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shroom information

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Shroom information.... ;)


Tons of reading can be done on that site.   If you can weed through the druggies there you can learn a ton of information on everything about mushrooms from growing to the chemical compounds found in each type of mushroom.  For the best information you will need to read the message board as some of the information on the main site is old and out dated.


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Hi all,

I'm new to this site and hope you can help me with the usage of shrooms. I live in the Netherlands where these Psilocybine shrooms aren't illegal. My partner is suffering from chronic CH for About +10 years now and we're at the point that no treatment with the "standard" medication is helping anymore.

After searching the internet we've found the clusterbuster site and the usage of shrooms so we bought them yesterday to try them out. My partner took 3 grams of fresh shrooms wich he ate in About 10 minutes. The clusters changes in the way that there was only the, so called, "shadow" but without the severe pain! You can imagine that it left him very exided. However, at 3:30 pm a huge attack woke him up from his sleep, he ended up at the couch, oxygen and Imigran (imtrex) nearby. Magically the cluster didn't progress to the point that he had to use the oxygen and injection though the cluster really was there!

The question we are now left with is:

How Many grams should he use to be able to abort the cycle?

Is it better to eat them fresh or make some tea from dried ones?

Does he have to take them on a daily basis?

Please let us know because we are very optimistic about this treatment


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Hi Pos,

Glad to hear your partner is getting results right on the first dose - that bodes well!  :)

Others more expert on the subject than I will hopefully be along to help answer questions, but meantime I'll weigh in on one of them:

Does he have to take them on a daily basis?

No, that approach would be ineffective. He should actually wait around 5 days between mushroom doses until the CH attacks are well under control, then keep extending time between doses. Some former chronics have gotten to the point where they could go months between doses.  8-)

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Hi p64,

It is a good sign that something happened during and after the dose, even if he got hit it is normal for a first dose.  My first dose I had a clear head(painfree) for about 45minutes and then got slammed with a massive Cluster,  that 45 minutes was the first true pain free time I had in years as at that time I was either having a shadow or a full blown attack all the time.  So any sign of something happening is good and even if he doesn't get completely pain free this method will bring help.  It took several doses just to get things under control where oxygen and energy drinks work for most of my attacks.

You said 3 grams fresh does that mean they were just picked and not dry?  The reason I ask is mushrooms are 90% water so that 3 grams fresh is only equal to .3 grams dry that is a very low dose.  I prefer fresh but it is not always possible but fresh or dry it doesn't matter as long as you get the dose right  .5 grams dry or 5 grams fresh is a good start.  If he has other chemicals in his body like imitrex the doses will not be as effective and he may need to increase the dose and detox to get the full effects of the doses.  5-7 days between doses is best if he is really struggling then he can dose again after 3 days but it won't be as effective and the dose should be increased.

I hope that answered some of your questions.


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Hi CH,

Thank you for your reaction, indeed he took 5 grams of fresh ones and we already found out at this site that the dose was maybe  to low. Next week he Will try about the whole dose of 15 grams. Because he had no experience at all with shrooms he wanted to try a low dose the first time, just to see what the effects were. And even that low dose was effective so we are still very optimistic, even though he had a huge one that night. It's a relieve to read that that is normal and he is definitely keep using them.

Thank you all so much!

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Hey Pos1964,

Detoxing off all meds other than oxygen will GREATLY improve the results of the bust.  Please read in the "busting files" the protocol that most of us use to end the cycles.  But, again, I can't stress enough to get off all meds for at least 5 days before busting, its tough, but its only 5 days.  Busts will be more effective and longer lasting.  I can't post links cause I am an idiot, but its in the files here.  Can someone post the proper link for pos1964?

Good luck to your partner!!!!

Will keep he/she in my thoughts!


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Hi Tuckerman,

I understand that detoxing of all medication is the best thing to do but he's scared to do so. 12 CH's a day with only oxygen is a horrible idea when you have them 5 days in a row. Knowing,  this may be the only thing that helps the cycle to abort, makes it a bit easier I guess, but he's not looking forward to it as you can understand.

At this point he is on a heavy dose of prednisone, after an injection in the nerve in his neck, (60 days, starting with 60 mg a day for 5 days, then 55 mg a day for 5 days etc.) he is now on 20 mg a day.

The prednisone needs to be aborted too in order to detox.

Besides that he is, believe it or not, still working, it's the only thing that can take his mind of the CH for a while. When he's at work and gets an attack, he takes Imigran (Imitrex) injections.

I'm going to read the busting files as you advised, thank you for the tip :)

Although......it will be hard but we're not giving up since we truly believe this helps!

Thank you for your input  :)

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Using O2 correctly is key. High flow- 25LPM or higher.

Exhale fully, with force. Inhale deeply, rounding out the belly and rib cage. Stay on it after the hit is gone!!!! Biggie. If it took 5 minutes to kill it, stay on at least another 5 minutes. Turn the flow down to match breathing. Start with a high flow to allow hyperventilation during the pain and dial it back for the remainder of time. Just using it till the hit is gone seems to buy you another hit pretty quick. Another thing. the next hit may still come on time, but you (he, she) were painfree for that time period in between instead of suffering the whole time.

This is the way to get through the detox. Pred and Trex have to go. But, with the O2, it is not as bad as anticipated.

To access the files Tuckerman was talking about, go to 'forum jump' at the bottom right of the page. Click on 'Clusterbuster files' and start reading. Playing well with Others (or similar headline) is a must read. The other files are full of info that you will need and find useful.

Be aware that most of us get a return of the beast when our intake of Pred goes down below a certain level (10mg, 20 mg, etc). But remember, Pred cannot be taken indefinitely either. So, you give it up now or later. About six weeks of the stuff last year did not get me OOC. I still had to deal with stopping.

all the best,


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Hi Pos,

Spiny makes a very good point about high flow 100% O2 - it is often that much more effective than low flow rebreather O2 that CH'ers can still abort the attacks when detoxing off the meds.

In the meantime, when imitrex needs to be taken at work, this info, if you haven't encountered it already, describes how many many CH'ers abort their attacks with smaller doses of imitrex, lessening the side effect risk, etc.:


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