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Influenza and CH


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So NO, COVID19 is NOT at all like the flu. Done... Don't even go there.

But a question for those of you who've had CH longer than I: When you've had the flu, have you also had CH simultaneously? Or maybe seen CH taper off?

Sometimes, when you have one illness/condition, others mysteriously subside. For example, it's not clear why, but if someone has the flu, then they're not likely to also have a cold. https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/news/20191217/why-colds-and-flu-rarely-strike-at-same-time  Pregnancy can make autoimmune symptoms or migraines dissipate (temporarily)... or come on full force. (Different than a virus, of course, but same general idea.)

As I sit here teleworking, with asthma, and worrying about what's to come, I may be having a mild CH attack. This is the first in maybe a month. I'll watch to see how long it goes and if it comes back, but I suddenly got this vision of being on a respirator with a CH, and ugh... Like I need to expand my anxiety (or yours) at this stage. So curious if CH may be one of those things that lays off when other things are heightened. A weird flex for peace of mind, but figured I'd ask. Thanks.


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...very valid question...and I wouldn't limit it to physiological...there are probably elements of emotional, mental and spiritual involved also...

....I was the caregiver for my Mother in the last 3 1/2 months of her life...it occurred right in the MIDDLE of a regular/reoccurring cycle....and I remember saying "Lord, please...I can't handle BOTH of these at the same time!"....then making plans for TRYING to do exactly that....

...whether attributable to spiritual faith, emotional self preservation, stress hormones (def a preventive but minimally sustainable) or something else didn't matter then, but has intrigued me ever since. The cycle stopped IMMEDIATELY... and failed to reappear the expected and "normal" 2 or 3 more times for the next 6+ mos.... until I was finished with her estate. slap me for stupid, but after 20 yrs  I thought  they were gone forever...nope....but what a remarkable and timely window I am forever grateful for...

...there is way more to dealing with this ailment than just treating a wonky hypothalamus...we haven't even begun to tap the potential of the human mind......and I continue to believe that much of the battle simply involves the "attitude" we approach with...



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Hey Igdc,

Good comments. My experience with CH that dates back to 1994 with my first bout with CH and I've been chronic since 2005.  What I've found is the severity of this disorder is compounded by vitamin D3 and magnesium deficiencies and there's a clear inverse relationship between CH frequency and serum 25(OH)D3, the serum level metabolite of vitamin D3 that's measured by lab tests. 

Well over 2500 CHers are now taking the anti-inflammatory regimen with 10,000 IU/day vitamin D3 and cofactors to prevent their CH.  The updated version of the supplements called for in this regimen are illustrated in the following  photo of what my wife and I have taken daily since October of 2010.  I suggest these supplements to CHers all over the world.  If you add 3 grams/day vitamin C, t.i.d. (one gram 3 times a day), you'll have an effective preventative for colds and flu... and I'm confident the COVID-19 novel coronavirus as well. The last two graphics apply.





On a related note, my niece has asthma and has been taking this regimen daily for the last 9 years through two pregnancies and breastfeeding.  Results: two flawless pregnancies, deliveries and two exceptionally healthy babies with T-Rex immune systems.  She's taken one of the Bio-Tech D3-50 50,000 IU capsules of water soluble vitamin D3 every 3 to 4 days for the last four years since she stopped all Rx meds for asthma, to keep her asthma in remission and that has proven to be very effective.

Take care and please keep us posted.

V/R, Batch

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Hey Bee,

I strongly support the use of mm and the other things discussed at this site. I've seen them work effectively up close and personal, busting CH cycles when even vitamin D3 wasn't effective. I just don't have any expertise in this area so leave that to the experts here.  I also spent a year helping Dr. John Halpern, MD, get the BOL used in his study into a "Fast Track" approval process at the FDA.

As a 75-year-old retired Navy fighter pilot, the disciplines needed to fly fighters at 1,000 miles an hour, fight bad guys in high-G combat maneuvering and land on an aircraft carrier day and night demanded a complete avoidance of any substance that altered my neurological functions including memory and split-second reflex response.  Those disciplines are still with me today.  Accordingly, I rely on vitamin D3 and its cofactors to control and prevent CH and migraines as this combination carries no mind altering baggage.  Moreover, in the 9 years I've been a member here at Clusterbusters, I've seen many cases where a combination of mm and vitamin D3 had a synergistic effect of busting cycles much faster than mm or vitamin D3 could do by themselves. 

Take care,

V/R, Batch

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  • 1 month later...


Interesting question. I had a head cold a few months ago (pretty bad). I was completely congested and my throat was super sore. I didn’t have my normal kind of headache for those full 2 weeks. Just some pressure from the congestion. Crazy!


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Interesting question. I had a head cold a few months ago (pretty bad). I was completely congested and my throat was super sore. I didn’t have my normal kind of headache for those full 2 weeks. Just some pressure from the congestion. Crazy!


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Bee, I have removed the posts containing info not suitable for an open board. Please do not repeat those postings and videos on a General Board thread. 

If you have CH, we are here to help. If you have an agenda? We aren't interested.

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Please study those things before you call them pathetic. You are showing a bit of hard ignorance. Something that works and is legal and inexpensive is pathetic? No. It is a gift to sufferers. You evidently don't know much about the condition members of this board deal with. Lots of horrid pain? Yep, you get that. The fact that different solutions work for different people? You don't seem to grasp that part. 

Apology accepted. Now, please refrain from slamming other proven methods of treating CH.

igdc started a valid thread about the flu and Ch. You have hijacked that thread. Is that a help for a person suffering? There are plenty of places that would be quite happy to discuss your one topic. You might try posting there.

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