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I just thought I would share this as it has made my life easier. Like many on here I am on the D3 regimen which is about 6 bottles to pull out every  evening. Additionally I am on verapamil, COQ10 and  ginger capsules. I have found that you can purchase little plastic bags and package up your supplements and medication so it's just one grab from the medicine cabinet ;)




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That is convenient but appears to be cost-prohibitive (for me). I purchase quart-size bags, nowadays, whatever brand is available, and do the same thing. I use Vitacost, FYI, their prices are dollars cheaper, sometimes 75% cheaper than the Bezos Empire. Shipping is free without some fancy membership, and it arrives in 3 days, at most 5. Amazon takes 5 with Prime.

Oh, here is why I buy my own but thank you:

PQQ, Ubiquinol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Alpha GPC, NAC, NADH, Life Extensions Two Per Day, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, MSM, L-Glycine, Super DHA, Nordic Naturals Omega 3, Magnesium Glycinate, L Carnitine, Choline & Inositol, Astaxanthin, L-Glutamine, Inulin Powder, Clinical GI Probiotic (Now Foods), Reservatol, Odorless Garlic, Multi-Mineral, D-Ribose, Panax Ginseng, Now Mega D-3 & MK 7, Gymnema, ashwagandha, and a 50,000 iu D3 once per week for maintaining a 100 25 Hydroxy Level 

Out of that mouth full, the vitamins, minerals, and sulfur (MSM) are paramount. Then NAC. You got to increase glutathione and rapidly decrease oxidative stress and plummet those homocysteine levels that plague CH sufferers and are refused to be discussed by those big fancy headache doctors-to exploit us for profit, and benefit big pharma.

Look into microbiomes, mitochondrial, and all those wonderful things that they do not want you to know about. I can spend $125 on big pharma per month, or $125 on nutraceuticals plus $3 on Toprimate, $3 on LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone), and $3 on Tramadol when it starts to get intense, you tell me. Fire those doctors, get a doctor that listens and will write within reason. That is my friendly opinion. And, if they do not have extensive nutrition experience-run like hell.

Good luck.

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@Juss, are you going with the NOW brand of NADH? Any thoughts on it and your NAC vs the NAD3/NAD+ craze?

I'm known to procure and consume HPN brand NAD3 from the Bezos empire, but it was kind of a roll the dice crapshoot when choosing between it and the Niagen NAD+ (and whether those forms are what they are marketing-cracked-up-to-be).

I'd like to drop several more ultra-annoying acronyms here for all to enjoy right now, but have to run, will check back later. :D

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  On 2/19/2022 at 8:38 AM, Juss said:

That is convenient but appears to be cost-prohibitive (for me). I purchase quart-size bags, nowadays, whatever brand is available, and do the same thing. I use Vitacost, FYI, their prices are dollars cheaper, sometimes 75% cheaper than the Bezos Empire. Shipping is free without some fancy membership, and it arrives in 3 days, at most 5. Amazon takes 5 with Prime.

Oh, here is why I buy my own but thank you:

PQQ, Ubiquinol, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Alpha GPC, NAC, NADH, Life Extensions Two Per Day, L-Arginine, L-Lysine, MSM, L-Glycine, Super DHA, Nordic Naturals Omega 3, Magnesium Glycinate, L Carnitine, Choline & Inositol, Astaxanthin, L-Glutamine, Inulin Powder, Clinical GI Probiotic (Now Foods), Reservatol, Odorless Garlic, Multi-Mineral, D-Ribose, Panax Ginseng, Now Mega D-3 & MK 7, Gymnema, ashwagandha, and a 50,000 iu D3 once per week for maintaining a 100 25 Hydroxy Level 

Out of that mouth full, the vitamins, minerals, and sulfur (MSM) are paramount. Then NAC. You got to increase glutathione and rapidly decrease oxidative stress and plummet those homocysteine levels that plague CH sufferers and are refused to be discussed by those big fancy headache doctors-to exploit us for profit, and benefit big pharma.

Look into microbiomes, mitochondrial, and all those wonderful things that they do not want you to know about. I can spend $125 on big pharma per month, or $125 on nutraceuticals plus $3 on Toprimate, $3 on LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone), and $3 on Tramadol when it starts to get intense, you tell me. Fire those doctors, get a doctor that listens and will write within reason. That is my friendly opinion. And, if they do not have extensive nutrition experience-run like hell.

Good luck.


Hi Juss,

That's just the only image I could get to load LOL.  I do my best to not feed the Amazon beast as well. I actually got a bunch of those little bags from my mother in law who makes jewelry but it's good to know about Vitacost!

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  On 2/19/2022 at 5:09 PM, Bejeeber said:

@Juss, are you going with the NOW brand of NADH? Any thoughts on it and your NAC vs the NAD3/NAD+ craze?

I'm known to procure and consume HPN brand NAD3 from the Bezos empire, but it was kind of a roll the dice crapshoot when choosing between it and the Niagen NAD+ (and whether those forms are what they are marketing-cracked-up-to-be).

I'd like to drop several more ultra-annoying acronyms here for all to enjoy right now, but have to run, will check back later. :D


At this point, I use what NAC is available. Generally speaking, this is the Life Extensions NAC, which is $10 for a monthly supply. Concerning the NAD, I purchase the Now Foods NADH for $24, a 2-month supply-that is what is available by Vitacost. Frankly, I am not qualified to make an informed opinion on the discernable differences between NAD, NADH, and NAD3. I do realize the differences in the formulaic compound, but they do not appear justifiable in price differences.

I am most concerned about the entire holistic approach, not attacking one problem. My concern when I see brilliant marketing is whether or not it is horse shit? Think Ultra Omega 3 on TV, which has barely any EPA or DHA, the main ingredients to reduce the inflammatory markers. And DHA is of utmost importance for cognitive improvements. 

I could go on for hours: I am learning myself. Nutrition and nonpharmaceutical approaches are--dare I say--still in the backwaters and dark ages. Thank God that all of my doctors know a fair amount about nutrition, and in comparison to most doctors, it is profound. 

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  On 2/19/2022 at 10:10 PM, Juss said:

I am most concerned about the entire holistic approach, not attacking one problem....


Here in sod buster land, i was told that organic?  Means the field was so over sprayed w pesticides & herbicides? That they couldn't get it to produce well anymore. So.. they label the smaller yeild, "organic" and sell it for a higher price. And, at least, they don't bother with spraying anything because it is a waste of money.

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