Some will remember a guy who showed up here a few years ago asking for $ for legal fees after his arrest, claiming to be a buster. Turned out he was a serious dealer.
The thing about a lawsuit (which is very unlikely for someone who's not dealing, but of course not impossible) is that while it might bring publicity, it couldn't set a legal precedent making it okay to grow and/or use banned substances to treat CH. The jury could "nullify" the law and find the defendant not guilty, but the law would still be the law, and if there was a next person, s/he would have to again to hope to win over the jury. There were lots of jury nullification cases for medical marijuana, for example (with people freely admitting that they grew and smoked mj to treat medical conditions and the jury returning not guilty verdicts), but each one was a crapshoot for the defendant until the laws were changed.I woul
I would hope, as Denny says, that the busting community would come to the aid of anyone who was arrested and wanted to fight it. That's a lot of $, though.