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My CH never came back :) 4 years today!!!


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Today marks four years since my first (and, so far, only) CH cycle. It lasted about seven weeks, with two daily headaches at 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., like clockwork. I had no idea what to expect and had basically been told to prepare for them to come back at least once a year. But here I am, four years later, still waiting for The Beast to show up again—and hoping it never does.

My first episode was triggered during a flight descent while I had a mild sinus infection. I was pretty nervous the next time I got on a plane, but nothing happened. I was also on edge when the first anniversary rolled around, expecting it might make a comeback, but... nothing 

I’ve never flown with a sinus infection again—not on purpose, it just hasn’t happened—but I still think that had something to do with triggering that first episode. It’s one of those things I’ll probably never know for sure.

This anniversary got me reflecting, though. I’m so grateful for finding ClusterBusters back when everything felt so grim after my diagnosis. It made me wonder—are there others out there who’ve only had one cluster, or who’ve gone years between episodes? 

As for “busting,” I’ve done it recreationally about once a year—sometimes just a little dose at a party, other times a bigger dose while chillaxing with my wife or friends. I do wonder if it’s kept The Beast away, but honestly, I was busting occasionally even before CH, so who knows if there’s a connection.

Cluster headaches are such an unpredictable, personal experience. I hope I never have to learn more about mine firsthand. I feel so lucky to have had nearly four years without them, but I still think about them probably five times a week. My heart goes out to those who don’t get this kind of break and have to deal with The Beast regularly. You’re stronger than most people will ever know.

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  • Alvaro changed the title to My CH never came back :) 4 years today!!!

4 years?! That is fantastique - congrats to you @Alvaro!


6 hours ago, Alvaro said:

As for “busting,” I’ve done it recreationally about once a year—sometimes just a little dose at a party, other times a bigger dose while chillaxing with my wife or friends. I do wonder if it’s kept The Beast away


I would guess there's a good chance here that the recreational sort of busting during these 4 years could be playing a major role in your remission.

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Hate to break it to you,
I've gone 10 years between my 1st and 2nd cycle.

Didn't even know what it was the first time. Dr's never found anything and that was that.
Some time later i learned about CH and wondered if that could've been it.

In march 24 the beast visited again, and i knew right away. 
Although I got treatment pretty fast and the attacks stopped, 

I never stopped shadowing since.
Headache all day, every day... 

I'm almost getting used to it <_<


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9 hours ago, Inno said:

Hate to break it to you,
I've gone 10 years between my 1st and 2nd cycle.

Yeah, the beginning 25 years ago was fairly easy. I had a couple week stint the first year and probably only about 4 out of the first 10 years were in cycle. These days I'm fighting a once per year average with twice in a year countering the zero years and the cycle length has reached 100 days. :O

Edited by xBoss
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@Bejeeber thanks for the response. Well, I'll keep using psychedelics once or twice a year for good measure. Great excuse! 

@Inno I'm so sorry to hear that, and I'm hoping this cycle ends soon! Do you attribute the return to any triggers? Sinuses, pressure change (flight or diving), etc or was it just out of the blue? Hang in there!

@xBoss sorry to hear that. Does busting do anything for you? I can't imagine having such long cycles, by the end of mine I was DONE. 

I consider myself lucky (so far) and I will continue to be grateful for every single day that goes without CH. And even if it returns, I am grateful for ClusterBusters. Hope all of you can find, if not a cure, a way to get you cycles under control. Sending good vibes to you guys. Cheers

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7 hours ago, Alvaro said:


@xBoss sorry to hear that. Does busting do anything for you? I can't imagine having such long cycles, by the end of mine I was DONE. 

I consider myself lucky (so far) and I will continue to be grateful for every single day that goes without CH. And even if it returns, I am grateful for ClusterBusters. Hope all of you can find, if not a cure, a way to get you cycles under control. Sending good vibes to you guys. Cheers

Yeah busting works most of the time but when it does not they go on forever now, it sucks but the DMT is a new game changer for aborts. My numbers were more what they would be unchecked by busting. I got to skip the last year so I'm working on a nice size gap right now. 

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On 1/29/2025 at 11:04 PM, Alvaro said:

@Inno I'm so sorry to hear that, and I'm hoping this cycle ends soon! Do you attribute the return to any triggers? Sinuses, pressure change (flight or diving), etc or was it just out of the blue? Hang in there!

No real triggers imho.

My wife thought it was because of my first flight in 9 years a few months earlier, I never thought so. did make me very anxious about my next flight. there’s still some posts around here of the moment I got on that plane. I was so close to crying, never been that afraid, ever. 

It was the change of season, March 24th

Soooooo, to be sure what could’ve triggered it, this year I’m jumping on a plane on March 22nd :rolleyes: Hopefully a little bit less anxious, but I really am testing it, don’t I ? :lol:

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On 1/29/2025 at 2:04 PM, Alvaro said:

I will continue to be grateful for every single day that goes without CH.

Absolutely love your attitude! I'm always excited to hear of people getting such reprieve from CH. I can't help but think that some of the things we have done unknowingly play a role in escaping the bunny. All else aside, it gives me hope that I'll finally stumble upon the perfect (for me) combination of preventatives to go more than a year! Thanks for sharing.

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@xBoss your first 10 years sounds a lot like mine! This year marks 10 years since my first cycle and January kicked off with a completely unexpected return of my CH, as I've always had them in the spring or autumn. 

Can you say a little more about your approach to busting, since your cycles have become more frequent and longer? What your preferred busting agent? How many busts does it normally take to end a cycle? Do you use preventative doses out of the cycle? Do you use the D3 regimen? I've always counted myself very lucky to have infrequent cycles, but I'm aware that a lot of people find their situation worsens over time, so I'm keen to stay ahead of the curve and keep learning!

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