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Nitroglycerin fecking SUCKS..


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So, I just had a fun last 4 days.

I had a severe allergic reaction on the way home from a new ENT who will be scoping my vocal cords.

I also felt like something was sitting on my chest, even after some epi.

So we go to the ER, my triponin was high, so they decide to give me some nitro to protect my heart. Just in case.

Level 10 hit resulted. I screamed bloody fecking murder in the  ER for a good long while until they brought me some morphine.

The shit didn't even help my chest pain! >:(

I've had some pretty bad hits since, I was admitted to make sure that my heart wasn't fecked. It's fine thank God. I'm badly constipated, and we think the pain is due to my shunt...Again.

I also wound up with a throat or left lung infection. I'm on azithromycin.

In summary: Nitro fecking sucks for CH. :(


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I bet you won't let them give you that shit again! Arde's right - nitro's the best way to induce a CH. It would of been nice if you'd known that beforehand. 

I thought I'd read that it did, and tried telling them it'd give me horrid headache. Their response was it gives everyone a headache. ::)

BTW, my heart is fine. I actually slept through the chemical stress test they did on me.

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During a cluster period, and in the chronic subtype, attacks occur regularly and may be provoked by alcohol, histamine or nitroglycerine.
from the IHS bible.

Glad your kickin.

the bb

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So glad you are home and your heart is fine.

All the rest bites!!!! >:(

If you have to have the nitro your heart, it makes for a tough decision. If anything else will do the trick - scream LOUDLY against it!!!! When you are young, they mistakenly think you are naive or ignorant. Put them in their place on that one.

Do you have or have you considered one of those Medical ID bracelets? You might have too many no no's to put on one (I do) but you might consider something like 'Check My Medical Records before ANYTHING'.

Glad you are out. Now, get better! :)

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I thought I'd read that it did, and tried telling them it'd give me horrid headache. Their response was it gives everyone a headache.

Stupid Fuggers!  The fact that Nitro will trigger a cluster is one of the simplest, oldest, most basic info on clusters there is!   If you ever end up in that situation again I would stress to them that it WILL, not might, but WILL set you off on the most painful condition known to man and they better have a hell of a lot of drugs to give you for it!  Remind them that the biggest headache is going to come to THEM when you get their ass fired for medical incompetence for brushing your concerns off as "it gives everyone a headache"  Grrr....

Sorry you had to go through that...Glad your heart is OK  :)

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I wonder if this is why I started a cycle out of nowhere. My cycle doesn't usually hit until this summer. My grandma had a heart attack 4 weeks ago - I went to the hospital to see her - the unit she was in is what this hospital calls Heart ICU unit or as they have it on the walls HICU - I was there for about 3 hours and on my way home boom I started to shadow. I wonder if this crap was in the air and I was breathing it in.

I also was thinking that it could just be me too - my chemicals and body changing now that I am older. Just a thought. I do know that my cycles have started to come once a year now rather than every other year and before that it was every 4 years - so maybe it is just me changing but the coincidence is there. I even mentioned this to my Neuro and he said he had never heard of that before - putting someone in a cycle using nitro - my wife pipped up and said it is well documented. So maybe? Who knows if it is floating around in a HICU or not - I do know that the patient next to her room started to get have issues and brought in a machine that looked like an asthma nebulizer.

Who knows - maybe im just trippin - speaking of which it took 3 doses and I am in the clear I think.

I hope you feel better and I am glad to hear your heart is ok. My grandma ended up passing away last week and it was heart related, I also found out my grandad passed form a heart attack and colon cancer at the ripe age of 40 - I just turned 40 - my mom also has bad blood pressue. So even more reason for me to stay away from trex and verapamil I guess.

I hope you feel better!

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Damiano: Nah, I don't think they can just put it in the air. I mean regular nitro is an explosive agent. Your Grandma probably had a nitro patch on, and was given the pills. At least that's what they do on the heart floor here.

The breathing treatment stuff kinda evaporates in the air, too, so no harm can come to you from that. Although while I was in the hospital they treated me with one with some stuff called Zopenex... and that shit triggered a hit too.

I am so sorry for your loss. *hugs*

Spiny: Yeah, I have one. The only problem is cluster's aren't listed on the actual ID because my other life-threatening problems are there. It says to call them IMMEDIATELY if they pick me up, because I have multiple drug allergies.

Ricardo, TheBB, everyone else: I now know to refuse the shit without major painkillers around. That shit was HORRID.

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That's like the nurse that give me DHE Iv..she injected the DHE first,and too fast, and then went looking for the regelan while I wretched on the the table unable to breathe for almost two minutes...my wife had a talk with the hospital administrator and she was moved to the convalescent wing for some reason. I love my wife, she kicks a$$. Knockem in the head next time, it's your pain.

the bb

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Oh man that is a nightmare on steroids nitro!  >:(

Really sorry to hear you had to experience that Mystina.  :'(

[move]That Sux!  :(  That Bloze!  >:( That Sux!  :(  That Bloze!  >:( That Sux!  :(  That Bloze!  >:( That Sux!  :(  That Bloze!  >:([/move]

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