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Hello everybody. Happy Thanksgiving. Been on a year break until last week. I'm wondering if there is anything new going on these days. I tried to bust it Sunday night and lowered intensity but came back stronger last night. Guess it didn't work. Try again Sunday. Stay cool. PFDAN ;D :D

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jimmys, I hope your bust tomorrow pays off for you.

Can't think of much that's new in the past year.  There's this thread about a new tryptamine option: https://www.clusterheadaches.com/cb/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1406637555

And I guess we've learned that maybe some things we thought might block busting actually might not.  Verapamil seems less counterproductive than once was thought (this discussion has probably been going on for more than a year).  Questions have been asked about some other pharmas, but I don't think we're ready to say they don't block busting.

I'm probably missing something, but I can't think of more.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

January 11 and the beast is still going strong. For a few weeks it seemed to be subsiding but picked up again last Tuesday night. No vitamins anywhere to be found so O2 and trex are the only available options. Wouldn't be able to work without the trex. In a catch 22 here. Just hoping I am nearing the end of this cycle because I am starting to lose it. Don't see the point in much anymore. Thanks for listening. PFDAN :P

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As trite as it may sound in the context of someone being slammed with unrelenting CH attacks, I'm going to still encourage you to hang in there - you really might be nearing the end of this cycle, right?

Pulling for you, and for this cycle to just be completely kaputsky ASAP. Then next time you can be laying in wait and ready to bust it to smithereens with a knockout blow at the first sign.

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Sorry to read this jimmys. I will add some questions to my wishes for your PF time to start today!!!

Do you hit some caffeine right at the start of a hit? Energy shot or drink, coffee, or other form of caffeine? It can abort a hit.

Have you tried the D3 regimen? For some, it starts working right away. Some take a week or three before they are PF. A few get no relief. Then there are those that get lower, fewer attacks being on the regimen.

Seeds can be ordered and arrive in a few days. Have you considered taking them?

Then there are the shadows. Some use caffeine and some use ginger. Ginger can be added to warm water and stirred well and chugged. Add more water to the remaining ginger as it does not dissolve well and finish it off. Some take the time to make a ginger tea for relief.

I hope that your cycle is ending and this uptick is its' last hurrah. But if not, then perhaps this adds some ammo to your arsenal.

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You may want to start your own thread on either the 'general board' or 'share your busting stories'.   Please give as much of your history with CH as possible, and feel free to ask any questions you may have.

I also recommend starting with reading the numbered posts on the 'Clusterbusters Files' board.  There is a LOT of info to be gleaned there.


alley :)

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