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5 hour energy


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Hi Emily


For some, the combo of taurine (>1000 mg) and caffeine (>100 mg) can be very helpful

in aborting or lessening hit time....possibly even preventive if timed properly. (note that Redbull

is lower in both these ingredients....if using regular energy drink find a different, and probably cheaper

brand). The benefit of 5-hour is portability and ease of use...it's only 2 oz. I always have one in my pocket.


In my case I get better results with a very chilled energy drink...consumed rapidly....at the FIRST sign of a

hit....timing is critical.My belief that the cold had some beneficial effect, the sugar helpful (low blood sugar

can be a trigger for me) and the carbonation speeds up absorption.


Never had any rebound or 'crashing" experience...just that it didn't always work.....doubling up was

pointless.... and over caffeination  unpleasant while "dancing".





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Thank you! Have you been using these for awhile or have you just started experimenting with them? I always can tell when I will be hit with one and they are almost always at the same time. I've never drank energy drinks so I hope I react okay to them! Thank you so much!

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Very nice response from jon', covers the bases.  I would say, just from observation, that most people like the chilled drink better . . . but there are some who prefer it room temp.  Gotta find what works for you. There are people who go straightaway for the higher-caffeine shots (I can't personally see any reason to down an 8-ounce drink instead of a 2-ounce shot, but, again, some people do -- I suspect that either they think, wrongly, that the bigger drink will have more caffeine, or that they just started with RedBull or Monster and it worked for them, and they don't want to change).  But I think starting with the 5-Hour Energy is the way to go.  There's a list here of caffeine levels in beverages: http://www.caffeineinformer.com/the-caffeine-database

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Thank you! Have you been using these for awhile or have you just started experimenting with them? I always can tell when I will be hit with one and they are almost always at the same time. I've never drank energy drinks so I hope I react okay to them! Thank you so much!


Since before there was a 'Redbull" or any such....which meant boiling 2 tblspoons of coffee grounds in a cup in the micro then downing as fast as possible w/o burning everything.....grounds strained with teeth....crunchy "cowboy" coffee...I actually got to

like it.  You HAFTA be a clusterhead to do anything like that...... so I never had any doubts re diagnosis ;)


Have often wondered why there aren't any professional CH comedians since "timing is everything" when aborting a hit. Just a few minutes delay can mean aint nothing gonna help. You might want to try an energy right before expected hit time. I toyed with it for yrs  and sometimes it actually worked...but the beast likes to "play"... so don't get discouraged.


Personally I've never experienced any negative side effects form energy drinks....tho they typically taste so awful (tho no 5-hr) that I am thoroughly puzzled by the popularity. Must be the myth "medicine has to taste bad to be good! They seem better now...NOS tropical punch being my favorite flavor and Wired my favorite brand (double caffeine and taurine so 1/2 can is all that's needed). Bought on sale (Dollar stores are great hunting territory)...for $1 or less per can.....5-hr or knock offs too.


One other note....for ME....consuming caffeine at the "wrong" time (in between hits) resulted in MORE hits and hits and energy drinks became useless. I think the body adjusts and you are not getting the JOLT necessary as your system has acclimated. Dunno...play around with that too......


Do you have oxygen, a preventive med on board (e.g. verapamil, lithium), abortive like Zomig Nasal Spray or Imitrex injections, a good neuro, considered the Vitamin D3 regimen? Caffeine and taurine alone aint gonna cut it........................





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Hi Emily!


Perhaps you are referring to a sugar crash after about 20-30 minutes after the energy drink. As a Hypoglycemic, I avoid most sugar to eliminate the low blood sugar pounder of a headache I get following sugar intake without a protein followup. Most of the energy drinks do not contain sugar the last time I checked. They use a sugar substitute. If you can stand the sweetness of the 'pretend' sugar you should be ok.


I can't handle any of them due to the sweetness. As in they come right back up for me. But, I have found that coffee works quite well. In addition, I use the V8 Energy brand of caffeine too. It contains sugar, but a spoonful of peanut butter in 20 minutes or so prevents any crash.


Since I usually know a hit is coming by looking at the clock, I can take in my caffeine prior to the hit and avoid some of them. I do find that cold is better than hot or room temp for me.

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I always have some energy drinks handy in case I have a daytime hit (preferrably NOT Redbull, I hate the taste). The colder, the better. Most of them have 32 mg/100 cl caffeine I believe. Ever since my current episode started I tried to get concentrated energy shots, tiny plastic bottles with orange label, but it seems they don't sell them anymore in the Netherlands. Which is kinda funny because shrooms are not a problem. It's a strange world we live in.

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