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constant head pain


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So my husband has finally been able to stop the main cluster attacks with dosing (4x over 2 months), however he has been left with constant head pain. Probably a kip 1-2 (sometimes gets to 3) all the time. This cycle was a really bad one so he thinks its collateral damage from his hard hitting attacks (worst he has ever had). Has any else experienced this? If so is there some kind of remedy to give him relief? You guys are all so amazing on this site. More info that 1000 neurologists!

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I'm writing this from my phone, so please forgive typos.

When my clusters started 7 years ago, they came with a headache that lasted 7 months. The headache actually preceded the clusters a bit.

The headache started in the evening dec 31 2006, no, wasn't drinking that night. That one single headache didn't dissipate until July/Aug 2007. Within a few days if it starting I was being hammered with clusters and migraines.

Nothing I tried helped, and I tried everything I could.


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Well Moxie that sucks! The only time he has some relief from the pain is after he runs. For a short time after his head feels clear. (well then and when he in on shrooms) We actually use the elliptical machine in our house to abort attacks. This works better then O2 and can get rid of one in 17 minutes (almost to the nose...every time).

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I call that year the 'year of Hell'. It was a rough time.

Any form of exercise makes my headaches worse. Prior to the 7 month headache, I had been going to the gym a lot and was loosing weight. The headache put a stop to that.

Also, if I bust when I have a headache or migraine, it makes it worse.

Just goes to show how diverse a 'headache' can be.

Some ideas that might help, might not.

I posted some information about some beneficial massage techniques here:


I've found head and neck massages can really help with headaches.

Also, cold then hot, then cold applied to the area. Once read a post about putting feet in hot water and a cold press on the back of the neck. Haven't tried it myself, but the theory is the heat will draw the blood away from the head.

Indometacin can also work well on headaches. I took it as an alternative to Anadin once I'd reached a point the Anadin was causing rebound headaches because I was taking so much of it.

Good luck.


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I've had this happen to me as well.  I typically bust w/ RC seeds and this happened to me the 2nd time I tried busting.  The msg board thought it was due to old seeds, which seemed to fit.  The seeds I had at the time were 2+ years old.

My remedy was to bust again using fresh product with a slightly increased dose. 

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More info that 1000 neurologists!

OOH, I think you just won the new slogan for C-Busters contest (um, if there is one)!  :D

I've found that an extra busting session can knock out lingering shadows, but I haven't had them 24/7 before, and if he's already tried a follow up bust to try'n mop up the residual stuff, then I guess I've got nuthin', except for the energy drink thing, and I believe it is alley oop who has had some success in the past with ginger and shadows.

Hmmm trying to remember if that was raw ginger...?

I'm talking about this kind of ginger:


Not  this kind:


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About a tsp of powdered ginger (from your spice rack is fine) dissolved in a few ounces of tepid water (just warm enough to dissolve the ginger) has worked for many of us over the years to knock out stubborn shadows.

Hope it works for hubby!

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Booboo - After my 2nd cycle (2001) of 5 months, I was left with constant pain under/behind right eye - it was severe - for over a year before it finally faded. This was before busting, or before I was aware of it anyway. Almost drove me nuts - it was 24/7. I always thought it was due to nerve damage, since cluster pain results from the nerve being squeezed by swelling arteries, or so I understand.

I will give the ginger (powdered, not 2-legged) a try for current shadows, maybe in some warn tea. But hey, Ginger, if you're in the neighborhood...


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Thanks Guys and Gals. I'm going to have him try the Ginger, I ordered MammaJuanna (spoken about on another post) and maybe another dose of Vitamin M is in order. I don't know how you all stay so positive with such a horrible disease. Appreciate the advice. :)

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I call that year the 'year of Hell'. It was a rough time.

Any form of exercise makes my headaches worse. Prior to the 7 month headache, I had been going to the gym a lot and was loosing weight. The headache put a stop to that.

Also, if I bust when I have a headache or migraine, it makes it worse.

Just goes to show how diverse a 'headache' can be.

Some ideas that might help, might not.

I've found head and neck massages can really help with headaches.

Also, cold then hot, then cold applied to the area. Once read a post about putting feet in hot water and a cold press on the back of the neck. Haven't tried it myself, but the theory is the heat will draw the blood away from the head.

Indometacin can also work well on headaches. I took it as an alternative to Anadin once I'd reached a point the Anadin was causing rebound headaches because I was taking so much of it.

Good luck.


Looks like you suffer not from CH, but rather from Paroxysmal Hemicrania, wich by the way, was in the past considered the femminile version of the CH, as it almost only affects female patients.

Its responsiveness to Indometacin treatment gives me further confirmation of that, together with the worsening during phisical exercises (wich is typical of most migraine attacks).

Ask your neurologist for a differential diagnosys, or check a better specialized one.

I can't give you the link to wikipedia page, because the forum prevents me from doing so, but just check on google for Femminile Paroxysmal Hemicrania (you probably got a Chronic version in your "hell year").

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