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Outlaw broccoli


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What TF?

Why can the government outlaw some types of mushrooms and other types be on our grocers shelves.

It pisses me off that there is such a stigma associated with a few certain types of little mushrooms that "it causes mass hysteria in people who have NEVER tried them".

Family members watching a loved one suffer should stop at nothing to try to help. I feel that way about my dog for gods sake.

If there is a God I'm pretty sure he would rather watch me eat some of His mushrooms than watch me suffer and scream god damn at the top of my lungs

I just don't get it!

.....pissy day I guess. I'm just tired of reading the stories......ohhhh it's against the law. F the law!

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Same for marijuana. It's rediculous that we spend the fortunes we do fighting the use of a plant that is so far less disruptive to peoples lives than alcohol. And with proven medicinal value for so many ailments. The people who are against these things are so misinformed and so afraid. Meanwhile, the criminalization of these items has really stopped nothing as far as I can see, but has introduced a significant opportunity for the criminals of this world to strike it rich, regardless the measures they take to get there.

You want to stop marijuana smugglers...make it legal.

I've never known anyone whose lives have been torn apart by marijuana or mushrooms. Crack, meth, nasty stuff that should be off the streets. Why can't we just focus on those killers.


p.s. I like brocolli, so let's keep that.

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Agreed. Sigh. We humans have concocted many twisted and back asswards taboos, stigmas and laws. Historically I guess we can see it's kind of our nature to  do so.  :o

Case in point: In much of modern society, prednisone use, although extremely dangerous, is fully accepted and encouraged, but a plentiful little mushroom that grows wild and is more effective than just about anything else known at stopping the most excruciating head pain known to medical science is ILLEGAL to use medicinally??!!

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Crazy, that`s all i can say, crazy.

But lately i started being  very open about this, and i am very suprised. Very suprised!! I once told a a lady a person about this, but i didn`t tell her i was doing it. I spoke to her a couple of days ago, and she told me she had been wondering all autumn if she should pick me some mushrooms. I get accept from "everywhere" now, except from other CH`ers it seems.

People have seen me go from very ill to being very well, so fact can`t be denied. the fact that other CH`ers do, i think that can be some sort of fear for big changes in their lives. Who knows, i find it sad.

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What I really don't get is who's so much against it. The baby boomers are very open to natural medicines and as a whole support medical marijuana. I'm sure mushrooms would gain similar acceptance if there were broader awareness. Understanding who exactly is benefiting from these drugs being illegal is an important question to try to answer.

Sure, there are plenty out there that will not handle legal drugs well, but I would wager much fewer than there are alcoholics or prescription drug addicts. There are pletny who use these drugs today who are no less productive in society than the next person, maybe more.

Sorry to ramble, but this is a hot button for me. -T

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And one thing to add, back to my original point.

To those who won't go along with a family member doing mushrooms I have a question:

If your son or daughter had a red hot dagger in his head with the handle coming out of his eye, would you not pull it out?

If pulling a dagger from someones eye was against the law, would you consider breaking that law?

There is no difference to the guy with the protruding dagger.

He would much prefer to discuss legal matters after the dagger has been removed.

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Same for marijuana. It's rediculous that we spend the fortunes we do fighting the use of a plant that is so far less disruptive to peoples lives than alcohol. And with proven medicinal value for so many ailments. The people who are against these things are so misinformed and so afraid. Meanwhile, the criminalization of these items has really stopped nothing as far as I can see, but has introduced a significant opportunity for the criminals of this world to strike it rich, regardless the measures they take to get there.

You want to stop marijuana smugglers...make it legal.

I've never known anyone whose lives have been torn apart by marijuana or mushrooms. Crack, meth, nasty stuff that should be off the streets. Why can't we just focus on those killers.


p.s. I like brocolli, so let's keep that.

saw on hbo the other day about how much revenue a privately owned prison takes in from the state for each inmate. of course the people that own the prisons have lobbyist as well.

many of these laws they come up are based on profit margins.

the forefathers of this great country of ours grew hemp. the very first president of the united of america grew "hemp" now the hemp growers are in the state funded private prisons.

i know. theres a difference between growing hemp and growing pot but if your growing pot your still growing useful hemp.

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