Hi Onglamesh (great nick btw)
Would your partner be interested in creating an account on the forum and talking to others here? It might help her get a bigger picture perspective, and hear from other people that can collaborate your story.
The pain levels of CH are pretty unbelievable and difficult to grasp for someone who hasn't had them. Heck, migraines are hard enough to understand if you don't suffer with them, and CH blow migraines out of the water.
Also, try to get her involved in supporting you. I always hated how my best friend felt so helpless when I was having bad attacks. So I asked her that when an attack starts, to make sure I had a glass of cold water nearby, and an energy drink if I had one in the fridge, and a coffee if not. And then, during the attack to just give me space, as there's nothing anyone can do anyway. Then, as the attack fades, make sure my glass of water is refilled, as clusters really dehydrate me.
I hate it when people stand there asking 'is there anything I can do' at the precise moment I'm unable to turn thoughts into words. I want to scream 'cut my head off', but that's not very productive. So I found if I gave my friend standing instructions of what to do during an attack, she didn't feel helpless or at a loss of what to do. She was then suddenly involved, and was able to tell other people to just leave me be, that I'd be OK in a bit.
Wikipedia Article this is a good, brief summary of clusters, if she's up for reading it.