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Rookie at Busting


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About 12 days ago I started a new cycle, with the advice of That Hurts My Head and Mit12, I may have (hope) busted it (thanks again).


I am a rookie, trying gather as much 411 as possible.


I have had several small hits(none killer), the worst being slapped back within 4 hrs of 3rd dose of MM.


Not sure of my course of action going forward.


How often to maintenance dose? With seeds or MM or both, trying not to have these "miracles" lose their effectiveness?


Maybe seeds if shadows start become overwhelming?









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I do maintence doses when I start getting shadows. My best advice is to make sure you read the Playing well together to make sure you are detoxed for 5 days before you start the busting process and continue without taking any pharma during the process.

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I think using seeds or mm would just be personal preference.  I don't have any information if busting using alternating substances works the same as using one.  IMHO, I'd stick to one of the two for each series of busting doses.  (sticking to the same substance at each 5 days).  Most of the time 3 doses are all that's needed, but often more are needed.  I'd stick to dosing every 5 days till you're 100% clear of any CH.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Just an up date to my first experience busting,with Vit M (9 times, every 5 days), it has been 5 1/2 weeks since this cycle started. I was using small doses of Verp. for the first 2 weeks, have since stopped completely, no Imitrex either. I have had about 30 HA, ranging from 1 to 5 kip, has not always been easy. The duration, strength, and number of HA's has dramatically improved. Still trying to put together several PF days in a row. I have had a script for O2 for 3 weeks and the amount BS I have dealt with between the Doc's office, insurance co. and the O2 provider is overwhelming (the O2 provider now  says I need to participate in a clinical trial before they will work with me). I going to get welding O2. I also started the D3 Reg. today.

If I am asked why I am renting the O2, dumb question, Am I welding?  Should I continue busting every 5 days till the CH is gone? Any and all advice is welcome.

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Yes, you're welding.  No medical talk, and no medical tank terminology (welding tanks are designated by cubic feet, not terms like "M" "H" or "E" as medical tanks are). If you feel uncomfortable in case you are asked "Welding what?" you could have a story something like the one I have ready, which is that I know nothing about welding; my brother-in-law is coming into town to help my daughter and her husband, and this is what he told me to get.  I haven't had to use that -- usually, they're not going to ask.  You'll want a regulator also, of course, but don't buy it from the welding supply store: this one is good, and there might be a Harbor Freight store near you: http://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsearch/result?q=oxygen+regulator  This will fit on any size welding tank.  If you have Amazon Prime, you can get this one delivered quick: https://www.amazon.com/BETOOLL-HW9005-Welding-Regulator-Cutting/dp/B01IJI04XW/ref=sr_1_1?s=industrial&ie=UTF8&qid=1478042088&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=welding+oxygen+regulator&psc=1        For a mask, you can start with this (also Amazon Prime): https://www.amazon.com/Medsource-Adult-Non-Rebreather-Oxygen-Mask/dp/B00BBFQ64M/ref=sr_1_1_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1478042243&sr=1-1&keywords=non-rebreather+oxygen+mask


You probably also want either a rolling stand, which is good for handling the tanks, or a stationary stand.  You can get that at the welding supply place.  You might want one larger tank (I think they get kind of unwieldy above 80 cu ft, and you will have to bring it back to get it refilled/replaced) and also a smaller one to have in your car.

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Been down this road, never had issue getting a script my doctor is in the know, but have fought some idiotic insurance companies. I got a S tank, goes about 77 pounds and will last me about 5-7days. Just be confident when you go in, after the first time they don't ask you anything. You are just giving them business.

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If something goes wrong at Airgas (about a 2% chance that it will), you will have learned better how to do it at the next place.  I completely screwed up the first time I went to an Airgas store and the guy politely but firmly told me to leave. I had ZERO idea what I was doing; just knew I HAD to get O2.  I got my composure back, drove to another Airgas store, and got what I needed.

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I use Airgas for my rental of O2. They will try and slap on an $11 a month hazmat charge, when you get the first bill call them and tell them you refuse to pay a hazmat charge for a O2 bottle that is in your possession. They will tell you it is their policy. Ask for their regional managers phone number. They will remove the charge. When you pay the next bills reference that phone call and date and just pay the rental cost.

They do this all the time even though it is not needed, it is just a way they squeeze $11 out of people that will not challenge their billing.

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Thanks everyone for the advice, it finally happened yesterday, I got O2, it was not easy. Chfather, I used the brother-in-law story, and it worked out fine.


I started D3 a few days ago and without getting to far ahead of my self, I believe I feel better, I'll know more in a few weeks.


I went to my Neuro. 3 weeks ago for the O2, and to inform him that I was busting. He is completely on board, and wants updates,  he may come to Chicago next Sept.


Thanks again, I hope in my next post I can report PF, or close to it.

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