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Sons Headaches increasing in 2015.


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My Son has had more headaches in 2015 then he did for all of the other years since he started getting them.  I am going to say this with OUT A DOUBT ,, EVERY cluster period goes along with sinus symptoms. Every single one.  I noted this time he had a CH and 1 day later BAM he had a cold.  his CH's are definitely sinus cavity inflammation related .. I bet on it.  I think that's why inhaleing cold air works so well for some ?? it stop sinus cavity swelling.. anyway ,, I don't know how that helps anything. I didn't notice the weird smell in the neighborhood this time around .. and our weather has really been all over the place 90 degrees ,, then 60 and raining ,, then 100 degrees ,, then 60 and rainging .. sheesh

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Many of us notice an increase in hits year over year. It just seems to get worse over time for many.

I am one who lost teeth due to this: It must be THAT tooth. Nope.

In addition, I have had sinus surgery hoping for help in past years. It was no help. CH just went on its' merry little way, no matter that they drilled and straightened and so on.

Is he doing the D3? Has he added the benadryl like Batch suggested? Perhaps try that.

I hope he gets relief soon.

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thanks guys..

J ,, that's really fascinating .. wondering about that

Spiny ,, he ran out of benedryl a while back so I had to pick up some more.. not has not started the D3 ,, he's just like   "its fine mom .. whatever"

not sure what level or duration of pain or number of occurances will cause him to try something other than O's .. so for now im just the mom that is there if he ever needs me to dig out information for him ... sigh   :-/

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He is young and invulnerable. Just the way things are. I have found that the D3 reduces the level of pain for most of my hits. Does not prevent, but does help me. But, at his age, I doubt that I would have been willing to take a handful of pills everyday unless I was incapacitated!

It is really hard as a parent I am sure. When he is ready, he will appreciate all your hard work on his behalf.

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I notice over at the CH Facebook group that there's discussion about the dalt having a big sinus-clearing effect as it works, for some people.  The relevant posts are at the end (as of today) of the comments at the dalt thread that's pinned at the top of the page.

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CHF ,, can you add a link to that post here for us ?? thanks 

    Can't, really . . . You need to go there and request membership in the group, so a link won't take you there (I tried).  It's the Cluster Headaches group (not the Cluster Headache Support Group).

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denny answered your other questions at the other thread on this board . . . there's plenty of advice about making it into doses at the FB thread.  sounds slightly complicated (measuring very small amounts and putting that into a capsule), but not beyond your capabilities.

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