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Just when I thought I was maybe in the clear, pain free since Friday AM, overnight hits had me sucking oxygen.  Cleared after five-ten minutes.  Got caught out of the house with what became a monster hit.  Got home and oyxgen and ice cleared it up.  Guess I am going to have to try again.  Next chance is Tuesday night. :-?

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As a proud Irishman, I could really really go for a nice cold beer sitting in a lawn chair.  I would give almost anything just to have 1.  It's the little things in life that I miss the most.  Going out to dinner, having a beer, and just plain old smiling.  I know it is out there in my future, I just hope it is not that far of a road. 

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Not sure if I screwed up the first dose.  I had lidocaine injections in the morning in my neck and also was prescribed a muscle relaxer.  Can they interfere?  Been getting hit again since Saturday sleep time.  Nothing but ice, red bull, and 02.  Can I use ginger, taurine, magnesium, etc while dosing?  I am getting a little nutty with this cycle and need to find some relief.  Hoping that I dont screw up my next dose which is Tuesday night.  God I hope this works!!!! :-/

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Hey Tim,

As far as I know most of the ones that you listed were okay but I don't know about the lidocaine or mucle relaxer just the taurine etc and I have used them during my bust. The ginger I tried yesterday but it was on a small hit. Positive vibes coming to you from the north. Echo that on the beer, can't wait to try the beer test, not quite there yet.


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Go figure!  Had a temple pulse all day, couldn't shake it until resting at home with the family.  Figured, since the beast switched sides, maybe I would give melatonin another try.  Only one hit at 1:30, 2 1/2 hours after falling asleep.  Took five-ten miuted of 02 and then slept till 6:45.  Hoping it was the melatonin and not just a fluke break. 

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If the bust helped it took a few days.  I guess that can be normal for some.  The last and only other time that I tried this, it worked by the next morning.  Guess I was over optimistic thinking that was how quick it worked.  Everyone and every cycle are different so maybe it is finally kicking in.  Can't dose tonight as planned because I will not be home until late.  And tomorrow the wife is out and I am home alone with the kids so that is out.  Maybe Friday night it is then.

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Dosing doesn't work overnight for most. In fact, most people see an increase in activity for a couple of days then, the hits get less intense and less often. It might take a few more doses to knock the beast on his ass but, when you do it's like a breath of fresh air. It's like, one night you'll go to sleep and not wake until the freakin' alarm goes off. How the hell did that happen? Oh yeah, the pain is gone, at last the pain is gone! :)

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What a terrible night.  Every two hours.  Down to the minute.  02 for ten minutes and it cleared up, but the interrupted sleep is killing my sanity.  Tonight is dose 2, unfortunately, home with the kids alone as wife has to do something at the school.  Will start after I get them to bed and stay up as late as needed.  I can't keep up this lack of sleep. >:(

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Positive vibes again from your nothern NY Compadre, as I always say be patient and this too shall pass. On my third straight PFD, going to try the Beer test friday night and then when you are done have one with you at a ball game!

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Strange night.  Lot of anxiety, I think due to setting not being right.  Then couldn't get to sleep and wasn't sure what I could take that wouldn't interfere.  Which if any of the following are okay to take during this:



Excederin migraine



I am not planning on taking them, just want to know what if any are available.  All input welcome.

Was pain free from dose time of 7:30 until 3:00 am, then 5:00, then 6:30.  Help!!!!!!

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