Supporter here. What spiny said. Best support I can give is to keep up here so I know what's most important, and any tricks that just might help. So you read about people who put their feet in a very hot bathtub of water to help abort attacks. A guy who used lime juice, baking soda, and water during attacks and thought it helped . . . Sleeping more upright . . . Lots of little things to try. Splitting Imitrex doses was a big one. D3 is a very big one. Benadryl. Ginger tea for shadows. Demand valve/high-flow oxygen. Energy shots. Melatonin. BUSTING. More verapamil than doctors usually prescribe. . . .
I have seen, and read plenty about, how people with CH can get pretty despairing after they have tried things (usually pharmaceutical things) that they hoped would work, but didn't. Supporters can sometimes make a big difference by taking things into their own hands and having them available, because you never know what might be a major difference-maker. I had to fight the person I support in order to get oxygen for her, and I had to figure out how to get it when her idiot doctor wouldn't prescribe it (welding O2). But having it has made a huge difference.
I have no real advice about taking care of yourself. Again, I find that learning here helps me feel like I can be useful. I have definitely learned to stay completely out of the way during an attack, unless I am asked for something. Hiding attacks is a common pattern among people with CH -- often they don't want to be seen in that state. So I go away and "suffer" my own sadness, knowing that what I am suffering is nothing at all by comparison.