prior to boarding Keep your injections handy arrange for 02 where your going And just as an afterthought I wonder if you could take a few boost cans on board ?
  9. When I'm feeling that good I love to run out to the barn, saddle up my mare and put a good ride on her (the kind that result in wet saddle pads)
  10. No problem I knew it was most likely not a good idea but I thought maybe it was ok in the music thread... will keep in mind in all posts... sorry about that!
  11. Understood.. I knew it was pushing the lines but I thought it might be ok in a music thread...
  12. I do recall seeing a brief write up on head trauma and CH somewhere don't remember where (probably on here).
  13. Thank you for pointing that out as I did not get that out of it when I read it. Makes quite a difference.
  14. Interesting write up. I almost thought it was going to answer my question about heritage but then it went onto dominant eye color. Seems that smoking and having parents that smoked is a significant factor...
  15. This was a very helpful post ! I am now looking into this supplement I as well have trie propranolol and toprimax/toprimate neither worked and the toprimax gave me bad side effects as well (cognitive issues). Thank you for posting this.
  16. Not sure why but this makes me wonder what other people's heritages are (by other people I mean other C-heads). I wonder if one heritage is afflicted more than another? Maybe a study has been done on this as it seems relevant. I suppose it doesn't matter that much as knowing won't make the s-show disappear for any of us.. Just my curiosity. I am Native American (Pascua Yaqui) and have no family I know of that was ever afflicted nor know of any other feathers that have it..
  17. I can't disagree. Roots are beautiful just like the facets in our life. The women in the video were beautiful btw. It's neat to see all the diffrent sides of an individual (especially one afflicted with the same). I appreciate you starting this thread as anyone tired of the normal A rotation now has a plethora to choose from!
  18. Wow @xBoss showing your eclectic side with this one
  19. Think I tried to post this before and it didn't go through. Anyhow Dan is way cool and a member of Allison Krauss's band Union Station..
  20. Thanks! And yes the prices are ridiculous! I'm considering investing in a fake one as it will soon be more cost effective
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