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Just an Observation


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Most of my attacks come when I am void of shadows. I know shadows have been a warning sign of sorts for many CH sufferers and at times myself as well. I've been pretty vocal on here about my constant problems with shadows but I've noticed that over the last few years I get hit more times when I'm clear than when I have decent discomfort from shadows.. I know this is back assward but... ? I have been having spikes here and there for the last week and some change (not attacks) just a single spike here and there. The spikes are the same for me pain wise as an attack but they are not followed up by a succession of spikes. I felt awful today shadow wise but decided to force myself to ride.. My mare was awful and made my heart race a few times by offering to buck. Maybe the upped heart rate kept me clear I dunno.. Food for thought I guess...

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First, weird that you get more attacks when you're clear of shadows. But if there is one thing the cluster bunny can be counted on for, it is getting weird, so I guess it can't actually be considered shocking.

Second, I wonder if you may be onto something there with the heart racing as shadow killer. I've seen the articles about how fear causes a release of dopamine following, and supposedly that could explain why people love horror movies. Maybe a good dopamine hit is also effective shadow relief? :D If so we should all sign up for some rodeo bull riding. And heck maybe your mare could tell you were shadowing and was just doing you a solid. :lol:

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  On 10/10/2022 at 2:47 AM, Bejeeber said:

 Maybe a good dopamine hit is also effective shadow relief? :D If so we should all sign up for some rodeo bull riding. And heck maybe your mare could tell you were shadowing and was just doing you a solid. :lol:


I've got a better idea @Bejeeberwe can all go stay @BoscoPiko

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  On 10/10/2022 at 2:47 AM, Bejeeber said:

 If so we should all sign up for some rodeo bull riding. And heck maybe your mare could tell you were shadowing and was just doing you a solid


Something about asking for forward and getting sideways bunny hops just gets the ticker ticking... She may have also felt my mood and was reacting to it as horses are very know to do...I was actually tired by the time she started behaving so maybe it was the excercise and heart rate combo... it is strange but the last few real attacks were so unexpected because I was super clear... 

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  On 10/10/2022 at 2:46 PM, BoscoPiko said:

Something about asking for forward and getting sideways bunny hops just gets the ticker ticking... She may have also felt my mood and was reacting to it as horses are very know to do..


Yes they are!! They seem to feel your bad mood! 

I might have been hanging a 'For Sale' sign around her neck from the sideways bunny hops! I can ride, but have little love for horses due to owning a pretty little Shetland named Princess. She thought she was 'queen' and I was dirt! ;)


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  On 10/10/2022 at 3:09 PM, spiny said:

little love for horses due to owning a pretty little Shetland named Princess. She thought she was 'queen' and I was dirt! ;)


LoL Spiny trust me I know the feeling! Shetlands, quite contrary to belief can be nasty little brats. As can all breeds but Shetlands have little man's disease! I also had a Paint mare named Princess she was beautiful, sky eyes (clear blue) and super flashy. She tried to kill me one 2 many times so I sold her for a fraction of what I bought her for. My last straw with her was the woosh of her hoof narrowly missing my face!

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Yep, that would promote a trip to other parts from me too. 

Your thread, so here is Anatoly. In the sleeping one, I have ruffled his fur. It will stay that way till stroked back down. It Is SOOOO plush! And him with his house bro, Fuzz, my hubby's mutt that we adore!! It shows the difference in 'grey'!! That is the Blue part of the name showing and the guard hairs are showing the sparkle on his face in that shot. His eyes will get bright green in the next few months too! In the profile, you can see the straight nose with no stop. Reminds me of an Egyptian cat! 


Here is AnatolyIMG_20221003_183015838.thumb.jpg.8b9be041b381e2d77e9c553e92a26cf2.jpg     TIMG_20221003_104638841.thumb.jpg.4f7a9ab74c1f5eb3c003b08ed43f99ea.jpgIMG_20221008_183932839.thumb.jpg.23618ee863b5bf8a0af11a0c3c39e18c.jpg

My first riding adventures were on that pony. I was bucked off more than once. Then there was the day she let me ride, cause we were headed to the red clover field. When we got there, she decided to get a lick of salt and I almost lost an eye on the metal roof corner. I was not even school age yet! Also the first time I saw my father run! Left the pony in the field and ran to the truck. That was the day that I found out there is another door into the doctors office!!! :wacko: You know, for when you have blood running down your face through the dish towel Daddy smacked up there and told me to hold!! They don't want you to scare the other kiddos. Hey, it was body temp and I had no idea I was bleeding all over!  We lived over 30 minutes out of town too. Four stitches and I was all set with an ice bag on it. 

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  On 10/10/2022 at 10:02 PM, spiny said:

Yep, that would promote a trip to other parts from me too. 

Your thread, so here is Anatoly. In the sleeping one, I have ruffled his fur. It will stay that way till stroked back down. It Is SOOOO plush! And him with his house bro, Fuzz, my hubby's mutt that we adore!! It shows the difference in 'grey'!! That is the Blue part of the name showing and the guard hairs are showing the sparkle on his face in that shot. His eyes will get bright green in the next few months too! In the profile, you can see the straight nose with no stop. Reminds me of an Egyptian cat! 


Here is AnatolyIMG_20221003_183015838.thumb.jpg.8b9be041b381e2d77e9c553e92a26cf2.jpg     TIMG_20221003_104638841.thumb.jpg.4f7a9ab74c1f5eb3c003b08ed43f99ea.jpgIMG_20221008_183932839.thumb.jpg.23618ee863b5bf8a0af11a0c3c39e18c.jpg

My first riding adventures were on that pony. I was bucked off more than once. Then there was the day she let me ride, cause we were headed to the red clover field. When we got there, she decided to get a lick of salt and I almost lost an eye on the metal roof corner. I was not even school age yet! Also the first time I saw my father run! Left the pony in the field and ran to the truck. That was the day that I found out there is another door into the doctors office!!! :wacko: You know, for when you have blood running down your face through the dish towel Daddy smacked up there and told me to hold!! They don't want you to scare the other kiddos. Hey, it was body temp and I had no idea I was bleeding all over!  We lived over 30 minutes out of town too. Four stitches and I was all set with an ice bag on it. 


I have been wanting to see up close picks of your new fur baby! He is a stunner! I have always loved the Russian Blue and initially thought if I were to get a playmate for Bosco that I would get a Blue. Turns out Bosco is a one-man-band and just doesn't get along with anyone...

Aww the horse memories that story brought back.. Glad you still have two peepers!



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  On 10/10/2022 at 10:02 PM, spiny said:

Your thread, so here is Anatoly


I always have time for animal chat! CH is as serious as it gets so diversions are always welcome! I spend entirely 2 much time thinking of when my brain will try and kill me next so thanks for sharing the pictures I really enjoyed them. Especially the one with both kitty's snuggled up:wub:

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You are welcome! I have wanted a Russia for a long time too - 30 years or more. These two get along surprising well. Fuzz is 5, so Toly is a problem at times being a teenager! But he just gets wrestled down till he falls asleep. 

Maybe we need a thread for just fun stuff!!?? ;)

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