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Praise and concern I have been PF for a month and a half it is awesome, however I find anxiety to be a concern. I start thinking I should find work. But I remember when i was working my physical and mental health was rough.  I am on total disability and get a lot of grief from siblings who do not understand but insist I am wrong for being on disability.  I so much want to tell them to just F off.  Any feed back is welcomed.

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If CH is your main malady and your physical and mental health was rough when working before mainly due to the trials and tribs of working + CH, then my first thought would be to seek out some work you enjoy when you're fairly confident you've busted this CH thing pretty effectively.

Granted, sometimes seeking enjoyable work can be easier said then finding enjoyable work can be done.  :-?

And if the anxiety is an employment blocker, then prioritizing finding an effective treatment for it seems like the thing to do. Sorry, I don't know of a particularly good treatment to suggest though. I do have a brother in-law who suffered from debilitating anxiety. He found Paxil made him worse, but another one of those SSRI's helped him a lot. Apparently finding the right SSRI can be hit and miss and vary with individuals (if one wants to consider SSRI's - I don't have a strong opinion on whether that's a worthwhile approach or not).

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My disability is a combination of depression, anxiety, ADD, CH PTSD , Broken back broken left foot. My Dad had a heart attack while driving and we had a head on collision I was the only survivor. ADD Meds gave me the worst CH's I never slept. Busting helps the depression. I have either been under employed or unemployed.

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I guess I'm kind of with Bejeeber on this one. Maybe the extended pain-free time you've enjoyed recently could be viewed as a type of sign - a sign that it might be time to start seeking out a work situation that won't cause your other maladies to become worse.

Maybe it's time to start thinking along the lines of a home-based business of your own - where you're the only one who can fire or discipline you.

Good luck!

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My Dad had a heart attack while driving and we had a head on collision I was the only survivor. ADD Meds gave me the worst CH's I never slept.

For you to have made it through an unfathomable tragedy like that including major physical trauma, followed by worsened CH, well I just can't imagine how you were able to deal with that. But here you are actually having taken charge of your own treatment and busted the CH, which is a major major accomplishment.

So I'd say you're an incredibly strong individual with a proven track record now of being able to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and you're on a genuine upward swing.

Certainly socializing can be therapeutic, so if you do find it possible to rejoin the workforce at one point, I imagine there could be benefits to an environment where you have good people to hang out with and interact with.

I'm hoping the busting will end up also helping with the PTSD!  8-)

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You may need a bridge. Social Security used to have a program where you could work x amount and not loose your benefits. Perhaps check out how that works. I would like the idea of still having my benefits if the job turned out to have a negative impact on my health. Less anxiety.

Good luck :)

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I got you 100%! I have just had to come to the crossroads myself between work and mental health... screw your siblings... this is about you! You will know when, if you get there, when it is time to go back to work. I volunteer at the local food bank... to keep active and test the waters. I hold no expectations over my head. I had to completely blow off every "social pressure" to "perform" in order to keep my sanity.

You say busting has helped you with the depression. Me too. Have you considered the anxiety/depression/PTSD is simply an extension of your CH? Why not bust that too? I am currently pursuing this notion with good results.

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Thank you for the reality check. This helps so much. My wife was reading this with me and remembered she had resently thought I should bust back anxiety/depression/ PTSD. Also yes I believe those are an extension of my CH.  My anxiety is not isolated.  Thanks Bejeeber I often do not give my self enough credit.  As always this site saves my ass in many ways.

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