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Vitamin d3

Joe Kinnear

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Hi guys I'm new here to the forum, I'm just looking for information on the d3 regime. 

I'm 11 years in to my cluster headaches and like many of you ive tried all sorts, apart from the vitamin d3. 

I had my levels checked just over a year ago, and they where at 67. The doctor said they where normal , but what I'm reading on here they need to be at least 80.

My question is would it make any difference..? 

I'm episodic and have about 3 bouts a year.

Any information would be appriciated





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Here is a link to the D3 regimen


I am sure Batch will be reaching out to you with more advice, he is the founder of this treatment. 

It did not cure me of my cluster but did help cut them in half on the amount I get a day and the pain level they hit. I am chronic and I take this year round. 

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Joe, was your measurement of 67 in nmo/L (the standard European measurement) or in ng/ml (standard Us measurement)?  I ask because 67 is surprisingly high in US measurement if you haven't been doing some serious supplementation or spending a whole lot of time in the sun, but it's in the relatively low (but "normal") range in Europe.  In the nmo/L measurement, you'd want to be above 200 (80/85 is the ng/ml measurement).

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Hi guys thanks for the replys. 

Yes It will be the european measurement,  i forgot to mention I'm from the UK, I'm a northern Englishman so the chances of sun where I'm from is pretty slim, plenty of rain though lol. 

I will request a copy from my doctor so I can definitely see what it is. 

My clusters appear twice a year some times four, I have about two to three weeks of pain but it is staggered, some days they will be mild then I will have about four attacks at about a 9 on a pain level. They last about an hour then go away, but the last two years they have gone then returned about an hour later and stayed for up to three hours. 

I have never had any breaks from them in the last 11 years. 

I received a message from batch so I will contact him after this message. I've read good things about the vitamin regime so I'm hopefully it will work. 

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  • 3 years later...

Hey guys 


Its been a while since I was on the forum, I started the D3 regime after speaking with you on here back in 2019. 

And its been successful, I even went a good 10 months without any pain at all, a few shadows but we can live with that. 

Its been great..... however. I ran out of mature multi about a month ago so haven't taken any of them, I still carried on the d3 though, the one batch recommends. I live in Ireland now so I get my vitamins from the USA so they take a while to arrive, especially when I forget to order them.

Anyway. Last week they hit me didn't they, I usually get a bout of clusters at Christmas but it didn't happen, all was going well until I ran out of mature multi. Had a few bad attacks mid week that kept me off work.

But Jesus chirst last night was the worst one I've ever experienced in 14 years...it was horrific, I was even shouting for help from the missus and I've never done that ever in my life, she was going to call an ambulance but I kind of knew it would end at some point so it would of been a waste of time. I told her I wanted to die, which has upset us both, obviously I dont really, but in that moment I felt useless. 

I would say its no coincidence that they have started without the vitamins being taken, surely there's way more to the regime some people might think. It does actually help. If taken properly.

Thing is, last night actually scared me having said what I said, so I'm considering trying the shrooms route. Microdosing at times of the year, and stick with the d3 along side it. 

So yeh just thought I would add an update.




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Wow Joe, that hammering you took sounds like the worst, really sorry to hear it.

If I were you I think I too would be moving into the zone of combining busting with the D3 regimen. Note that microdosing, if defined as being in the .25g realm, isn't generally considered an effective preventive by those with a lot of busting experience/knowhow.

Meantime here's hoping your reorder of the multi arrives toot sweet!

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Hey Joe! I was slammed twice last week in one day. It had been a long time since that had happened because of the D3 Regimen. 

I doubled my D3 intake from 10k/day to 20k/day. In 24 hours, I was back to pf status. And the beast returned to slumber.

If memory serves, D3 can be hard to get some places over there, but perhaps your multi is easier to obtain. Perhaps not the one you have been taking, but another brand to tide you over? I would try that if it is possible. Then order extra when you do order with the craziness in the world now. 

ATB! If you want to discuss busting, start a new thread and put it in Theory and Implementation or Share your Busting Stories as they are both private files.  You will receive a lot of help there too!! :)

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Spiny that reminds me to start planning on stocking up on heat sensitive vitamins (the B vitamins in a multi are especially in this category), before the hot months encroach here. And Joe maybe something for you to keep in mind too, that stuff shipped from the roasting US in the summer could be exposed to some high sustained heat on the way over there to the Emerald Isle?

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