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Come on Summer solstice


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Trying to tough out the last days of Spring which have been tough sledding. With this crazy weather here in Colorado and my cycle winding down I've been going through an E tank a day at work.

This is the same pattern I've seen the past springs and falls. I do preventive measuresand double down at the beginning of each of those seasons. I think it's coming close to finishing but as usual it goes out with a Bang.

Come on Summer!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Summer's here and I know I'm doing a whole lot better, hope all episodic suffers who suffer through spring are seeing some improvement...And everyone else I wish you Pain Free Days.

I have an observation though and wanted to see if this happens to anyone else or theirs some kind of connection.

At the start and the climax ( Ha Ha Climax :-)) of my cycle I notice what seems like a massive allergic reaction for a week or so and then this terrible pain in the teeth on my upper jaw left side, which is my cluster side hits me for another week and then goes away. It's been doing this the last couple years???? But at least I know when it's coming and when it's wrapping up.


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