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Recommendation for quiet O2 Concentrator


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I got an oxygen concentrator 10lmp and it kept tripping my breaker when turning it off so I asked the provider to replace it.  The one they replaced it with sounds very loud and is rattling the plastic casing.  Any recommendations on a good 10lpm concentrator?  I may ask my insurance to find me another o2 provider.

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46 minutes ago, Bailey said:

I got an oxygen concentrator 10lmp and it kept tripping my breaker when turning it off so I asked the provider to replace it.  The one they replaced it with sounds very loud and is rattling the plastic casing.  Any recommendations on a good 10lpm concentrator?  I may ask my insurance to find me another o2 provider.

Ditch the concentrator if a cluster head.  They mix normal air with the pure o2 that you need to effectively abort. 

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15 hours ago, BoscoPiko said:

Ditch the concentrator if a cluster head.  They mix normal air with the pure o2 that you need to effectively abort. 

Yes, and 10lpm is generally too low, or even way too low, for the most effective abort.

I always worry when I see concentrator that other wrong equipment might have been supplied.  Do you have a non-rebreather mask (it has a bag that fills with O2 and then empties when you inhale)?

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I hadn't even realized a concentrator could go up to 10 lpm (I never tried one).

In my earliest cycles as a clusterhead, I found that 10 lpm (from a tank) could somehow abort attacks for me if caught at onset, but of course that went right out the window toot sweet, and next thing you know I was having to huff O2 at 25+ lpm with a trash bag sized reservoir.

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Bosco, Bejeeber and CHFather, I use a non-rebreather with reservoir with the 10lpm concentrator and it usually aborts the attack in 10-15 mins for me using...In the past I have just taped over the outlets and exhaled outside of the mask, but I just purchased the rebreather sold on this site to give it a try.  It is on the way.  

My headaches usually come on at 1-3am, and I run for the sober wagon after my very first attack each episode cluster.  How many minutes do you usually get out of one tank?  I have almost always only used a concentrator and augmented with injectable sumatripitan when not at home.

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6 hours ago, Bailey said:

How many minutes do you usually get out of one tank? 

Hi Bailey,

I suppose it depends on the size of tank you get. The smaller ones usually give me a few hours if I'm being conservative (usually not the case if I'm on the O2).. I'm glad the concentrator works for you but I cant help but wonder if the concentrator works how much quicker you could abort with pure O2?

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5 minutes ago, BoscoPiko said:

I suppose it depends on the size of tank you get. The smaller ones usually give me a few hours if I'm being conservative (usually not the case if I'm on the O2).. I'm glad the concentrator works for you but I cant help but wonder if the concentrator works how much quicker you could abort with pure O2?

.....well for sure...depends...i could get about 2- 3 aborts per e-tank (typical 5-8 min ea) and around 6+ per m-60. gotta hit the O2 immediately, and i used a 2 oz energy drink on the way...which increases effectiveness immensely. note with the e's you are WAY more portable than a concentrator....had in car and office for 25 yrs...m's at home. 

....$ cost can be a consideration if you are renting the concentrator.....will need to do some number crunching as appears you are doing....

...if the concentrator works for you great....not many clusterheads find so. is not 100% O2 and does it take a while to "warm up" to effectiveness? they didn't used to get up to 10 lpm so looks improved, but 15-25 with a tank is easy and effective....

...once i got the breathing technique down, plus energy drinks and D3 i would rarely need the triptans (zomig ns (10 mg) my last resort abort....

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