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demand valves


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They're not the same.  Although the actual demand valve is the same, the high pressure hose has a different fitting that prevents it from being used on an oxygen regulator equipped with a DISS fitting.

You can order an Ultraflow oxygen demand valve from bpr at the following link but you'll still need a good oxygen regulator with a single DISS fitting.


This oxygen demand valve will run around $500 plus another $250 to $350 for a good regulator so this is a very expensive (albeit a very effective) way of aborting CH. 

The Redneck oxygen reservoir system I designed (photo below) is far more cost effective at less than $5 to build DIY and almost as easy to use if you also use the latest procedure I developed.  This procedure entails hyperventilating at forced vital capacity tidal volumes with room air for 30 seconds then inhale a lungful of oxygen and hold it for 30 seconds.  4 to 7 complete sequences like this is usually sufficient to abort most CH.  Moreover, as the adult lungs hold ~ 5 liters at forced vital capacity tidal volumes, you'll consume 20 to 35 liters of oxygen per abort.  I've done studies with the Ultraflow oxygen demand valve.  The average CH aborts at respiration rates that support hyperventilation consume 200 to 400 liters of oxygen.

The best course of action is to start the anti-inflammatory regimen with at least 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3.  If you follow the treatment protocol taking all the vitamin D3 cofactors, this regimen should prevent your CH completely or at the very least, reduce the frequency of your CH to 3 or 4 per week. 

I have one of the Ultraflow oxygen demand valves and it stays in a plastic bag unused except when I do a 25(OH)D burn down test by stopping vitamin D3 intake until I get hit...  I do this at least once a year and usually alternate between the oxygen demand valve and Redneck Reservoir system.

Take care and please keep us posted.  V/R, BatchbVVcA8Q.jpg


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Hi, I have started the d3 regimen about a week ago, I might have a go at making that redneck reservoir system. Is there no way to change the connector using an adaptor or could a new hose be fitted with the correct fitting. Is a regulator still needed, I thought that the demand valves worked off the principal of just opening the valve on the tank and worked off of the bottle pressure, have I misunderstood how they work. 

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A quick Google search found several demand valves for under $300. DISS fitting regulators can be had for less than $60...and that's new equipment....not ebay which could be even cheaper.


https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GCE-Sabre-EASE-Entonox-Demand-Valve-Hose-Kit-CD-Cylinder-Oxygen-Analgesic-System-/322938001811?nav=SEARCH. This is what I am looking at, 4th picture shows the connection, the tanks I get have what looks to be a schrader valve on them, would that fit or is it a different connection? 

I'm not familiar with that fitting. It must be a UK thing.

Edited by Racer1_NC
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This is probably unhelpful.  I'm just adding a little extra info that might help someone who knows what he's talking about -- which I don't, but Batch and Racer and perhaps others do -- to maybe figure this out.

The eBay ad says "for use with pipeline systems or the new BOC CD cylinder."  I don't know what a "pipeline system" is, but the "new BOC CD cylinder" mentioned in the ad might be what scramble has, and it does indeed have a Schrader valve, into which it appears that the end of the eBay product would fit. The BOC CD cylinder also has a built in regulator/"flow selector." 

BOC CD product info here: http://www.bochealthcare.co.uk/internet.lh.lh.gbr/en/images/504370-Healthcare Medical Oxygen Integral Valve Cylinders leaflet 06409_54069.pdf

Beyond that -- and the observation that this eBay rig doesn't come with a mask or tube, which might be easy or hard to acquire; and the probably significant twist of this being an N2O/O2 system and not just O2 -- I got nothing.   


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It looks like your tanks have built in regulators and I am unfamiliar with the PTO set up pictured. I will offer one other idea.....it you can find a "T" fitting (see picture below) and some spare tubing you can run the output from 2 tanks into one mask which will just about double your flow rate. Worth a shot if you are looking for a rate higher than 15lpm on the cheap.



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14 hours ago, CHfather said:

This is probably unhelpful.  I'm just adding a little extra info that might help someone who knows what he's talking about -- which I don't, but Batch and Racer and perhaps others do -- to maybe figure this out.

The eBay ad says "for use with pipeline systems or the new BOC CD cylinder."  I don't know what a "pipeline system" is, but the "new BOC CD cylinder" mentioned in the ad might be what scramble has, and it does indeed have a Schrader valve, into which it appears that the end of the eBay product would fit. The BOC CD cylinder also has a built in regulator/"flow selector." 

BOC CD product info here: http://www.bochealthcare.co.uk/internet.lh.lh.gbr/en/images/504370-Healthcare Medical Oxygen Integral Valve Cylinders leaflet 06409_54069.pdf

Beyond that -- and the observation that this eBay rig doesn't come with a mask or tube, which might be easy or hard to acquire; and the probably significant twist of this being an N2O/O2 system and not just O2 -- I got nothing.   


I don't think I'd ever call a CHFather reply unhelpful.

I think what you've found is spot on. I've just never laid hands on the parts in question and as such I'm cautious about recommending something I've never had experience with.  

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On ‎12‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 2:28 PM, scramble said:

Pretty sure i could get this to fit but i think the connection is probably regulated to the same 15lpm as the smaller one so probably not enough flow?

I'd contact my supplier and ask it both the connections are controlled by the same valve. I must admit that it looks like that would be the case but one never knows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got this working now, fitting that came on it just needed 5mm cutting off the collar as it appears they are different sizes to prevent incorrect gas attachment but the probe in the centre is the same so I have a demand valve for £58, quite chuffed. By the way it did come with a facemask and mouthpiece both still in the wrappers and the demand valve connection is not governed by the flow dial so is getting a lot more than 15lpm.



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  • 1 year later...
On 1/6/2018 at 4:06 PM, scramble said:

Got this working now, fitting that came on it just needed 5mm cutting off the collar as it appears they are different sizes to prevent incorrect gas attachment but the probe in the centre is the same so I have a demand valve for £58, quite chuffed. By the way it did come with a facemask and mouthpiece both still in the wrappers and the demand valve connection is not governed by the flow dial so is getting a lot more than 15lpm.

This looks amazing! I'm hoping to do something similar myself.

You said you needed to cut 5mm off the collar.  Which collar is that? Is it part of the metal connector on the hose?
How did you cut it?


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  • 7 months later...

Just happened across this again, yes there is a metal collar around the probe on the end that prevents the probe going all the way in, i just used a juinor hacksaw to cut a bit off the end and that was it sorted.Been using it a couple of years now with no problems.

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