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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/21/2016 in all areas

  1. I came away with many possibilities. First on my list is the D3 regimen. Batch gave a nice presentation on its effectiveness. I already contacted my GP to schedule baseline tests. Easy, cheap and it certainly can't hurt.....
    2 points
  2. This was my first conference, it will not be my last. The fact that the established medical community (docs & pharma) were in attendance just reinforces the validity of these alternative therapies. There many options put on the table, it's hard to know where to begin.
    1 point
  3. 1.Restarting the D3 regimen because I am stupid and stopped. My test came back with 30.2 so I am ready to boost it to 100. 2.I am going to try the new O2 steps of hyperventilating before I start it 3.Going to talk to Dr. Plato about DHE and also the other options for the ATI Stimulation 4.Starting back on 5-meO-DALT after I learned that the maintenance dose should be taken every 5 days instead of once a month
    1 point
  4. CHF, TONS were discussed, but the only take away that I got that seemed to work was "Up the dose". It sounds like more of us that are on MM long term are running into it slowly stopping it's magic. The good news is continuing to change substances seems to help. While psychedelics are cross tolerant for recreational use, they don't seem cross tolerant for our CH. Of course me personally am on my third substance after the first two stopped keeping my CH away. (but I got most of 6 years pain free from the first two!!! Wahoooo). J
    1 point
  5. I bought a 100 tank filled with O2 for $274 and refills cost around $20 on it from Welding Supply in Louisville, KY. I also have another 100 tank that I got filled. from a welding supply company. I have the Harbor Freight valve and the Cluster Buster mask. I swap tanks with them instead of filling mine which means that all the recerts are done by them.
    1 point
  6. You did a GREAT job!!! Who knows your contribution, might have saved someone's life. J
    1 point
  7. Thanks for all your help Alex. You quietly did a fantastic job. It's not easy to deal with individual computers, stream video and keep several mics in balance. Makes a big difference when someone knows what they are doing. I pray you have a smooth year and look forward to seeing you in Chicago
    1 point
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